Top 5 Reasons Some of Them Will Never Be a Global Empire Making Moves

If you ask me, this is a pretty awkward position I see a lot of brothas and sistas in right now, especially in the tech space. A lot of them have been lying to themselves, making up their own rules of the games, and try to tell you and me about what someone else does in the game. But there is a common attribute that you can see through the whole charade – you noticed that person ain’t got their game on and they can’t do anything but talk at the moment.

I was in the lab with my team building things, we don’t have time to talk and impress folks who are just spectating instead of going to be our actual customers. We not paying attention to what basic folks got to say because we know they don’t know anything while we know what we really know and can do over here in our camp. And we definitely don’t see a need to discuss our money with anybody except our tax consultants, our bankers and among ourselves – these other clowns be desperate to tell you about their money then they get plotted on by shady cats out there listening for a fool bragging on their bread.

But most important – we know who going places and who going to stay in their place. And we know why because we run into these weak brothas and sistas all the time. What we noticed is five traits among these losers not admitting they are losers while they talking and admiring others. That is what we want to talk about and explain why these weak folks ain’t going to make real 21st-century crypto moves, why these weak folks ain’t going to scale out to global markets and why these weak folks are staying mad, hiding behind online aliases and quietly disappear from the scene.

They Follow People, Not Their Purpose

This is the first thing you should notice whenever you are around so-called “colleagues” in the sector you pursuing. When you see them name-dropping other people's names, they talk about they know this important person that can hook them up. They talk about other people's money and their so-called net worth – you know these types of clowns and how they talk. They don’t realize how stupid they look talking about someone else and comparing you to someone else – they are a follower and a loser.

The type of people who go places is those who pursue their purpose. The real ones are not chasing people and most likely don’t even be around people, period. Instead, they work with their employees, vendors, customers, and other stakeholders and work with them to fulfill their purpose. Their purpose is to create value and make life better for their customers.

They Seek Validation and Acceptance from Others

This is the funniest and saddest thing I saw coming out of the ghetto hood into the mainstream and corporate world. I had grown up believing in myself, trusting only myself, and relying only on myself to truly get something done – the independent and resilient survival instinct one has to develop to get out of the hood and position themselves in a better place. When I got out in the world, I saw so many brothas and sistas out here actively focused on getting other people to like them or think positively of them.

You know them as tokens and sellouts. A good example is Harlem Capital did that Vice video on YouTube where they were smiling and dressed like cornballs, three of them trying to impress one white man sitting on the other side of a table. That’s pure validation and acceptance seeking and that video was embarrassing to watch. A real one doesn’t seek validation and acceptance because that automatically comes from God through blessings. You don’t need another human to get to like you or dislike you and recognize the scheme – these snakes out here want you to grant you acceptance and validation and then dangle favors and rules over you or they will revoke their acceptance and validation. Real ones don’t play those games and rely on themselves and the grace of God.

They Talk Too Damn Much

I do not understand why people put energy into running their mouths. They are on social networks in the comment section always having something to say and acting like they have an opinion that matters. You have folks getting passionate about what someone else is doing but not even in the competition or the arena. What happens is these folks get caught up in talking but those that are working incrementally towards constant improvement just get better and keep rising up. Then those that were just talking just go quiet and disappear from the scene altogether.

Real ones learn not to talk but observe and record. Learn who is running their mouths and trying to shape the narrative. Deal with them by showing and telling. The funny part is some folks think they doing something and they showing basic stuff and talking. Just move in silence and focus on the craft and the technique and talk only to your customers and talk only about the value they will receive.

They Don’t Love What They Do

This is a big clue and giveaway – when you see brothas and sistas following charlatans on social media, that is evidence you need to realize they are not doing what they love. You simply do not become distracted by worthless charlatans and you stay focused only on the content and materials that help you in your craft. The reason why is simple – you love what you do and you have a passion for what you do.

Fake cats are talking about money or getting the bag, they are just around the hustle. They actually think that money matters and they think from a broke person's point of view. The money doesn’t give you flex, the value you create for others gives you flex. Do you think someone like Stevie Wonder writes songs for the money or for the love of music in the key of life?

Only the clowns are talking about this person making this much money or that person over there got the bag and doesn’t got anything to say about the craft. They talk about athlete salaries but don’t talk about the gym routine and the diet and discipline because that hard work for them – but the real athletes have to be in the gym in the hours to do what they love at the best ability they can.

They Scared to Take Chances

This is going to be the one that messes you up when you see it firsthand. These are the ones that be talking all day about an issue or something they want to change. Then when it’s time to get up and get down with the get down, they are nowhere to be found. They disappear, they avoid, they are scared and you realize you were dealing with a bullshitter. They got scared when it came to the moment of truth.

They talk all day and talk about they want to partner and join the hustle. But when it’s time to put in work, you notice they just sitting there smiling and observing you doing the actual work, and they are on social media taking selfies talking about they mentoring the inner-city students when the students are asking you all the questions and you are the one telling them how to handle life.

These losers are mostly focused on their status. I see this a lot among so-called Black entrepreneurs and Black Enterprise magazine, a piece of crap magazine operation. It’s easy to talk shallowly about someone else made-up story in business but it’s another thing to truly get into the nuts and bolts, the how-to, the risks and pitfalls – they don’t cover that part because they are scared to be truthful. 

Real ones go for theirs, take chances, embrace failure and learn from mistakes and get back out there and keep trying until they got it right.

Keep Moving on Your Purpose Journey

Do not worry about these people on the wayside of the road. One of the biggest things you see is “people” – remember that – “people” are trying to inject themselves into your life and hustle. The 21st-century path of crypto, artificial intelligence, urban development, smarter retailing, global hubs and travel, and large money payouts will attract a lot of wannabes and weak folks looking for a quick hit. A lot of them have low self-esteem and want to leech on a hard worker like yourself, especially if they see you happy getting it.

Realize the real ones and develop a strategy to keep the losers out who don’t have themselves together. You can spot them by just observing them. They talk too damn much and are not doing and demonstrating.  They always follow another person and not following their purpose and they always got another person's name in their mouth. They don’t praise what you doing personally, they approach you talking about another person and how that other person doing their thing – you didn’t need to hear that nonsense, why are they stepping to you talking that way?

Look for those who love what they do and take chances just like yourself. People who move to Dubai are taking chances. People who just sitting around in America still living in their momma's house on a computer keyboard typing are not taking chances. You can tell who loves what they do and you can tell the fake ones that are chasing the love of money, the root of all evil.

The economy is getting bad just like in 2001 and 2008 and folks going to be desperate and looking for get-rich-quick schemes and will be hustled for their last dollar by a charlatan. They see you and me out there actually getting it and they going to try to inject themselves into our journey. What we going to do is put ourselves among the real ones and move around this world to be around real ones and stay as far away from these other characters. Learn to recognize why these other folks are not going anywhere special and make sure you are as far away from those kinds of people as possible.