African Runners in Ukraine Another Embarrassing Display of Rent-Seeking Entitled Cowards

I am literally sitting here at a loss of words at this incredible and embarrassing episode looking at Africans in Ukraine trying to get people to feel sorry for them and their situation. I don’t even know how to explain this nonsense because we got these Pan-African morons trying to relate ADOS to Africans and this episode in Ukraine shows clearly, we are not even close to being the same kind of people or relatable. Because what I’m seeing in Ukraine is some coward weak stuff from folks who go around the world living off other people, living off other countries but always quick to quit to run instead of stand and fight for anything.

This is a war going on. In war, there is chaos. If you are a foreigner caught up in a land that is embroiled in warfare, you are responsible for getting your own ass out of chaos. Your embassy should have notified and told you to evacuate ahead of time and your embassy should have made arrangements for your evacuation and told you where to go. So with that said, any African over in Ukraine sitting there at the last minute trying to get out of a warzone screaming they are being discriminated against or racism, nah, your homeland country is failing you and did not do their job to help get you out. That’s your Kenya embassy, your Nigerian embassy, and so on – that ain’t got a damn thing to do with Ukraine – your own country didn’t give a damn about you African brothas and sistas and got you desperate at the border or train station to get out.

The worst part is I’m looking at actual videos and I see a bunch of grown African men trying to compete with women and children to get on a train. We all know Ukraine has made it clear that only women and children get on the train and their men have to stay behind and fight for their country against the invaders. But we see grown African men over there trying to compete with women and children to get on the train. This is just too embarrassing and I’m going to say it bluntly – that’s some punk coward stuff and has nothing to do with ADOS and we are not even the same.

You see, the difference between ADOS brothas and sistas and Africans is ADOS actually go out and fight for ours and handle shit out in this world. I’ll tell folks in their face right now – I wouldn’t be at a train station competing with women and children to get out. Where I will be is loading ammo up in a banana clip and getting ready to defend the land that accommodated me. Yeah, break out the PlayStation because we are about to play Red Dead Redemption with invaders. I know what warh looks like and if I’m in warh then we going to warh! But for real, I’m not saying the real story – I would actually be handling those Stingers and Javelins because I’m actually a real missile man and combat veteran, thought you knew. I fight where I stand and stand where I fight, no running, just fighting – that’s what I am and what I do.

I know full well if me and a group of African-Americans brothas were standing around, we would be signing up as a squad and do what we do – we fight and don’t run. Squad goals, silently run up on enemy positions and take their ass out. But here is what is important – if Ukraine treated me as a host country to further my education, then I kinda feel obligated to stay and return the favor and help Ukraine in any way I can. And guess what? We see Middle Easterners in Ukraine helping fight on the front line saying exactly what I just said and UK news showed a brother going to the Ukraine embassy asking how he can get to Ukraine and help fight and they set him up and others up who going to fight that fight. But look at the African grown men all at the train station fighting with women and children to flee.

If you go to France24 live stream on YouTube, you will see a video clip of Ukrainian women looking all tired with their kids looking ragged and hungry trying to get on the train and get out of an invading warzone. But if you look closely, they show an African couple in line with the fleeing Ukrainians and the African woman has a big Gucci bag on her shoulder like she going on a luxury train excursion somewhere. It’s embarrassing and that’s where we see how Africans outside of Africa be acting and the whole world sees them for who they are.

These Africans (the Caribbeans too) leave their own country and their own people then be walking around acting like they are better than. They even have the nerve to act like they are better than African-Americans or ADOS folks too. They don’t give back or help build up their homeland, they start pretending they earned their way like ADOS and be living off our legacy and our fights. But when it is time to pay the price for being Black, having to stand up and face oppression, racism, and other adversities, these same Africans disappear and hide like cowards, running and fleeing. What you see at that train station is not racism, it's on full display these Africans who leave their own country and start acting like they on some better than stuff, show over and over they some coward punk rent-seekers when the going gets tough.

Ukrainians know the real story with most of the Africans in that region. They know the majority of Africans support Russia and Putin; that’s the part they left out of this narrative, right? Ukrainians know most of these African men were over there doing dirt like drug and human trafficking; they not stupid. Nobody is stupid except someone who trying to pretend all Africans over in Ukraine are in medical school. How are you going to be a doctor in training in Ukraine then run away instead of staying behind and providing medical support to the country that hosted you to be a doctor in the first place? I mean what the hell?

Ukrainians are being invaded by a superpower nation and their people are hiding in subway tunnels from bombings and tanks and helicopters and missiles targeting and killing their countrymen – you Africans at the train station want Ukraine to treat you like they treat their own people? You Africans are foreigners, your own African embassies are supposed to take care of you and make arrangements. That’s not your train, that’s Ukraine train for their people to evacuate their women and children. If African folks cannot get on a train they never built, never paid for, and belong to another country trying to evacuate their own people then they need to find a plan B in the middle of war and chaos.

War and invasion mean folks are about to be conquered and killed – they don’t got time for Africans complaining about getting a free train ride or a free pass across the border.  The fact we sitting here watching Ukrainians fighting for their lives and the existence of their country and we got this sideshow fuckery of Africans in Ukraine showing up acting mad because they feel entitled to board on a train with Ukrainian women and children and get a free pass into Poland when their African embassy made no arrangements with Poland is both embarrassing because people think these folks are like us African-Americans and we ain’t nothing to do with that punk rent-seeking coward stuff.

This is why I don’t mess with Africans living outside of Africa because I know how p*ssy they are when the moment of truth happens. I work with Africans living in Africa who working to help Africa but these folks are leaving Africa and act like they are better than their own people and got the nerve to act like they are better than African-Americans, booty licking White Privilege working with liberals and racists to try to offset their Black skin against ADOS Black skin.

For real – think about it for a second – these Africans over in a goddamn active warzone right now in Ukraine, a country that hosted them and these Africans respond in a time of crisis that Ukraine is racist for not “accommodating” them in a time of war and chaos. Ukraine over there desperately trying to fight a superpower invading their country coming in to conquer and kill them and Ukrainians got to hear this shit by Africans who were living off Ukraine, that’s these African runners’ loyalty and true colors. Yeah, I’m just as dumbfounded as the next person but then again, I’m not surprised by this punk coward rent-seeking behavior.