How Angry Bitter Black Sistas Screwed Up Attacking Passport Bros.

Our angry bitter sistas really messed up and triggered a global incident that will backfire on her multi-fold. This is probably one of the most historic and revolutionary moments in Black History that most of you do not realize and are clueless about and will change the paradigm of Blackness going forward. We are talking about the Passport Bro movement.

The Passport Bro movement is the ongoing momentum of American brothas chasing the belief that they deserve and can find a better woman than the stank attitude from American sistas. This is not a new movement where brothas have preached going overseas to find an alternative to sistas in America. But there are some paradigms in 2023 that are going to blow up the Passport Bro movement such as the ability to remote work overseas and the strong American dollar.

The current iteration of the Passport Bro movement involves younger brothas who are not military-affiliated, not Delta airlines or corporate affiliates who just went out and got a passport and booked a flight and hotel to global destinations. What these brothas found out is what we have been trying to tell these brothas for the past 20 years – it is some fine-ass women outside of America and they love and worship Black American brothas and will treat him right.

These man-hating sistas made an assumption that turned out to be a big mistake on her part. The brotha-hating sistas started attacking these Passport Bros calling them names and trying to shame the brothas as if these sistas are hurting the brothas' feelings. The sistas then did something they always do – these ignorant sistas started to try to down the overseas women who are accommodating these Passport Bros, targeting the Philippines and the Filipina women. The sistas were calling these Asian women impoverished, uneducated, and exploited by Passport Bros.

These Black women bitter mental sistas really messed up attacking these Asian women because the American Black woman started expressing both Asian hate and hatred of her own man. The Asian community online was not going to let those nasty comments fly anymore and came out and clap back at the sistas in the most epic way possible. The Asian community pointed out these bitter sistas may be the reason the brothas are leaving Black women and running to Asia. Then the Asian women were saying they love and support these Black men coming to visit them and they support and want them. Yep, the Black American woman's hatred of her own brotha just let her nasty, foul, hateful, negative mouth kick off a series of irreversible events.

The sistas lost massive respect among the global sisterhood by thinking she can make racial attacks, and try to emasculate her own brothas. American sistas may not even be welcomed or cared about when she travels overseas anymore because Asians are talking up this subject of treating Black men good and Black women hate their own Black men all on TikTok and YouTube – yeah, the American sistas finally got exposed for their ways they been carrying on for too long. Game over sistas, you are not going to get the respect from 2023 on the global stage and you sistas only have yourself to blame for attacking your own Black men, what a dumbass piece of crap move right there.

The whole world is watching and talking from Europe to Africa, and Latin America as well where these women are out in open expressing their love for American Black men. Now the American brotha is waking up and learning his value and worth in the world and he can find a fine-ass woman that is going to take care of him and show him what a potential wife looks like. We going to see a mad rush of American brothas getting passports as a movement and we are only seeing the beginning manifesting.

These dumbass angry sistas started talking about these American brothas can leave and go on – guess what sista, you going to watch it happen. The sistas just lost all the good Black men. Let me explain what’s going to happen.

First, these young American brothas going to see and get support from these older brothas and international brothas from Africa and the UK and move to places like Brazil, Colombia, and Thailand and see these women got big ol butts that are bigger and rounder than American sistas, he going to freak out when he actually sees it and he will never be the same. These brothas are already on YouTube preaching to the Passport Bro culture because now it’s getting big.    

But what’s going to happen next, my sista? I asked a damn question – what going to happen next? These brothas are going to find out the old-school Asians like their hustle, the rich Arabs are going to respect their swagger and Black British know they got an ally and love by default. Global business, global hustle game, and the brothas are going to elevate. Meanwhile, the sistas are going to see good Black men leaving her behind. You and I know these young brothas like to brag and show off their Thai chick named Lucky on you sistas and he and Lucky be smiling all in the camera on you American sistas.

The sistas just kicked a hornet's nest and the genie is not going back in the bottle.