Launching a New Paradigm, New Realm of The Manufactured Solution

It’s been a long time coming and as me and the team has been working for years and months getting our re-engineering done on The Manufactured Solution, I had time to think. The first thing on my mind was how I took charge of taking care of my health in 2022, getting all of my screenings and addressing any health issues that could come up, and being very proactive. I have seen too many brothas and sistas my age fell off fast because they failed to look after their health.

I had a hard year because the biggest issue I faced was coming down with plantar fasciitis on both feet trying to get back into running. I did not realize your feet can take you out very hard and I did not take any painkillers and dealt with the constant pain. I also had my prostate and colonoscopy screening and my specialists discovered additional things I need to stay on top of. But I was glad I have taken care of myself and address these issues instead of waiting another year and suggesting all grown folks take charge of their health and look after themselves.

The second biggest and I discussed this over and over – it was time to get rid of excess and unneeded elements of my life to prepare myself for the new journey. I have removed a record number of negative people in 3 years than I have ever cut off in my entire life prior. I got rid of all the negative Black people I kept around me based on racial affinity only, telling me some BS they know someone doing what I’m doing hoping I would be discouraged or feel not special. I didn’t quietly let them go; I let those clowns know exactly why they had to leave me alone and if they show up again, I will treat them as enemies, which they are.

Then I had to address the mass psychosis of the Black community that wanted to deny who I am while they celebrate charlatans out here. It wouldn’t have bothered me but the problem was I was receiving love and support from beautiful people around the world who were praising what I was doing and saw where my heart was at and was proud of what I was doing. My Japanese boo tells me this all the time and tells me not to give up while the American Black community sat there on some BS and act like I was obligated to serve their ungrateful behinds. I saw it, called it and my people paying full price like everybody else and getting no favors and I will give them the same love they gave me which is very little.   

As you saw, I had to perform some cleansing around me to prepare for the big journey and mission I’m taking on as part of my dream and hustle to get where I want to be at. I want to add value and help my customers around the world become better and know that I contributed to this creation of value. I hope many of you reading this also look at cleaning house so you can remove all negativity to focus on the positive, ambitious road ahead you set up for yourself.

Now that I addressed the personal journey, which is all behind me now. The focus now is the exciting road ahead I prepared for myself and my venture, The Manufactured Solution.  The funny part is I can show and tell everything I claim but they don’t come for me like that, lol. The worse response they fear is I actually have what I claim and I go on to explain it like a 27-year professional in the game.

Right now, we have pushed out our nodes throughout the global hub regions around major markets around the world. These nodes allow us to have redundancy in media distribution and workflow distribution and provide localization. What people don’t realize is we created a system that can push American content to South Africa and localize it for South Africa. Someone can sell digital art here in America and accept crypto payments in South Africa seamlessly, reducing barriers to global scalability.

Now the goal is to set up the flagship corporate website and social media platforms to distribute news and information. This has been done at the time of this writing and allows us to communicate with our current and future customers and establish a relationship as well as provide support. These features are now available and The Manufactured Solution refreshed website is up and running.

We will begin to roll out the platforms for the Early Adopters to have access as soon as possible. Please note that Early Adopters are not billed and this program will continue indefinitely but we will have some terms and paperwork in order so there are mutual expectations set. We will have corporate invoice billing as well as commission on certain types of special transactions through our system as our revenue model. We also have global payment nodes to accept payments around the world with local payment methods. We can also accommodate billing on behalf of our customers and this is how powerful we are in the new iteration of our platform.

But there is a bigger issue that will be decided soon – where are we going to be based? Tokyo is out of the question after that 2-year travel ban nonsense that disrupted our development and progress and we lost serious money and resources – the Japanese politicians just sat there stubbornly and kept the ban in place, man don’t let start talking about how I really feel about Japan as a place to do business. These nerds and weebs and broke English teachers can love Japan but that some flaky travel ban nonsense that no global business enterprise would take Japan seriously as a destination to launch or HQ their business.

Right now, we are in the early stage of considering Dubai and I will be back over there soon to address some open questions about setting up in Dubai. Why Dubai is at the top of our choice because it has a good program to allow us to bring in our own talent from around the world. Also keep us away from the fools and fakers that I run into here in America all the time, a major plus. I am also considering places in Florida such as Miami or Orlando as well due to crypto-friendly laws and nice weather. Atlanta does not have crypto-friendly laws, they passed constitutional carry laws in Georgia and that’s their mindset in Georgia. But a decision has to be made as we grow our operation. Los Angeles and the West Coast are a consideration but the problem is the liberal laws causing these areas to suffer from social decline due to crime, homelessness, and drug use.

But that’s the fun stuff. The bigger fun stuff is hiring talent and helping them grow and prosper with us. The fun stuff is the design I have for our cyber center that facilitates local fiscalism in a digital-first manner. The fun stuff is all the traveling and speaking and showing off our features. The best part I enjoy is when people who want to start a business or a serious enterprise see our platform and offerings as a way to jumpstart and get up and running very quickly.

So right now, me and the team are launching and we are excited about every opportunity we get, new code is being deployed and new solutions are being tested for implementation and strategically scaling out our services.

What I find amusing is all these clown people who are around me or acting as if they know me who thought they were the one but I guess they found out about me and what I’m doing and I see them acting mad and distant now, I just laugh at them. I never cared who they thought they were because all the negative stuff has been expelled from my life and I’m moving forward with big goals and big moves that have to make.  They are mad because they can’t do anything but talk but realize talking to a brotha who got a global enterprise and looking to HQ in Dubai with the other global talent moving there as well as the options ain’t thinking about some lame chasing fame.

We are launching and I cannot wait to roll with those who supported me to return the favor.