ADOS Digerati Will Move 2020 in Silence, Like Ninjas in the Dark

I remember talking to one of my early adopters who followed Dream and Hustle and one of the things we discussed is we don’t have to tell anybody nothing about our hustle - just make the move. We ain’t chasing no magazines to cover us, we ain’t even going to publish on Medium or anything, we just going to make things happen and leave it at that.

The reason why is simple – over here at Dream and Hustle, I spent 10 years trying to promote economic development and empowerment within the black community using technology and proven practices and patterns. What black folks do? They covered their ears and closed their eyes and said Dream and Hustle talks over their head. I write articles and black folks too scared to share it because entrepreneurship and value creation content isn’t as fun as reading black gossip among their friends.

During this same 2010-2020, I personally saw the transformation of broke-ass countries from Philippines, Rwanda, Lithuania, Brazil came up in the tech game from the last 10 years while black folks decided they wanted to follow clowns and charlatans or whatever playing on Reality TV Shows – that’s the hell our folks decided to chase, follow and talk about those past 10 years.

Today, we are in 2020 with a two-phase apocalyptic event upon us. The first phase and first six months is the highly contagious virus and government lockdown where we cannot move around like we used to and took for granted. Meaning if your job or hustle wasn’t digital, you just sitting around right now or running out there putting yourself at risk. The second phase and second six months of 2020 it’s going to be economic – this fallout going to be worse than 2001 and 2008 combined and those two years were devastating for our people.

I’m not going to waste any time on what most of these lame-ass wannabee “net-worth” millionaires traveling getting their passport stamps was doing from 2010 to 2020 – we all  just know they wasn’t doing anything but keeping up an “I arrived/I’m rich” appearance to me and you.  What we going to talk about is I’m going to talk to my supporters and early adopters, rest of yall going to listen or act like flies on the wall. And we will keep it moving in silence, like ninjas in the dark as the real brothas and sistas down with Dream and Hustle go and get ours in this 21st century urban digitalized world.

London and Tokyo

If you were following me on Dream and Hustle especially the last two years, I have been in London and Tokyo a lot, traveling almost every few months to each side of the globe. I wasn’t there to take selfies and brag I travel and go places; I was there to rebuild a global network of talent with London and Tokyo being central and strategic places for the global empire.  I have been building up strategic presences in all first world urban centers around and that’s what the 3rd Strategic is capable of doing.

With that said, we not starting up “black businesses” around here, we going global scale all day from day one. We know how our own folks wanna act funny as hell, being unsupportive looking to see if they can scale you down to their level or think they can haze you to get their approval. I don’t feel like writing clickbait fluff pieces to entertain black folks to like my hustle either. Nah, we move on markets around the world with simple services and business models and maximize our value creation like any other software or digital-first company that launch in the 21st century.

That’s what the connects in London and Tokyo for – to scale us out throughout Europe and Asia. This means our solutions will have to be localized for these markets with localized languages, date formats and currency. This is the new type of content we will be discussing here on Dream and Hustle and I’m not caring about someone in our own community talking about we going over their head, we handling ours at the level we prepared ourselves for the past 10 years.

Open API

Our API Toshikiso is very powerful but there was a foundational issue I had to address. First, we wrote the API as verbalized service points meaning you would call something like /api/blockchain/write. However, the Open API process is to create just an object like /api/blockchain and you would call a POST to insert, a PUT to update and GET to retrieve and this is what $120K+ API jobs are asking for and how developers around the world is using API.

So I created a new Toshikiso API based on Open API and will be sharing out to leverage these APIs on our documentation site for the Manufactured Solution. I will cover some steps here but if you want to do API development and learn it, it will be the core of what we do to make applications happen. But we will have code examples and you will be able to test Open API calls as well for yourself on the new platform which is a good thing. Also, our autonomous corporate API box, we are going to adopt Open API as well.

