Transitioning Passport Bros into Passport Kings

In a TikTok video, a Filipina woman with the handle helgababushka addressed the Black men wanting to leave the American sista behind and find a global wife to stop calling themselves passport bros. She stated that Filipina women want a “passport king” and told the brothas to come and find their queen. This Filipina woman told the brothas to come as kings and to act like one.

The problem I’m seeing with the passport bro movement is too many clown-grade brothas trying to own the “passport bro” conservation on social media for clicks/views. I see a couple of old bearded brothas with gray hair on both TikTok and YouTube talking on the “passport bro” subject but they don’t look like the caliber of a global-based brotha and their content is petty and trivial for a Black man their age. I see a bunch of ugly brothas beyond help who ain’t going to get a foreign chick unless they paying US dollars in a third-world country, call it what it is.

The passport bros have to transition into passport kings as the Filipina lady indicated and live up to the title. Look, the American sistas are not impressed with lightweight brothas getting a passport going to the Dominican Republic and the Philippines when our American sistas are going to Barcelona, Bali, Milan, and Amsterdam. You brothas are not even at the level of the game the American sistas are operating to be acting like you dissing the American sista by getting a passport, she laughing at you because our sistas have been out-traveling you lightweight brothas for quite some time.

Let’s give a real assessment.

Too broke to be a passport king. The fact passport bros are in Thailand or Brazil or DR or Uganda is a giveaway to alpha bros and the sistas that these passport bros' pockets are very light. A real passport king has to spend $50,000 to $500,000 to get a visa by investment to establish solid residency and we all know you ain’t got that kind of money. However, a digital nomad visa is the best bet but those are not third-world countries.

The real solution is in America.  The majority of brothas who looking into the passport movement don’t need to leave the USA to find an alternative to negative attitude sistas. It is a lie and a false statement to say that foreign women who come to America are Westernized. If a brotha is making good money and well-kept and got his act together, he will attract plenty of other women on the college campus or the job or the gym. There are plenty of cities a brotha can move to and re-establish his life that is being populated with the new influx of immigrants or second-third generation women.

A digital nomad is not growth. These brothas don’t have money so the only realistic path of an average American brotha is to get a digital nomad visa for a place like Dubai and other established countries. This allows a brotha to work remotely from a location and have leisure time to meet and greet and meet professionals just like him overseas. But digital nomad is not good for career growth and stagnant work and not a long-term solution to maintain a long-term relationship.

The takeaway is brothas need to take care of themselves first. Get the money, get the power and then you get the woman. But as an American, it is unacceptable and pure BS to be running to third-world countries looking for a chick. American passport bros can find a foreign-born woman right here in America or move to first-world locations and meet a woman thriving in that area because that’s how you properly scale and find a woman that can support the empire.

I don’t want some woman from Thailand or the Philippines that can cook for me – that sound stupid. I cook my own five-star meals (I get cookbooks from the library) or can hire a cook to prepare our food, that’s what real money brothas can flex when overseas. It seems like there needs to be real recalibration among the younger brothas who have to move around in this 21st-century global economy and stop listening to lightweight characters on social media.

At this juncture, it’s time to move forward towards ascending to a passport king. First of all, I’m a real brotha from the hood and I know exactly what’s going on and see through everything. So let’s be honest.

First, realize that your “passport sista” is in the same boat as you. You should not paint African-American sistas with a broad brush. When I run into sistas in London or Tokyo, even stopovers in Narita or Heathrow – the conversation and vibe between a brotha and sista hit differently in that environment. She is getting away from these brothas who are hyper-masculine, toxic-masculine, or weak brothas who want her more than what he can really offer her. She also has to deal with White Privilege in America whereas overseas, she doesn’t experience that paradigm anymore. So don’t be foolish, from my experience you will run into better quality African-American sistas overseas and you both may find more in common than not.

Second, this goes back to what I talk about all the time on this blog. You brothas can engage in performative success, just posing like you got it going on for social media all you want. But if you do not have money, power, talent, skills, and maturity then you are not going anywhere fast and rising nowhere in this global economic landscape. I know plenty of musicians, health consultants, digital nomads, and supply chain brokers who move around the world and they have foundational base talent and skills. You have to establish base skills, a foundation to support yourself because the world outside of America does not have a safety net and you are on your own if something goes wrong.

Last, I have already been discussing this topic and I have been building out the framework for brothas to find wives overseas. This is not a problem you brothas discovered – good and valuable Black American men have been expressing the BS dealing with our sistas for the longest time. What we discovered is there is better out there and women out there who are not Black that has been proven the best woman for my situation and my journey.

I have already created structural solutions, doing more than talking on YouTube for comments and views. We will have a matchmaking service with fully qualified brothas and fully qualified women looking for a good Black man. I have written an article about it almost a year ago about the platform and the problem and solutions of what the passport bros are struggling over right now. Link:

I will take on a bigger role on this topic because I’m extremely qualified and have the most receipts to discuss this topic. I have a real global base and foundation, not by running my mouth either, I actually handle things. However, I am focusing on passport kings, not passport bros. It is your duty and obligation if you really want to go out and get yours that you establish yourself and build yourself up to be able to move around the world with ease, these lightweight trips to Thailand and Dominican Republic ain’t the business.