Teach Your Black Son to Be a Cryptomaster to Become a 21st Century Black Man

As I move around the world and see what is really going in the crypto space, I see a lot of opportunities that are not really discussed in common media distribution like YouTube, podcasts, and blogs. I think there is so much potential that is about to quietly explode and most of the current cryptomasters are working in stealth mode and not letting anybody know what they doing in their labs.

I think about how the evolving world is trying to take down our brothas even while they are still young – he has to learn how to survive and thrive if he wants to make it in this world. Young brothas not only got to deal with external threats, but he also got to deal with internal threats like having stupid peers who want to talk about these charlatans in the Black community being their leaders or the source of knowledge and truth. Having a frumpy clown like Dr. Boyce Watkins who spends his time staring with his big ass head bifocal eyeballs into a webcam talking to a bunch of grown Black losers on the other side of that webcam, grown Black men typing LOL to another Black man in the chat session, your son has to rise above that level.

Another problem young brothas have to deal with is the sistas who want to attack them for being ambitious, a taboo we don’t want to speak to. These sistas be trying to set a negative precedent where she rewards recessive brothas and want to shame and shun the progressive brothas that are going places, hoping to tear his hopes and ambitions down. No mammal in the animal kingdom mates like this, not even the female snow monkeys in the mountains because they know their species' survival depends on selecting the best mate to raise a family right. Look at our sorry Black community and recessive folks shooting each other at gas stations. Sistas be choosing the most recessive worthless brothas who cannot pay $75/month in child support but fix her face all nasty when she encounters a good brotha walking by her at the grocery store, she looks at him pulling out his Fendi wallet to pay his grocery bills while she got to use WIC to pay for her groceries.

Sit your young prince brotha down and tell him two things – first, there is no such thing as a Prince of Pan-Africanism, that’s some dumb ignorant made-up 1980s inner city community college stuff and no one got Pan-Africanism on lock better than the Black Digerati in the tech space – we all ADOS, Caribbean, and African up in London, Dubai, Tokyo, Shanghai all together all day. Second, tell the young man that it is a lot of crypto opportunities on that laptop to download, the smart TV to watch YouTube videos, and books to read at the bookstore. Then we have to show him the opportunities out there.

The landscape is way beyond crypto-investing and crypto-trading. Those who scored big on crypto-investing had the luxury and access a long time ago and already had money to burn. Crypto-mining is also labor-intensive and that is the “dumb pipe” work, as well as more miners and rising energy costs, which is eating up profit margins. The real moves are tapping into the blockchain and crypto culture.

NFT Marketplaces. One of the biggest things that I have set up that is a major opportunity is the ability to distribute and promote digital assets globally with ease. That means my customer is likely someone in Japan who struggling with the 150 yen to 1 USD but is an anime artist who can sell NFT in the United States drawing Black anime and making tons of yens from the 50% forex conversion boost.  Your son can create plenty of market opportunities worldwide in books, music, art, and software. Licensing deals, global distribution, pop-up NFT cafes, and more.

Vertical-Based Blockchain. These are industry-based blockchains where for example, hair professionals and hair product manufacturers can create their own token that is used to quickly buy/trade international supplies and other services. Tokens can be initially sold to the public who then resale to professionals to enter that vertical-based blockchain marketplace – your son gets a cut of the proceeds just like the SPAC managers.

Crypto Custody. The reason why you hear a lot about crypto exchanges getting hacked and millions being stolen is that the key pairs were stored on a server somewhere. The real need is like Wall Street where you have asset custodians who are responsible for holding the actual stock certificates and have to verify before allowing the asset to be transferred. With crypto, your son should either hold key pairs in cold storage inaccessible to the Internet and have to use a token-based transition process to check out a key pair to sign a transaction or transfer that asset. The best approach is for your son to create a million key pairs and transfer from known keys to his secret keys and maintain a custodian manifest to keep the keys and assets safe.

Crypto Consulting. This is a consulting firm that performs services for big clients with million-dollar contracts to perform tasks such as setup mining facilities, trading exchanges, cold storage, swap mechanism, establishing the framework to run GameFi and DeFi platforms, and moving their crypto business to the UAE or Thailand or Portugal.  A lot of this information is outrageously open-source and detailed instructions that can be found with a search or joining forums. Your son can hire, train and receive 300% markup billing on the talent they hire to perform the task at hand.

Crypto Job Recruiting. This is a major need – there is crypto talent looking for crypto firms and there are crypto firms looking for crypto talent. Your son creates a top-notch recruiting agency and can recruit and interview crypto talent and vet them for jobs, list job openings, and placement. Your son will need the know the type of jobs such as blockchain architect, data mining engineer, and so on. These are going to be high-salary talent and your son will get a huge placement fee bonus. Your son will be able to set up markets in Qatar, Lithuania, El Salvador, Vietnam, and Omaha, Nebraska. He works as a middleman broker and knows all the inside and out of the movers and shakers in the crypto industry.

See, these are the things your son can master in the crypto field that will last him a lifetime endeavor to live out a rewarding life that has a purpose. That is when you raised your son right with crypto and now he become a good Black man.

When your Black son grows up to be a Black man, you will be proud of how he took advantage of cryptonomics to advance his career and his quality of life. You will also be proud of the choices he made with his life – I know I’m proud looking at him at the smart choices he made as a brotha.

The future in the 21st century is going to be crypto-based transactions on a global scale and tokenization to create micro-units of currency. From token sales to crowdfunding a record label and receiving royalty distribution to establishing cold storage centers around the world to manage billions in asset holdings, your Black son will attain new levels of wealth and power that we have not seen before.

Get your kid interested in crypto – teach him how to create a public/private key pair and show him how to sign with encryption and all of this information is free only. Show him the power of forward-hashing that drives blockchain, and how to create tokenization of data to pull the real underlying asset and create a security mechanism to protect that data. Take him around the world to crypto markets and let him see how the industry is shaping up. South Korea, Tokyo, Dubai – take him to 1st Motors in Dubai and let him look at the $10 million Bugatti that all the crypto billionaires buy and drive and let the salespeople talk to him about how the crypto crowd comes into their shop and talk crypto with them as well and how to do a transaction.

Your son got a lot of potential ahead of him – teach him to teach himself about crypto and watch him bloom and live the kind of life you always wanted for your son to live.