View the Vista

This is our story-based platform and this blog Dream and Hustle is 100% using View the Vista and our Docs Sites is also using View the Vista to publish content. However, View the Vista has still been in-house and kinda crude in design. I have informed my team and I to put all of focus on getting View the Vista to market out to our early adopters to start telling their story in 2020 as their start.

I will cover in detail how we fast-tracked View the Vista to market. We always create a mockup web site to perform UX, then create API stubs with seeded fake data to return to the UX then we simply replace the API stubs with real API calls to Toshikiso API and we are done – yeah, that’s how straightforward it’s going to be to develop not only web sites, but apps and kiosks and intelligence displays. We are very close to completion and I’m excited as how fast we are able to get View the Vista to market because we got to tell our story and get our story out there for the people – that’s the first step of any hustle.

COVID-19 Forced US into a Virtualized Digital Economy

This is our biggest advantage and why we going to move in silence and just stay quiet because the hand of God made this path for us. I’m sitting here smiling like I cannot believe this virus made everything work for us. People are now force to look at mobile-first solutions to order groceries, look at news organizations having to broadcast from their homes like they are video bloggers, sporting events and concerts are done via streaming. Restaurants now have to do call-in or buy online orders. Only mail-orders and peer-to-peer are the commerce going on. People are sitting at home being forced to become digital citizens if they want to make transactions – it took a virus to make this kind of transformative shift happen!

Our platform is built for this – Kossier works just like the Chinese super apps and our Toshikiso APIs are designed to create these virtualized digital economic solutions. Entrepreneurs will be able to create a digital virtual business operation that can interact with Kossier and Toshikiso platform to do everything from online ordering, supply chain and logistics and managing rental units to rental and sharing assets – this is what we been talking about the past 10 years and it took a virus to put the people into the mindset of being our customers!

We are Built for Economic Transformation, Not Economic Downturn

I do not believe the macroeconomy will be bad as people say it is because I personally know what we got in our back pocket to make moves in 2020. The lockdown and shut downs due to the virus only created the business case for us to take the transformation head on. However, I do believe there will be massive damage to those that didn’t create digital transformation in their business operation and people who failed to adopt and trained for digitalization.

I believe the recession and depression that happens in the past and in my lifetime were kinda artificial – people stood around and let bad things manifest upon them. Sitting around begging people for jobs who not going to hire them, people going to job fairs with no jobs available, people watching news media telling them bad news and generic news and people failing to look beyond the pale. See, back then when the economy went bad, people just did nothing but got into a poor person line to eat or seek assistance. People got into a helpless mode and some got desperate.

If we look at the world today there is too much transformative opportunity to build in the 2000 century. It’s time for new generation of Carnegies and Rockefellers to build out massive digital infrastructures – that’s you.

Look at the supply chain and how they ran out of toilet paper, you can create your own new supply chain based on blockchain transactions and inventory tokenization to move items through with just-in-time scan-based trading.

You can build out new radio stations using streaming stations that stream information and music at the same damn time.

You can claim land in Mexico and Latin America to grow agriculture, even Mississippi and Alabama and the Carolinas.

There is a massive need for internal agriculture in urban spaces to grow via aquaponic farming.

Create new energy companies because Telsa is too spread out all over the place. There is too much status quo to obsolete and destroy and too much opportunity to build next-generation replacements to overtake any attempt to make the economy bad.

You can manage digital asset tokens to rent out or lease to companies for inventory and transaction operations.

You can build membership services for business and allow people to have digital queues to enter shops or create limits on how much they can buy of a product and detect when hoarding activity occurs to invoke a circuit breaker.

One more point - look at how Amazon started cancelling third-party shipping, third-party sellers, talking about it going to take a month to ship a product from China - that's nothing but opportunity for someone to move in and do it on a smaller, nimbler scale to get products to people. See, it is too much reachable possibility among our team to be thinking the post-pandemic is going to take us out – nah, it did nothing but paved the way to get the show on the road and we doing to do this in silence because they don’t need to hear us coming.