How to Leave that Ghetto Ass Cyber-Clique and Form Your Own ADOS Digerati Cyber-Squad

The difference between someone of my caliber in ADOS Digerati and the mediocre characters we got running around in AfroTech is I’m part of the 3rd Strategic Institute and we been making shit happen for over 25 years as a cybersquad and a loose family. Me and my squad is respected worldwide and we work with other crews on shared interests and borrow other crew members on our own assignments. We got skills, specializations and loyalty to our mission to create betterment of others around the world and we have a true purpose to fulfill. 


One of the problems I see over and over is African-Americans focus too much on cyber-cliques. Shit like the Coli were cats spend all day talking shit when they could have been on a different level by now but they still over there just on some bullshit. Or the Nomadness Travel Tribe Facebook group still on some lightweight shit just a clique. Then I see something like Blavity AfroTech where they also have the signature of yet another African-American cyber-clique mentality. We got to stop it as a people with the clique-shit and start creating real formations that can be a force to reckon with and make changes for ourselves and the people and environment around us.


If you are part of these cliques or you are another typical basic ass African-American that created one of these cliques with followers and supporters, it’s time to start being real and create a cyber-crew that can be lit and handle business at the same damn time.


Here is the thing – having a cyber-squad is awesome! You create an elite, specialized unit that focus on one or two areas and be in that area making things happen. You and your whole cyber-squad not only get the money up, you get the respect as a squad worldwide. Real talk, fuck that clique shit, wouldn’t be a part of any clique after I know how much get done and how much respect is given when you are part of a squad out here handling things.


Crews Have Focus. When you are part of a cyber-group, they usually have a shared focus and specialization and the work is getting the job done. Also, by having focus, people don’t have time to go off-tangent and left field and have a shared interested in creating value which in turn create purpose.  


Crews Are a Family.  The crew mission and current jobs creates a tighter bond between the members because you are all passionate about whatever bonds your crew together. Then crew members begin to look out for each other and start to help and share information among each other and now you belong to something that actually recognizes you as an individual and a member.


Crews Are Respected Worldwide.  When it comes to cyberspace crews and squads, a lot of us have “spaces” worldwide. From Costa Rica to Thailand to Uruguay and all over the world, the best crews got pads other crews can be a “guest” at to crash or getaway or do work together. You not getting that kind of special treatment hanging out in some cyber-clique.


Crews Get Paid. There is money to be made from hackathons to contract jobs to making offers to creating enterprises and the cash is all there. Crews go and do work and get paid and the money is split up and crew members do what they need to do with the cash.  When crews build up a stash of cash they can make moves and demands and buy stuff on island nations for the entire crew as benefits and throw parties and straight be ballin at the club.


So if you still part of these cyber-cliques wasting your time or you created one of these cyber-cliques, it’s about that time to create a real crew to be a real part of the ADOS Digerati movement. Here is what you need to do to transform your clique into a crew.


Learn How Money is Made. The first call you make to whoever you affiliated with is learn how to get paid, literally. Learn how to process a cryptocurrency transaction, how to perform a direct debit from a checking account, accept credit cards or accept cash on the spot. People focus too much on business models but then don’t have a revenue model. What you want to establish first is the revenue model then you can then decide on what business model support your revenue model strategy.


Decide What You Going to Do. As indicated, once you and whoever on your team realize how money is made, you create the formation and tell your people it’s time to decide the journey. Be specific on exactly what you are going to do. If people come at you talking generic broad and basic visions, kick their basic ass out of your squad as they don’t know how to be focused. You can simply lay down the journey path and see who will stay. As a cyber-squad, don’t worry who leaves, you can always recruit later.


Get Jobs to Work On.  This is where the rubber meets the road. You going to have to take on assignments or jobs for your squad to mean something.  You and your cyber-squad should learn to look for jobs or work with other establish squads out there as subcontractors or help. Not all jobs need to be where you get paid, some jobs can be cyber-consultant for our African brothas and sistas to assist with resources and technology help for example. Have the squad decide what job they want to pursue and take care of. When you get paid, everybody get their fair share of work.


Keep Only the Real Ones. Over time, you know who is bullshitting and who ain’t down with the squad real mission. Now there is two ways to get rid of the lames. The first way is simply don’t assign them to any jobs and let them know they was bullshit on the last job. They’ll go away on their own accord. The second way is to have a membership system where squad have public/private keys assigned to them and if they don’t get encrypted messages from you, then they also know they don’t belong as well.


Celebrate and Have Fun. Make sure as a cyber-squad, you all share good news. You don’t have to be physically together but you can show yourself at a party having a good time. You can share pics of the cars yall bought, the clothes yall acquired and the new date you are taking out tonight. The point is you celebrate the good times and the bad times as a cyber-squad and always make sure you keep it real, even on both extremes of the spectrum.


Now, the kind of cyber-squads that are bullshit are multi-level marketing programs where someone ask people to “join their team” and the team members are nothing but a downline and the leader is making money off the team members making them buy stuff. That’s not cool nor the business and is not a true cyber-squad. Avoid these kind of MLM crap when it comes to


The ADOS Digerati movement is not a “clique” movement – we are on a mission and we have user stories from our people to be fulfilled. The benefits of belonging to a cyber-squad outweigh the need to belong to a social clique both online and in the real world. If you are one of these African-Americans still in one of these cyber-cliques, then it’s time for you to begin the transition to the formation of a cyber-squad that is lit and on mission.