Silent Self-Realization Dr. Claud Anderson Accepted in His Failure of Powernomics

To be honest, I feel sad for the old coot Dr. Claud Anderson but he messed up his own bag. The biggest and dumbest thing Dr. Anderson did was affiliated himself with Boyce Watkins. Once he did that, he lost all credibility and was the dumbest thing I seen an elder brotha do to risk his lifelong legacy behind him. Imagine Dr. Ben smiling and hanging out with a Boyce Watkins fake, charlatan, loser, grumpy clown – imagine that. Who you choose to associate with will either uplift you or destroy you - remember that over everything else.

But he also associated himself with the likes of Tariq Nasheed and Jason Black and some other goofy characters like Rock Newman and others. What he didn't do was associated himself with real ones like myself and others in this game who would have kept him on direction and he would had a better base of real ones that follow the likes of me, not the goofy cats that follow Tariq Nasheed or a Boyce Watkins. Dr. Claud Anderson made a real bad move in his life work through who he chosen to associate with.

Powernomics is an outdated flawed pro-Black theory based in the 1970s and 1980s that has no relevance in the 21st century way in 2024-2025AD. Dr. Claud Anderson was in Chicago giving a lecture or presentation and it was sad to watch, especially when a real one like myself looking at this defeated and outdated character.

In the video below, Dr. Claud Anderson gives his speech in Chicago about how Blacks need to pool their resources. I want you to listen to all of the whooping and hollering by the goofy worthless dudes in the audience as Dr. Claud Anderson is talking.

Now with all that clapping and hollering and whooping around – there is one thing Dr. Claud did not say and this is a giveaway. All Dr. Claud Anderson had to do to really get that Black audience engaged and believe and have marching orders is ask one question and I think you know what that question is.

Dr. Claud Anderson should have asked all those cornball goofy Chicago Black folks in that audience who they voted for.

Those goofy Chicoons would have gone silent because they voted for Mayor Brandon Johnson who is bringing migrants into the Black community and taking over the community center and giving them housing in the Black community instead of locating the Spanish-speaking migrants to established Hispanic communities.

The Chicoons voted for Joe Biden who write checks every other week to Ukraine and Israel but does nothing to help the Black community who went out and voted for Biden like a bunch of stupid sheep with no ask for reparations. And these same Chicoons are gearing up to vote for Kamala Harris who is right alongside Biden the past 3.5 years on these White House policies.

That's the giveaway and you know where this article is headed – Dr. Claud Anderson didn't ask his audience who they voted for because he already knew these Chicoons and the Black community don't vote for their best interest. Dr. Claud Anderson is just there talking to get a check from these losers that failed him and his vision for Black economic empowerment.

I don't have time to debunk his entire pseudo-economic babble presentation but will just focus on two flawed concepts that make no sense or basis in reality for economic empowerment.  

The first glaring flaw/mistake is obvious – notice Powernomics is linear-based. You have to do this, then do that to get to this, step 1, step 2, step 3. This is that old way of doing presentations to speak dumbed down to goofy low-frequency folks in the audience to understand. In reality, you don't need dumb goofy folks to understand a damn thing; the real ones in the room who will learn and do it are the few and the ones that will really make this happen.

If you look at the diagram there is a major outdated theory that has been debunked, do you know what debunked this Powernomics Key to Empowerment diagram? I'll give you a hint – group trust, the second one.

The answer for the goofy cats is crypto. The concept of crypto is "trustless" – I don't trust a damn thing about you when it comes to cryptonomics. I only trust your public/private key math algorithm and I trust the forward hash of the distributed blockchain ledger – I don't give a damn about personally trusting anybody on a damn thing when trading crypto.

The second one is this highly flawed concept of building five floors out of group power. Build out an economy, politics and voting, courts and police, print and electronic media, schools and skills. Notice he has schools and skills on the top floor which should be the base level – knowledge is the base level of building up anything so his own five floors have the wrong order and no one questioned that glaring flaw either.

The way you build up is using a "flywheel motion" of continuous improvement. I discussed this fully in a separate article on the flywheel approach.

You need to gather funding first, even if you don't know the idea. Just put it in a crypto-custody account where the voting majority contributors' keys have to be there to withdraw the funds – smart contracts. Once you fund, build out the model where you can perform analysis on paper or formulas if the idea will work.

After you test the model, you build your first prototype or beta and implement it. Then you get feedback and you improve and after improvement, you raise another round of funding and go through the loop again and again until you manifest a viable solution and keep growing to expand to new opportunities. That's how you do it, homey.

The second approach is to focus on an microservice model with possibility of a monolith model in your architecture similar to modern technology development.

A monolith is old software design that has it purpose where the user interface, the code logic, and the data store are encapsulated in one software product. This can be considered the Black community as a monolith which is how Dr. Claud Anderson thinks and is flawed in limited narrow-minded tunnel vision thinking.

With the microservice model, the user interface calls an API gateway or controller that communicates with specialty microservices that are in control of their own domain and specialty. In this model, we can quickly scale out and expand the number of microservices to call or we make the microservices smarter in their domain or specialty.  This make the client have unlimited access immediately to resources and unlimited scale.

This is how your video game system work – the monolith is the old video game cartridge or DVD all in one package. The new microservice model of video games allow them to give you just the client and gateway as a video game download from their app store and they can update your video game and fix bugs, they add new mods and new expansion packs and you got new features every six months on that video game.

See, Dr. Claud Anderson know it is too late and the window for Powernomics has passed. The Black people he was preaching to all these years didn't do nothing but nod their heads and say "yes, preach!" to every word he put out. Those goofy Tariq Nasheed and Jason Black and Boyce Watkins dudes followers wasn't going to do a damn thing for a Black community because they are losers listening to another man online in the first place.

Meanwhile Ed and our crew over here making it happen, we got our "microservices" all over this world scaling us up and we can have expansion packs, season pass, version 2 update to Starfield and all that.  LOLing at all these goofy pro-Blacks who frustrated because they just weak ass emotional driven clown worthless goofy pieces of crap excuses of Black men acting tough but cannot build or do anything for their women, their kids, and their community. All of them defeated and still going to vote for Kamala Harris.

I personally don't give a sh*t about Dr. Claud Anderson and just put my head down in shame of his current pathetic state. Because he had a Black economic empowerment idea but he chose to associate with goofy cats like Boyce Watkins instead of hanging around the real ones.

Now today, Dr. Claud Anderson is just talking to goofy cats as an exhibition artifact of the pro-Black days. That's how he going out in this world and that's the sad self-realization Dr. Claud Anderson suffering in silence as his legacy.