The ADOS Digerati Ecosystem Explained

In this article, I want to give a backgrounder to cover a digital ecosystem originally engineered for the African-American ADOS community. A lot of things will be explained as straightforward and simple language because our ecosystem is critical to you and your children survival and growth as these concepts are part of the emerging Fourth Industrial Revolution.

The reason you need to know these concepts is to prepare you for what’s about to go down in our community and worldwide as well due to our work and innovation. The reality is we now have the capability to create an augmentative or virtual business operation to serve as a side hustle or a full-fledge operation. The reality is we now have the capability to create co-operatives business models where professional people can truly partner and establish businesses in a trustless and fair fashion.

But in order to understand these realities, you have to understand the superstructure and ecosystem and the method behind the moves to make this a reality. How we came to the superstructure? We looked at our own current state of affairs for African-Americans. The facts are black startups do not have adequate access to financing due to discriminatory practices. The reality is black-owned companies are mostly own and operated by one individual and that is mostly due to lack of trust in partners and employees who want to push the black owner out or trifling black partners who want the “partnership” title but not put in the work, we get that. And most of all, there is a digital divide with artificial intelligence and workflow automation black entrepreneurs do not have access to and losing competitive advantages by the day.

Knowing these issues, we at the 3rd Strategic Institute funded and now carrying out the ADOS Digerati, a movement bring to fruition urban technology solutions for African-American communities and black ventures. With that said, let’s discuss the concepts of the superstructure at hand.

Collective Continuous Improvement

The first thing you need to do is stop believing in the concept of failure. Your fake friends, your fake ass co-workers at your job and even your fake family want you to believe in failure so they can tell you that you fail and it triggers you to self-destruct and self-doubt. We believe in continuous improvement meaning everytime you wake up to see another beautiful day God has given you to live, it’s an opportunity to be a better person than you were yesterday.

To implement your goals, there are no endpoints or endgame where you reach your goals. The only thing you focus on is creating the minimum viable product and continuously implement new or improved features. When you were young and moved into your first apartment, most of you just moved in with an air mattress – I did and had to blow it up manually every night before bed. That’s was my minimum viable product – a roof over my head. The furniture, the audio/video system and kitchen appliances were added features to make the apartment the complete living space before moving on to a house where the house will just have apartment furniture – I hope this make sense to you.

What you are really doing in life is you are on a journey and that’s what your life has always been, a journey, not an endpoint or state to reach. And we are going to be on this journey together using two methods. First, you are going to implement Agile methodology to manage a backlog of improvements to carry out to constantly improve things along your journey. Second, we going to work together and share common stories to benefit us all.

This means in business; we will have shared resources such as shared distributed ledgers to run inventory and accounting against. We will have shared business systems that we cannot afford to operate on our own but can operate as a collective to serve all of us in a manner we can each afford. And most important – we will have shared artificial intelligence learning from all of us and fairly giving us real-time feedback to improve ourselves based on success/failure experience and data points.

Paradigm-First Framework

Currently, black business paradigm is what we call an “egosystem” and not an “ecosystem”, meaning we celebrate black people instead of celebrate business solutions that benefit us. If you look at garbage like Black Enterprise magazine or Blavity, they like to highlight black entrepreneurs in a bougie fashion or some clickbait nonsense. This is not how we grow economics by celebrating one or two black folks talking about they donated money to pay off Morehouse student loans – sorry but yall stupid for even following that kind of misguided garbage when you can’t find a job that respect you or see businesses that cater to your needs – out here celebrating one or two people.

We are going to switch our business models to center around paradigms like the rest of the modern global economic centers.

The Mobile-First Paradigm focus on creating a digital lifestyle centered around the most used device on a person today, their mobile phone. We create tools and training on how our people use their mobile device to receive information, engage in spaces and interact with transactions around their community and their personal lifestyle.

The Story-Driven Paradigm is important – we own our story from vision to distribution. Too many times we are looking for the New York Times or CNBC to cover us and these are people who have history being dismissive of African-Americans and our viewpoints as a people. We need to take immediate ownership of our story and tell our story our way with no third-party intervention. You may not know this but this Dream and Hustle blog and this article you reading now is on a real black media platform – we can distribute, license and payout royalties and convert to audio and this article isn’t on Dream and Hustle – it is hosted in a cloud and can be distributed anywhere. Furthermore, there is an artificial intelligence engine that can analyze this article and help distribute it to the right audience so I don’t care if you don’t like the article or don’t like my story – AI will get this article to the right people today or tomorrow or a month or year from now. That’s how you own your story. 

