ADOS Digerati Have to Become Global Information Industrialists

The black community has a big hole that need to be filled up fast and quickly – this is the reality and current state of our people and communities. Good people, good businesses, good teachers, good mentors, good activists have packed up and left for greener pastures.  What the black community does not understand and will not until only the few survivors remain is it takes 20+ years to build up a good black person to contribute value. But it takes 20 minutes for negativity to chase that 20+ years built up person right out of our community and we incur a negative 20-year debt due to loss of value that need to be replaced. 

With the reality we cannot replace people overnight, the ADOS Digerati has to focus on the mission of uplifting and we have to be the ones that make it happen. In the 21st century, we know the most viable solution is to start replacing human resources with digital resources as artificial components to drive economic development. Meaning, we are going to have to create digital processes and workflows to replicate the work human talent would perform in the black community to revitalize the community. 

That requires big thinking and true end game – global economic market hubs. So the purpose of this article is as I roll out the Toshikiso API platform to Dream and Hustle existing paid members, I hope they truly come with the mindset to build out big picture global solutions that will serve both our communities as well as their global ambitions. Because anybody who follows me on Dream and Hustle know I’m not on some corner-boy lightweight stuff here – we taking the world in our hands as the ADOS Digerati. 

Let’s talk about the technology and how to think big picture. 

Global Resiliency

Your solution should be able to withstand the market conditions of any locale in the world as much as your own local community you want to uplift.  It is standard practices among global companies to “test market” their innovation in submarkets from Vietnam to Chile before launching in their home market. When you design a solution, keep in mind that the black community may not be able to afford your solution to adopt it. 

What you have to realistically accept is your solution has to be launched in several global markets and the black community implementation is subsidized. So your application has to be designed to be multi-lingual, localization of date and currency formats and media reflecting local culture.  One technique we employ is key/value system to hold the content and preference settings. For example, a key value of “en_site_title” show the English site title while “es_site_title” show the Spanish site title.  Keep this in mind when you build your solution to possibly key/value your content in English but when you ready to expand to languages, you can just add a new key/value dictionary later. 


The purpose of domains is to create unique hubs that can be self-managed in their own context without interference and conflicts. This means you may need to establish a “domain” for one region or one group and another “domain” for another region and group. Toshikiso platform uses this system to allow scalability – we can host different domains on different servers around the world, each other server as a primary and secondary so if one domain goes down, another domain with replicated data can be designated a primary as a backup. 

You as an ADOS Digerati need to structure your data with a domain-based structure where your clients are part of a hub. Your hubs can be city-based, interest-based or industry-based but the goal is to make sure you understand your target demographics and verticals and give them their own space where you can handle growth efficiently. If one demographic grows fast, you can take their domain off very easily and move it to its own server space. Or if you are small, combine all of the domains on one server to scale down. 

Domain management is how you structure your global empire efficiently for growth and scale. All domains will not be created equal or grow equal. Never create one “simple database” for everybody around the world or every group – look at how you want to separate your business customers from your retail customers (these are just people consumers) for example in your domain management strategy. 

Micro-Service Containers

The way software architects create systems today is to leverage distributed processing through micro-services and containers. A micro-service is a unit of work such as a program that simply process payments with inputs and outputs, a program that can crunch a dataset and extract a summary of the data in a form of a business report or a program that can timestamp and hash a blockchain entry. 

To understand a container, think of a container ship hosting a lot of shipping containers. The container ship represents a computer server and the individual containers on the ship are the representation of a software container. The container unit has its own purpose and can be deployed to any ship and a container ship can have multiple units of the same container type. 

With that said, Docker is a popular software container platform. To implement, a virtual machine can be installed on a server and mostly a Linux instance. Software created as a micro-service is deployed to a container on the Docker platform and is accessible as a web interface or TCP/IP networking. There can just be one container or multiple containers of the same micro-service so what happens if there is a huge surge in demand, Docker can automatically ramp up more micro-service containers to process the heavy demand making it very scalable. 

Your design should look at micro-services as what jobs or unit or work can be done as a micro-service? For example, we can create a container platform with micro-service containers that can report on the logging information to create accounting entries, create billing data, create purchase orders and provide recommendations of tasks needed to complete and report on the health – a self-contained company where each micro-service runs a part of the startup company. 

What is cool is that whole container platform can be replicated on multiple computers and we are literally create self-contained platforms to run a startup business – this is the next generation model moving beyond a simple web site hosting model – we have containerized service points. 

Going Big is the Only ADOS Digerati Option

As you see, even though the black community is going through divestment and a brain/talent drain, the ADOS Digerati can look at creating technology processes to facilitate an economic engine serving out community. We do not got time to raise people or being talent people back but what we can do is focus on creating workflows and processes to assist people and businesses already there to start delivering the economic activity that is needed to get things done right now. 

I have highlighted the patterns and practices the ADOS Digerati have to embraced to deliver modern global-class solutions to the black community. We have to deliver best-in-class solutions with the mindset that our solutions are capable of succeeding anywhere in the world. 

As the first set of Dream and Hustle users get on the Toshikiso API platform, keep in mind that the API is powerful enough but the actual applications running against the API must have scalability and robustness to be able to both deliver solutions for the local community while being a global-empire app that can serve people all over the world.