Black Boule Cannot Build Black Ad Networks Because of Uppity Stank Attitude

While me and my team were working on our metaverse project where we can display advertisements on 3D-generated skyscrapers buildings, I was thinking about something. I was wondering why these Black Boule firms cannot build an effective advertisement network, even after 100+ years of publishing. Why are they still in 2022 bootlicking and chasing scraps from major advertising agencies that have been disrespectful to Black folks, Black businesses, and the Black community? Why? Why?

Then it occurs to me, that the Black Boule are some stank attitude characters who act like they are all that until they see your rich Asian or Arab friend show up in the room then they quietly disperse away from you. See, you on some global-level mogul stuff while the Black Boule created an artificial Black identity construct where they sit around and talk up racist made-up crap like who Black and 40 under 40 and first Black and all that other worthless made-up intra-racist bullshit. You a Black folk that worked a small startup getting your stock options all vested while the Black Boule comes to you talking about, they know someone doing what you doing and that person doing their damn thing, trying to put you in your place in their worthless Black Boule universe they created in their heads.  

See, the reason why the Black Boule cannot establish an ad network to support their Black-orientated construct but be begging the White establishments for validation and acceptance, like Blavity, the reason why is they don’t believe in the Black base that they pretending to serve. Let’s say there is a Black painter, can he advertise on their Black network? No, because these Boule clowns would see a Black painter as beneath them and want to chase those “big fish” scenarios so they can say they have a nice roster of top-shelf clientele. But what they don’t realize is the long-tail effect.

The long-tail effect is when you got Black painters in every city in America paying you to advertise and that is just one group – what about the Black plumbers, the Black movers? When you start focusing on the little guys in numbers, they make up more numbers than having a few “big fish” clientele and the focus is now you having dozens of demographics, dozens of fiscal localism business models that are subscribing to your ad network, big and small. Then you realize everything doesn’t have to be an ad sign somewhere.

You realize you can do recommendations and reviews; you can have a one-line advertisement on a sticker, you can go micro-marketing level at the local and community level and hit up cities around the world while the Black Boule sits there focusing on a major brand to sponsor their uppity clown shit. But there is another aspect, this one show how really dumb the Black in tech crowd is, and let’s get to it.

Ever notice all these Black in tech clowns talk about is they releasing a mobile app? They want to release a mobile app on the Apple store or Google Play store where they take a 30% cut of their revenue so they can tell me and you that they built a mobile app? All real business do not require a mobile app and that includes digital advertisement. Ad selling requires a talented salesforce that knows how to acquire customer accounts and get their commission on the sale. You don’t need an app for big screens, create vehicle wraps, and more, you just need an agency and a portfolio book. These dumb Black in tech be making up rules on what you are supposed to do in their heads and don’t sit down and be like, how do we really make this happen?

Look, we are in a world where you going to learn how to build for real because if you do not, there are others who going to build what you cannot build on your own. The Black Boule cannot build because they see things as beneath them and they focus on begging the man for validation and acceptance thinking that’s the bag or jackpot or whatever they say. No, the real cash flow that scales is in the long-tail, self-service, professional servicing operation where you reach out to anybody in any city and scale it out to every city. That’s how you build a real Black ad network.

In 2022, we don’t make moves like the worthless Black Boule and their artificial made-up Black construct where the Black Boule think they all that until they find out you got a rich Asian or Arab friend who supporting what you doing out here. We don’t act like anybody in the Black community is beneath us because the long-tail effect is where the real money at. I don’t have to bring up Obama asking folks for $5 where he became the first billion-dollar political fundraising team as a result. Never put anybody beneath you and realize even a bunch of $5 ads will take your operation a long way.

Now you know why the Black Boule cannot build a Black advertising network because of their stank attitude and now you know why you can make that kind of move and go big and scale-out wide with your hustle.