Accountability Paradigm is the one most of you not going to be happy about because most of our black folks hide online behind aliases talking up some bullcrap to each other. We have a social credit system that allows us to track bad actors among our people. Regarding people having an alias talking smack from Twitter to Lipstick Alley, you do know all we need is your “writing style” and our AI can spot your writing style and the words you use like a fingerprint and figure out who the hell you are. People who act like a clown saying they don’t want to wear a mask – these types of micro-actions can be recorded and replayed when its time for you to look for an apartment or ask for a loan or start up a business. Here is the thing – no one going to deny you things like an apartment or car loan, but don’t be surprised all you are offered is roach-infested apartments to live in and cash cars to drive based on you doing stupid stuff thinking you going to get away with it in real life. We have the power to hold black folks acting a fool accountable in our communities.

Business Process Engines and Playbooks

A Business Process Engine is a system designed to execute business tasks – a better word is business automation, the same technology that will likely cause you to lose your job before 2025. A business automation task is when you order something from Amazon and you get an email saying your order was received. Then when they ship the order, the status is updated and your payment card is charged and you get an email statement the product was shipped and you get a tracking number. That is all automation tracking an order process.

We have developed a business process engine designed for the black entrepreneurial class who are mostly solo operations to run automation tasks. These tasks use several technologies I want to cover.

Data streaming technology where data is streamed in real-time to the business process engine to process and execute. The central technology out there is a platform called Kafka that is open source and free to implement – we have our own streaming technology on our superstructure but in some cases, we may implement Kafka where needed such as our market exchange trading platform where trading information need to be received near real-time.

Message-Orientated Systems are exactly as they described. Think email or direct messaging someone. They send you a message, you receive the message and read it and you may do something or respond. Now think of a computer talking to another computer sending hundreds or thousands of messages each second and both computers are fast enough to respond to all the messages in a second – that’s exactly how your current computer work except it can handle tens of thousands of messages in a second. We have a system call a controller or orchestrator that can route messages to a business process engine that operates as a gym member to sign up members and route messages to a boutique shop to let them know one of their agents procured a used luxury bag to list as for sale on their web site. That’s the power of message-orientated systems to drive multiple businesses from one superstructure platform.

Time and Space is a system to allow businesses to manage schedules, appointments, rentals and lease arrangements on a universal system. It helps prevent things like a shady person scheduling an event twice at the same time at two different businesses. I know there are cornballs creating barbershop appointment apps but our platform natively supports this feature. The real benefit is to apply the sharing economy models and membership models where a person can reserve a workout session with specific equipment reserve for them at a gym or a laundromat can reserve a specific washer driver for a specific person at a specific time for a fee. Artificial intelligence can then start looking at utilization and optimizing the experience for both businesses and customers.

Playbooks are the most exciting thing you should read about – it allows us to record the steps to launch a business and allow you to replay the same process to launch your business. We have several business operations going through playbooks at the time of this publishing that you will soon learn about. This allows black entrepreneurs to stop starting from scratch because no one passed down knowledge to them – well, we are going to be passing down knowledge down because we love yall.

Where We Going from Here

Please be mindful if this is the first time you hearing about all this effort and the superstructure, it is likely you were very ignorant and clueless. All of this stuff we just covered has been in the works for over 14 years as we moved in silence and talked about each step on this Dream and Hustle platform – you probably just been chasing some nonsense in the meantime; let’s both be honest. Because plenty of Black folks know we been talking about this for over a decade, don’t embarrass yourself in a comment section somewhere acting brand new.

The next step is simple – take care of those who had respect and support for Dream and Hustle and they are identified as our Early Adopters. They will have first exclusive access to the superstructure to carry out what they want to do and they will also have additional access to content and resources to make it happen – that’s my way of saying thanks to them.

Then we will move in silence among our community and around the world creating a global empire of ecosystems. Actually, all of this is happening currently. But this article was written to help you understand the new paradigm of the ADOS Digerati ecosystem so make sure you are ready for what’s going down. Because if you didn’t realize by now, this is all good stuff going on right now for our people despite what everybody else is about to face and go through.