It's Time to Give Yourself a Try

Your life has an individualized and unique purpose – there will only be one you by design in an infinite point of time. However, the world and powers that be want to make you generic and basic as possible. In response, you as well your generation has adopted the belief if you can “mob up” with others, you can make change and have your way over those in power. Unfortunately, the world does not operate that way.

Social media mobs on Twitter, fighting people online because they have a different viewpoint and doxing them as punishment. Asking your online friends to join you in disliking or spamming the comment section. Are you really developing fortitude or are you just trying to fight to hear what you want to hear? Unfortunately, the latter is what you wishing for in this world.

The problem with this groupthink mentality is it does not change the parameters that the rich and elite has resources and means and ways. Your words, your social media mob friends, your commentary will never outmatch the elite who provide jobs, provide money and provide opportunities to people who will personally take you on for threatening the hand that feeds them.  You will never outdo those who focused on developing the skills and talents to take action and execute while you fighting for an opinion not impacting anything or anybody in the real world.

Let’s face the reality – you are not making a difference having viewpoints and hoping someone react to your viewpoints. You and your social media mob is not shaming anybody who don’t give a shit about you in the first place. What you are doing is wasting a lot of time following others on social media, typing in a comment section hoping one of your friends like your comment and looking for tribes and movements to be a part of believe a collective commentariat forces others to act in a manner you prescribe – the rich is getting richer and you and your groups are still just talking.  

You have to move beyond talking because it not working. We are living in one of the greatest opportunity-facing moments in 100 years where the rise of machines changes everything where the information knowledge race is up for grabs. We can change the way power is welded by establishing whether artificial intelligence will control the executives or the workers, determining whether will music and videos controlled by the artists or corporations? New paradigms of business models, new ways to transfer value and store value – everything is up for grabs in the age of machines.

But you cannot do anything until you learn to give yourself a try over everybody else. Stop following others and begin following your convictions and your dreams. Stop believing in other movements and believe in your purpose and your passion. Stop listening to other voices trying to convince you and start listening to the voice inside of you expressing the desire for you to be greater than the sum of all parts.

The only way you going to master the opportunity and seize the moment is when you realize you are unique and your individuality is a gift that came with the life you got. No one can think like you and when you realize what set you apart and leverage those unique capabilities, you will pave the way necessary to uplift yourself and improve the lives of others around you.

It’s time to return your focus where it matters. It’s time to give yourself a try.