Build a Team that Shares Your Dream

I recommend in 2023, get the hell away from Black identity nonsense and focus on exactly what you are aiming for in your business venture. Do not mistake Black identity with Black culture. Black identity is a bunch of clowns you don’t personally know showing up and trying to create a race-based affinity. Black culture is where you and people you know are operating in the context of Blackness in your vested circle and tribe. Always remember the saying, nationalism is the last resort of the scoundrel.

When you start dabbling in Black identities like Blavity AfroTech, Dr. Umar Johnson rhetoric, and Fox Soul then you realize you become part of an artificial Matrix construct built on a house of ignorance and bluffing. Black people who don’t even know you automatically assume you are a “lesser” Black person than someone in their internal clique or circle. Black folks run around talking about how much wealth they have trying to make you feel a certain way but you are not their accountant or the IRS and don’t understand why they sharing their numbers with you.

Instead, your focus should be your personal identity as a Black person and decide how to play the cards you have been dealt to create a winning hand for yourself and take the chips on the table. Then you go out in the world and move as who you really are, your authentic self, and your committed purpose. You work only with people who believe in your vision and have their interests aligned with what you are out here doing and they will genuinely support you.

That is how you move as a global Black entrepreneur with global dreams in 2023. Cut the nonsense chasing an artificial construct of Black identity where lame Black people who cannot compete in the global economy create this structure where they talk about who is the best Black person doing this and that but they don’t know all the real folks or they do know but pretending not to know. We don’t need to entertain that bullcrap in the 21st century.

There are people all over the world that support Black entrepreneurs who are realistic about what they seek to achieve; do not be gaslighted by racists and self-haters in our community. The global talent can detect a Black sellout or Black token so do not even go that right. We are in a struggle of fake, lame Black folks that want to create some made-up racial identity construct of how Black people should do Black business as they call it. We have to be aligned with the real global economy and seize our place and create our value as the real global economy request it.

Plan your venture to attract and recruit the talent that has the capability to support your dreams and global ambitions. We are in a paradigm where the only realistic way a Black entrepreneur is going to rise to the top is they need to assemble global talent from places as far away as Lithuania to the Philippines and have talent gain respect and loyalty for that Black entrepreneur's vision and mission. This requires having a solid vision and mission and value creation that is aligned with your employees and team goals.

Get the heck out of the Black-identity nonsense where you hear goofballs talk about they want to just hire Black people and have a Black company. Then you see this clique nonsense like Blavity AfroTech Facebook group where they make up rules on Black tech entrepreneurship and try to define who is who in the game based solely on Black skin color.  The 21st century is not playing that nonsense, you not going to scale well on that flawed artificial Black identity construct so you better come into the world of reality as a Black entrepreneur and do exactly what is needed to compete and thrive in a global economic landscape.