Using Michibook and PZR900 for Ledgers and Digital Assets

We have repurposed several of our platforms to better meet integrate into our ecosystem. Michibook has been refactored to focus on personal and business ledgers as well as manage digital asset types. PZR900 will be our digital asset platform that allows users to engage in buying and selling digital assets as well as license, lease, or rent digital assets – a bigger opportunity than NFTs.

In this article, we will discuss the new platforms and the features they offer. What is important to think about is we have always been putting in work while other cats out here were posing and gaslighting about this technology thing. I have not forgotten that a lot of folks out there supported those charlatans and fakers while I was out here grinding at 3:47 am, tired but wanted to see this journey and dreams fulfilled to deliver value to my customers.

With that said, let’s talk about these two platforms and how they will fit into our ecosystem.

Michibook for Ledger and Digital Assets

Michibook which I and others have been using for a couple of years and were active – if you have a Kossier account, you can log into the current Michibook. With Michibook, you can create ledgers to manage your activities like a money management application. You can also track non-financial activities like your daily log or exercise log or resources like your household pantry inventory. Michibook also had it where you can store your payment instruments via Stripe to make payments on our platforms.

The upcoming Michibook is going to be different based on experience and feedback. First, we are going to have ledgers but these ledgers are going to be created not by the end user but by businesses who want to provide ledgers for their customers. For example, if an entrepreneur wants to create a ledger for laundromat credits where someone purchases 100 credits, a new ledger will show up on their customer Michibook ledger list. Please note that the ledger will also show up on Kossier.

So we will have a lot of account providers based on the business and their customers and be able to accommodate them. This can accelerate the creation of digital business transformation and was originally designed for the Black community but Mark 6:4 – we saw how the Black community treated me and the work I was putting in by running their mouth about charlatans but telling you that Dream and Hustle stuff is theory and is over people heads and sounds complicated. We got a lot of other markets to pursue where folks not only celebrate me, they got more money to pay bills and get us revenue numbers.

Business ledgers will also be on Michibook and we have three types of ledgers. The first type is the general ledger which is for your accounting. The second type is your memo ledger which is for your meetings and notes and other information such as bylaws creation – a journal. The third type is your asset memo which manages your assets, both digital and physical in terms of the acquisition, leasing, and selling, and more information you want to include on your assets such as launch or drop date if you are selling digital assets. These are the things we have been putting in that real work and got real features.

Digital assets have a new focus and we incorporated new features for digital asset management within Michibook. The underlying digital asset management technology, a blockchain-based vault has been improved for Michibook and our other offerings. Please note this blockchain vault is part of our Toshikiso platform and we are leveraging this platform to support our digital asset management. The reason I’m telling you this is because if you want to start a 21st-century digital-first business as a digital nomad and make real money, that global citizen money then you should look at digital asset management solutions, and our blockchain vault technology is designed to support this need.

Michibook users can manage their digital assets whether it is unique digital art like the NFT stuff, music or video digital files, e-books, and more, or personal digital assets such as contracts, personal papers, and more, we can handle these. The difference is knowing which digital asset is transferrable. Transferrable digital assets are assets you plan to sell to a buyer, like your music or artwork. Non-transferrable is your personal digital assets that are for you to store for safekeeping.

Users will be able to see their digital assets and for their transferrable digital assets, see if someone is buying or leasing their digital assets. So if you want to license out your digital works which I recommend instead of the NFT route, you can lease your digital art to an exhibit hall for 90 days to display for a fee and you can have thousands of exhibits leasing your digital art instead of the NFT nonsense were you just holding an image file pretending to yourself you have a single unique asset you can sell later.

PZR900 for Digital Asset Marketplace

Quick note: PZR900 is our temporary name while we try to secure our final naming for this platform. It is likely if we cannot secure our final name, we will revert to the PZR900 name of this platform. PZR900 is going to be a marketplace for digital assets within our ecosystem.

This is the platform where users can upload their transferrable digital assets to offer for sale or lease. It is also a marketplace where users can purchase or lease digital assets. I want to stress something I have been saying over and over – NFTs are a novelty joke, the real lucrative opportunity is to license your digital assets to more than one customer and that is how it keeps being the gift that keeps on giving.

PZR900 can accommodate “drops” where someone drops a collection of digital assets like a series of art. Our platform can manage the notification of the upcoming drop to interested parties and the platform will perform this task because we get a commission cut out of the sale and we are just as motivated to see the drop succeed. Several weeks ago, I wrote an article on how we focus on a “product first paradigm” and that is the same approach here with digital assets in this marketplace.

In that article, I explained these Dream and Hustle articles are not on Dream and Hustle – they are hosted on our View the Vista platform and can be distributed anywhere. This is the same with the drops for artwork and music and more – we can distribute the information and media for the drop on digital screens at art exhibits, digital ad displays, social media feeds, and more to spread work and buzz. So you upload your e-book, mark it as transferrable, and then set up a licensing scheme where you license the book to your readers. You set up the drop date and our backend system will begin setting up the marketing campaign to get the word out on your upcoming book drop.

The Bigger Picture Here

Let me explain what you may not be realizing and that is a new landscape and paradigm we are creating. Who do you think we are building these solutions for? We are building them for the entrepreneurs and digital nomads I have been meeting worldwide and heard what they wanted and needed to grow and prosper. We are focusing on including these customers as part of our niche and target customers around the world, especially after Mark 6:4 seeing how my own people were on some funny acting stuff, getting an attitude on a person they don’t even personally know, that’s a trip right there.

But we can accommodate startup media production firms who are creating media and want to license for worldwide distribution and create a catalog for their customers. We have ledgers that will not only help look at the day-to-day entries but we can help assist with optimization trends to show how the ledger can be improved. This is what many of you know as robo-advising and we will offer the same features behind the scenes for our customer base.

What people are missing is the big takeaway – while folks were talking to themselves about what we were doing and just guessing, we were deep into real work, real progress. Now like everybody who drops stuff on the masses, we are about to drop too and drop hard with our solutions. We are so hard with our drops that we dropping a platform that let our customers do drops – how hard is that?