The Dubai Protocol: Building a Digital Ecosystem for the Movers and Makers

There is a reason Tokyo and Dubai are my two favorite cities in the world. I love Tokyo because it's a place you can move around and keep to yourself and focus 100% on your growth and development. I love Dubai because it created a space where you have like-minded aspiring talent and a sandbox to grow and expand without lightweights in the room. But there is an additional reason I like Dubai.

Dubai don't play games with foolish behavior. You go to Dubai broke and acting foolish, you will be held accountable; they don't play games in Dubai. You respect their culture; you carry yourself with self-dignity and self-respect and have the same attitude with others or they will come down on you hard.

This is why you don't see "Passport Bros" talking about Dubai. But what is goofy about the Passport Bros is the expat ladies in the UAE have that energy and spirit they really looking for in this world. The African women there are on a different level and you can feel that "this is the kind of Black woman God meant for me to be with" spirit and energy. Not only that, you will feel that "this is what a real sista look and act like."  When you Passport Bros need to grow up, go to Dubai then you can talk like you about something.

If you look at the West, the focus is really on debauchery, trolls, scammers, sexual exploits, aggression towards each other, putting down and insulting others, and violence. There is a reason Grand Theft Auto is a popular video game series in the West.

One thing I observe is Western people like to support perversion and phony cats and want to persecute and tear down those trying to do things for real. The Black community I'm from is big on this which is why they will vote Democrat knowing the active Democrat machinations and plots to harm the Black community. Self-hatred and worship of evil is common – remember, the Black community and urban radio knew about R. Kelly and the little girls and kept supporting him, I want you to remember that.

This is why many of us want to leave the West altogether and move abroad from this Western system of worshipping evil and ignorance over excellence and insight. But I don't want to launch my platform and support this debauchery in any fashion.

Look – as soon as I launch my platform and advertising, the first group that will show up will be the ones scamming, promoting sex, sinful behavior and want me to support it or they going to cancel me or whatever. Nah, I already on those plans and not going to happen.

What is going to happen and how I set up my platform is how Dubai operates. We will shut them down and cut them off quick and hard and let them know. We have a social credit program built into our system and we are unapologetic about it. Anybody who have a problem with, we don't need them as a customer or engage in any interaction with that kind of person or organization.

By tossing out the goofy elements, we create a space for those who are about excellence and growth to thrive. When they thrive, that is when the real money rise up, the real innovation rise up and a community that is healthy and peaceful. If you look at the main complaint about Singapore or a Dubai, its people complaining they cannot engage in debauchery. They say the place is boring. Notice we will hear some Western women say a man is boring or a lame even though he is stable and excellence.

What the Western type consider boring and lame is your path to self-purpose. The reason I love Tokyo is so I can have 100% pure focus and concentration with no distraction working on code at the café or the bullet train green car section back and forth between Tokyo and Kyoto.  The reason I love Dubai is the broke and perverted is not tolerated and not allowed to come around and mess with you. This is why Dubai is the best place for women to setup their business because she not around the goofball and foolish dudes.

Remember, Andrew Tate would still be free and thriving if he stayed in Dubai and got a nice Islamic woman as he stated in his videos instead of being in Romania with sex game women who turned on him, likely over money. He got caught up in that typical sex trap mess the powers that be have in their toolbox to take out people like Andrew Tate.  That's how the West works, the kompromat to get folks in debauchery then blackmail them or take them out through scandal.

If I truly want to build a thriving and successful digital ecosystem that truly add values and remember as a legacy, then Dubai provides the best model for successful growth and development.