The Black Vote is a Jim Crow Era Term – Go Vote on Policies, Not Identity

I just got back from Tokyo and avoided the typhoon that shut down all major transportation. I was so excited to talk about my trip immediately until I started receiving the stories about people like Ricky Smiley and Steve Harvey talking to Black people like we stupid and we should vote on skin color because they told us so.

I want you to know first and foremost, most Black-orientated media that calls themselves Black media are not true Black media. It is a common strategy to have content creators amass a large following of people and leading up to Election Day, that influencer or celebrity is activated to convince their Black audience to vote a certain way or they are compromised by the corporatists.

The demand is simple – dumb down and emotionally trigger Black people to vote like cattle for the Democrats.

Many people may not know the history of the “Black Vote” but it started in the Jim Crow South where White politicians pandered to Black churches and Black people to vote for them and all Black people were promised is guy they voted for will be less racist than the other guy. This started almost 100 years ago and the same pattern of these Democrats showing up in Black churches with a goofy pastor/bishop giving a sermon to go out and vote for a politician who is not going to do anything for Black people except be less racist.

“We should hire three or four ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members”

Magaret Sanger, 1939 letter to Dr. Clarence Gamble on promoting eugenics through Black abortions and founder of Planned Parenthood.

We discussed Magaret Sanger as well as other folks and Planned Parenthood themselves acknowledges Magaret Sanger was a staunch racist who wanted to conduct soft genocide of Blacks and Planned Parenthood have disowned her. But look at the strategy.

Look, I write content that target a Black audience but here is the thing – I don’t know you and you don’t know me personally, brotha and sista. I don’t know your personal situation, what you going through in your present life right now. I don’t know your interests and what you value. I respect the reality of your personal situation and your choice and your preference. In fact, what other Black folks think don’t mean much about another brotha or sista personal situation.

For Rickey Smiley to say that nonsense about Deltas swearing in AKAs like that matters to the current situation of Black Americans struggling to make ends meet. Let me remind you guys of something – during the Great Recession of 2008 to 2012 I wrote about Rickey Smiley on his radio show trying to crack jokes while I’m seeing brothas and sistas living out of their cars at the grocery store parking lot hoping someone can buy them some food and drinks to eat.

Rickey Smiley said some BS about he just wants to make people laugh and hide the pain of the Great Recession. So, it doesn’t surprise me this goofy character Smiley would say what he said. I personally know people who are angered and hurt by Rickey Smiley saying all that crap about Black Greek organization symbolism while Black people trying to fight eviction, afford dinner, and carry on working hard at the Amazon fulfillment center to get by. 

Rickey Smiley talked to Black people in an out-of-touch elitist Boule manner that was offensive and angry to hear. He basically disrespected Black people and generalized them to some crap he thought was important to decide the next President of the United States. I was disappointed a goofy like Rickey Smiley had the cheek to even talk like this without his inner self thinking about what he was saying to his Black audience.

NBC/Universal will be the target of our campaign with ABC and CBS but MSNBC is the biggest offender of being a hostile actor towards Black men and the Black community. Some of you folks are scared and that’s why I don’t mess with yall – we do things over here.

MSNBC propped up that fake Joy Reid who is not one of us and also propped up Al Sharpton as if he has some moral authority over Black people and can influence us. Do you remember how Al Sharpton got on MSNBC? It was when Melissa Harris-Perry was let go and Al Sharpton said he was wanted to meet with MSNBC to discuss grievances and what happened? MSNBC told that old cooter do he want the job and the slot Melissa Harris-Perry had and now you see why Al Sharpton is on MSNBC.

NBC use the term “Black vote” liberally knowing it is rooted in Jim Crow racism. The goal is to generalize all Black people as a monolith so we just vote as a racial group. You do realize the strategy there, right? Because if we vote as a group and if we want to demand something, it’s compromised saboteurs among us that will try to deflect and disagree among Black people and have us fighting each other instead of making progress as a monolith, which we are not. The “Black vote” is purposely created for a divided house.

We need to shut this “Black vote” nonsense down, once and for all. You vote on what benefits you. Do not let someone show up trying to shame you – if they did that to me, we going to have some strong exchanges of words and see what they want to do from there, I’m not playing with them, for real – this “Black vote” nonsense stops with me, right now.

Nobody tells anybody in the Black community who to vote for people, we respect your right to choose. The fact Kamala Harris is creating an “influence program” similar to Margaret Sanger should be insulting enough to tell that chick to go somewhere altogether. Kamala Harris is not revealing any agendas or promised to Black people and think we just going to vote for the HBCU sorority Black chick instead of vote based on our policies, values, and interests.

You go vote your interest – don’t ever allow yourself to be used by some “Black vote” ever again. Most of you got global things going on and some of you got other interests because your spouse may be from another country or your economic opportunity may be in another country. You go and vote your interest.

If you have anybody Black that never been to your cookout but on your social media start approaching you about who you should vote for and think you should because you Black, unleash on them and tell them no one tells you how to vote and you offended being told to vote Black because you are Black – you got more sense, more money, more interest into today society to vote for your best interest.