Reinventing Digital Dating Services Around an Economic Ecosystem

With COVID-19, the biggest global problem and the biggest global opportunity is the disruption of the dating scene for quality and affluent singles. Many single people lost quality connections due to the quarantine. A lot of single people realized the true colors of people during adversity to realize those people are too weak and reckless to be around.

Isolation and stress occurred among single people who found it hard to find someone limited to a chance encounter at the grocery store with the other party wearing a mask. I was at a grocery store and something fell out of an attractive woman basket on the ground, I went to pick it up for her being chivalrous and she backed away from me and I was like “what the f*ck wrong with you?” to the lady and then I realize how messed up this whole being single under COVID-19 is like.

The world has transformed in 2020 and we need to be honest about what happened. A lot of businesses had to incorporate mobile-first, buy online, delivery or pickup only instead of sitting down. Businesses that failed to do so had to shut down their operations so the local community lost a lot of businesses. Things that dating couples would do like go to a movie or a play or see an event, those things were canceled as well. Only a fool would be hanging out at these places risking getting infected, again who wants to date reckless fools who already show their true nature during a time of adversity?  

On a promising note, we are seeing vaccine distribution slowly coming aboard and when people can get fully vaccinated, more people will come out spending money and engaged in activities once again. And one of the things that are going to change is dating apps that are not adequate for the current landscape.

In 2021, a digital dating service cannot just focus on profile pics – there needs to be a local ecosystem and experience to bring single people out safely and securely to meet others. This means the dating couple has to meet somewhere that is reliable and safe and contribute their experience to the local economy. Speed dating events are not going to be happening in a pandemic situation, my friend.

If you want to create a nice SPAC-ready venture in 2021, I would focus on creating a digital dating service that reflects the current situation, knowing and OkCupid and Tinder is outdated models in this current landscape.

Here are the things I would focus on:

Create a Local Fiscal Ecosystem. I would focus on creating spaces and places for dates. I would establish a lead referral service for establishments that want to accommodate dating couples from my dating app. These businesses would focus on creating a safe space for that couple, watch and observe over them, have pre-selected menu items or activities to do from eating themed-dishes or creating paintings. This is a way to bring business to local entrepreneurs and get them quality business.

Only Quality Singles are Vetted. We cannot afford the random crazy person behind a profile pic anymore, not in this current environment. Your dating service needs to vet both the man and the woman and make sure they got jobs or status, they related to someone and have references checked, they don’t have an adverse record talking about they learned from their mistakes after serving a stint. Because your dating service should have an end goal of connecting well-off grown and sexy people, not any ghetto clown looking for a quick hookup. The community needs quality people re-establishing themselves in the community.

Create a Social Credit System. The dating singles participating in your ecosystem will have to be tracked and their activities and given a rating. If they do something foul or stupid, these incidents need to be recorded. If they get good feedback, these compliments also need to be recorded. Understand something – no one tries to get better or do better in relationships, they just mask the situation and you see they were the same clown when you both get into a real conflict and they show their real colors. That’s why you want to know exactly what these people do, not what they say. With a social credit system, you will be better able to recommend better-qualified candidates and dump the serial losers that turn off every date they are engaged with.

Create Dating Vouchers. These are vouchers that a couple can purchase to patronage a local business such as an artisan studio or private yoga session together. You can have group events like a biking trail journey with a guide and you work with these small businesses to create packages for a dating couple to purchase a voucher, creating revenue streams for the local business.

If you put everything altogether – a new dating app that can be created around the world will allow you to first establish the local businesses and spaces for dating couples to patronage with exclusive experiences and vouchers to purchase – think Groupon business model and incorporate into your dating app.

Then you focus on creating a paid monthly subscription program for quality people to fill out an application and be vetted so you can focus on quality people. Remember, professionals usually find their lovers in a corporate setting and now everybody working from home, you have a tremendous opportunity just focusing on the affluent and professionals, not ghetto broke folks.

What you basically doing is generating revenue by the activity of dating and accommodating the spaces and places – that is more revenue streams than and Tinder. Remember, this can be any city around the world and your growth trajectory will definitely attract a SPAC to be more interested in looking at your business model and growth potential.

But most important – you are doing social good. First, you are not only matching quality people – you are reviving the local economy and creating opportunities to create new businesses to attract and serve quality people who were under quarantine in your local community. You are doing both urban revival and matchmaking from your digital dating app. That is a good thing and a great opportunity to explore because the dating game has changed in 2021 and you can make the next-generation move with a global growth opportunity.