Can Brotha-Sista Driven DAO Tokenomics Upstage the John Rogers and Robert Smith Dingle Dangle Nonsense?

Many of these brothas and sistas are out here riding coattails and admiring people who wouldn’t entertain them for a conversation – me and you know this. Those bougie folks feel their time is money and talking to their fan follower base isn’t worth the time or the money but these folks be up there got other people's names all in their damn mouths and be bragging and admiring them running their big mouth all the time instead of making a name out of themselves. They follow other people; they don’t follow their purpose.

John Rogers and Robert Smith names mean something to some of yall because yall be admiring another person's wealth and status while you all up in the comment section riding their coattails. They don’t mean shit to me and you can put that on record. Some of yall are nervous because you admire their wealth and status thinking they may help you one day, but I don’t need any of their wealth and their status doesn’t mean much to me in the 21st century. They are both old money that really hasn’t done much of shit for the Black community to be around talking like they talking Black-identity issues which is a weird angle I’m going to bring up.

This is a YouTube video of John Rogers and Robert Smith doing a Zoom meeting with Chris Brummel who hosts these fintech/crypto conversations. The conversation is about Black Banks and Black Economic Empowerment discussed by two legacy Black investors and fund managers. Now, if you go to the video, I’m not putting this lame video on Dream and Hustle – you will see Chris Brummel has only 400 followers and this video has about 3,000 views at the time of this posting. Look at who is in the video and that’s all the views they got – damn Chris, you may not got the clout you posing or can garner attention and excitement, even with John Rogers and Robert Smith on Zoom, huh? Damn bro.

The things I heard from both John Rogers and Roger Smith were lame as hell given their so-called status and position. They talked about what Black banks should and could do when I thought they had the ability to take real action like creating white papers, and policy guidance with a PAC to help Black banks modernize their commercial banking offerings in line with the 21st century and global economy. None of them even mention the use of trade letters to use for international supply chains as more Black merchants and entrepreneurs are sourcing directly from markets outside the USA. As I said, the conversation was lame, and expected more depth on Black economic empowerment from these two.

These two, John Rogers and Roger Smith are trying to provide commentary in the Black economic empowerment space when in reality, they just some “look at me, admire me” bougie stuff where they tout their wealth and project status over brothas and sistas but in reality, if you a real brotha or sista in a position like me for example, it’s plenty of humble money in Asia and the Middle East that I can get access to instead of this bougie Harlem, South Side Chicago dingle-dangle their money over you nonsense right here. I don’t need to entertain the Black bougie nonsense and I don’t have the patience for it either. But that’s the kicker of this article – you don’t need to even tap into this form of booty-kissing begging for funding model from someone boasting about their money and dangling it over your head trying to make you act subservient.

Today, brothas and sistas in the Black community can accomplish Black economic empowerment and create their own DAO solution powered by tokenization and DeFi or CeFi platforms. I have discussed this for years and these features are already incorporated into our solution offerings so I’m not speaking theory – our platform, Stony|Ellis actually accommodates this approach. But I want to discuss the DAO tokenization model because in most of the crypto conferences I have been to and seen on YouTube around the world, the majority of the discussion was the release of DAO token-based GameFi. But we can extrapolate the gamification into actual business operations and that is the part I think is missing from a critical discussion on a paradigm-shifting technology.

I want to give an example of what a bunch of brothas and sistas can do. They can get together and figure out a business model that can be funded initially by a token offering to the public. GameFi offers a video game where the players buy in and earn tokens and vote on the game's direction. But brothas and sistas can offer a business model that the people can buy into with tokens and they become stakeholders with voting power. The preferred method is a digital-only business but there are markets where you can create a physical business model and use the same token-based approach. There is one part I want you to understand and don’t think too far ahead.

If we said we wanted to create a modular rental barbershop model that barbershop owners will need to purchase tokens to rent the booth and chairs and equipment, the public who is interested in this model buys the initial token offering then the actual barbers buy the tokens from them as a premium as they participate in the model. So the model was initially funded by the community but slowly transform into tokens owned by the professionals who want to participate in the DAO model. But guess what you did that you didn’t realize?

You created a boilerplate template to engage the public to invest in a business model that will then be adopted by the actual professionals. You create a DAO for an advertisement placement agency with brothas and sistas in the hood to use the initial token funding to buy assets – signs and other places to display advertisements. Then the actual business owners buy the tokens to display advertisements, and dividends from the profits are distributed to token holders to increase the earnings per token value, just like earnings per share of EPS for stocks. But you created a template you can re-use to implement a co-working space, a crypto-café, a laundromat lounge, and so on – offer tokens, flip them for profit, and keep a stash to build up your digital asset portfolio.

What I’m explaining is me and you don’t need to be out here admiring these pompous characters like John Rogers and Roger Smith who want you to admire their money. You have the solutions right here in this day in age to establish both Black empowerment through tokenomics and leverage DeFi or CeFi instead of dealing with these irrelevant Black banks that haven’t done anything special for the Black community in the modern age. Get in front of your laptop - watch the Crypto Expo in Dubai and Singapore 2022 and 2021 on YouTube and also the Bitcoin Conference in Miami 2021 and 2022 as well. Look at the presentations for the GameFi and take notes on their DAO voting approach and what they offer and how they monetize to increase the value of the tokens.

Then you and the other brothas and sistas meet at Starbucks, share your notes, and think about what kind of digital-first model you can establish as your first DAO venture. Then when someone says that Dream and Hustle Early Adopters have access to this model already through our upcoming Stony|Ellis that allows them to create an entity, brands, digital assets, operating agreement on the blockchain, voting on the blockchain and you guys don't because you didn't support us and was following charlatans then picture me smiling at you having to work hard when my supporters have low-code to work easy and none of us have to admire some old money dinosaurs like John Rogers and Robert Smith to make moves and empower ourselves.