Mastering Key Value Mapping Techniques for ADOS Digerati Solutions

Establishing an ADOS Digerati ecosystem requires rapid mass creation of digital services to move information and transactions throughout our communities. In addition to rapid proliferation of solutions, these digital services have to be secure, resilient and scalable to protect from those wanting to disrupt the ADOS Digerati ecosystem. One approach and technique we can explore to deliver a fast and proper ADOS Digerati ecosystem is using key value mapping technique. 

What is Key Value Mapping?

Key Value mapping is an attribute dataset – you simply name a key such as “pet” and then you simply assign a value to the “pet” key such as “cat”. So the key value looks like pet:cat and when you pull this key value mapping up for one of your users, you will know their pet is a cat. This is the basis of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Many people refer to Key Value Mapping as NOSQL but we will use the original definition of key value mapping that has been used when data mapping was first conceived thousands of years ago.

No matter what computer programming language you use, all of them have the ability to just assign a key with a value and retrieve the value by looking at the key. So the programming language would be AssignKey(“key”,”value”) to create “pet”,”cat” and GetKey(“key”) to retrieve “cat” when you pass in “pet” as the key. 

The advantage of key value is you do not need a database or database skills. You can just perform an API call or an in-memory call to retrieve the key value mapping data. It does not matter if you are creating a web site, a mobile app, an Xbox or PlayStation app, a kiosk, an IoT device or a chatbot, you simply focus on the UX and interface and when it comes to displaying data, just use a smart mapping process to create keys with values then retrieve them later. 

Attribute and Activity Key Value Pair

Fooky API have two types of key value mapping solutions, attribute and activity. Understanding these two key value mapping types will help you understand how to program and develop some interesting solutions really quickly. 

The attribute key value mapping is used in a traditional manner for defining characteristics or a value. For example, if you created a social media game and the person has a magic elf sword, then you have a key of “accountnumber_weapon_armed_primary” and a value of “magic elf sword” stored in your key value container. A container is a list of all of your key values and most video games have a huge binary data file called a .bin file full of key value mapping to know what weapons, armor and potions you collected. But you can have key values such as “account_address_business” to identify the business location of a customer you have. 

Activity is the same as attribute but it has one more field – a date and time stamp. This allow you to log events such as a key of “food consumption” and value of “ate a whole box of Fruity Pebbles in a big bowl” with a date time stamp of today at 2:34pm. This allow you to start creating a log of activity such as what you are eating throughout the day, what time someone entered your home, when you woke up and went to bed to keep track of time and activity. Keep in mind you do not have to log the date in real time, you can back-date an activity you want to remember with a note like what happened during an accident or you can future-date an upcoming hair salon appoint to create booking apps and reminders. So for example, a key value of “account_appointments” with a value of “hair styling” and a date time stamp of two weeks from now. 

Role of Artificial Intelligence 

It is important for the ADOS Digerati to understand the role of machine learning, artificial intelligence and natural language processing. There is no need to “learn to code” or “program” for beginning ADOS Digerati fireflies creating solutions. If someone wanted to create a financial application and track transactional activity they can simply put as the key “account_finance_log” and the value is “purchase 30.00 worth of gas for auto” and the AI will know how to parse that statement to mean record 30.00 for auto gas purchase on a certain date time. 

It is important to look at developing in natural language versus traditional programming code to allow both human and machines understand what you are writing. You do not need to be the one to create the AI or machines to read your natural language statements – that can be outsourced to the cloud or an advanced member to save you time and just get your solution to market. This is why we keep telling you to stop chasing those “learn to code” stuff and focus on natural language because AI is here right now. 

Key Value Naming and Programming

The strategy to effective key value use in your application is to creating a key that can be parsed. We recommend the following format: language_entity_section_address. 

Example of a key value naming is “en_dreamandhustle_about_mission” where en is the code for English language, and the category mapping for the mission statement in Dream and Hustle web site. This style of key value mapping allows us to create content for different language and allow us to just update a key value instead of go back and update the web site. We literally do not have to update the web site, the mobile app or the Xbox app, just update the key value which is hosted on a web service if content need to be updated. 

To program key value mapping in your application, you simply learn to construct and destruct the naming convention. So if you want to capture a person phone number after they enter it, you combine person account, phone number, phone type with an “_” delimiter such as “joesmith_phone_primary” as the key and value of “111-111-1111”. Then when you want to retrieve the primary phone number, you simply create the string “joesmith_phone_primary” by combining the strings within your application then retrieve the key to get the phone number. 

Information Broker Example

In a decentralized network, blockchain vaults allow data to be encrypted and passed around networks. The data can be news, instructions, books, articles and encrypted. To purchase the data, all a person has to do is purchase the decryption key to unlock the data. This is the same pattern used in ransomware hacking attacking where a key has to be purchase to unlock data. 

So in this example, a key value mapping business model can exchange information and encrypt it on a blockchain and decrypt the data for a transaction. For example, to get a news story for reprint, a person can write the story, encrypt it in a key value store. A news organization can request a license right, purchase a decryption key and quickly reprint the story by just referencing the key value and get the encrypted data to decrypt. Keep in mind the data can also be a link to a Kolin-Avers one-time access token to download a file or stream a file, allowing pay-per-view and distribution models. 

Key Performance Indicators Example

With the activity key value model, metric dashboards on activity can be created. We can look at creating systems where sport scores can be recorded and distributed to score boards and sports bars as a distribution model based on a subscription fee. Another example is testing the water and air quality of a community and that data can show the date and time of testing and the water and air quality readout to be displayed to the community via bulletin boards as well. Creating sensors that can just store a key value with a timestamp can be done for ID check-in at a gym or check-out a laundromat machine for use can also be created.  

Opportunities and Decentralization

Key value mapping is a technique to quickly create ADOS Digerati solutions up and running in days to deliver solutions and value immediately. Fooky API offers key value mapping solutions and many other cloud-based services offers key value mapping as well. The strategy is knowing how to construct and deconstruct a key within the application to know what data to store and retrieve. 

Today, key value mapping in a decentralized network setting creates new paradigms of data sharing and value transfer of data using blockchain and distributed ledger technology. It is apparent for example the ADOS Digerati can leverage key-value mapping to create decentralized media models without middlemen taking a cut or controlling the message using distributed ledger technology.