Never Convo Your Real Hustle with a Fake Posturing Muppet

One of the funniest things I read this summer was there was this YouTube video with Max Maxwell in Dubai – a real cornball YouTube video that instantly told me Max didn’t have flex, even after yall gave that character all yall money. I noticed over and over, the Black community loves to give charlatans money but their own personal situation is they really needed that $50-$500 bucks to invest in their own situation. Black folks who need every dollar they got in their pockets be giving Jay Morrison their money because they got caught up on a video they watched on their computer, our people are so funny with their own money.

Back to the Max Maxwell in Dubai video, there was someone who wrote in the comment section “I’m going to Dubai and buy a property” as if they going to hope on an Emirates flight tomorrow and start buying up real estate in Dubai, bumping their gums all up in a comment section. By the way, the Emirates flight I was on to Dubai, it was 99% Indian acting like they were on a crowded train in Mumbai acting ratchet and standing up and laying out in the aisle like they had no damn manners – don’t ever tell me about how Black folks act after seeing that. One of them did something rude to my son but I was too outnumbered by one Black guy to 100 Indians – I would have gotten beaten by shoes. They cuss out the flight attendants for not having vegan meals when they were supposed to pre-order that when booking the ticket. I’m taking Delta out of Atlanta next time, stopover in Paris.

But back to that muppet in Max Maxell YouTube comment section talking about he going to go buy property in Dubai right now, that is the kind of muppets we got running around in the world today. People who like to talk and lie about their hustle and their flex over the keyboard. These are the kind of clowns you need to avoid and never find yourself around these kinds of folks. This is how I keep finding myself getting caught up, a bunch of clowns coming up to me and then I find out what kind of muppet I’m dealing with and wasted my time talking to a muppet instead of putting in real work on my goals.

You cannot go to Dubai and just buy property; you have to have residency and there are several expensive steps to obtain residency and a local bank account in the UAE which are all required to purchase real estate. These are not easy steps and will take a lot of red tape and time to get accomplished.  Anybody who know anything about Dubai and approached this process would know that from the jump. But we have this mouthy muppet in Max Maxwell's comment section blurting out via keyboard typing in a comment section they going over to Dubai and buying investment property right now.

When you are a real one like me, you will be somewhere at a networking event and you actually know blockchain technology, then you got some clown listening to Dr. Boyce Watkins talking about they got a Boyce Watkin blockchain certificate and try to get louder than you in the conversation explaining blockchain to everyone around you like they smarter than you. These are the situations I need you to avoid. I see this pattern a lot through the entire current Black professional spectrum, fakers who are posing the professionalism.

But a lot of this is the Black folk’s fault for not realizing it’s a faker in the room. Yall don’t know how to discern real from fake and that’s why we have bad Black relationships because people are too shallow and rely on emotional intelligence instead of logic-based observations. That’s why I love my Asian girl – does she got the body of an African sista? No, but she has been there above and beyond for me and my hustle and I’m smart enough to appreciate what really matters in the long run of this journey of the type of woman I need to be with. Logic over shallow emotions, I got that logic to make smart moves – these other characters don’t get it.

Be mindful of where you choose to go network and associate yourself. I would never be at some nonsense like a Blavity AfroTech event, you know they are some fake muppets posing and talking about money instead of creating value in the space – look at how silly Morgan DeBaun shallow money-number hollering behind be talking, she a sellout anyway and a corny one, look at the moves she made and you see she was chasing the game like a faker and now she all up in fake spaces, getting in where she fitting in.

Black Enterprise is another muppet magazine operation – they got that Fat Albert-looking character Derek Dingle or something like that – hey, hey, hey – it’s Fat Lard Ass Derek! He is asking in his Black Enterprise magazine interview if a Black owner business is profitable – big homey, if they do not have dissolution papers, then don’t worry if they are profitable or not profitable – they are alive and as long as they are around, they got a chance – this is a fake conversation folk be talking up – are you profitable, where is your office located and other worthless points meaning they are faking.

Don’t position yourself around muppets when you are realistic about what you doing and where you going. Be around the real ones who work hard like you, have failures and setbacks like you, and keep pushing forward like you. All you see is real work from them and they acknowledge you for your real work as well. It’s the fake ones that be talking unrealistic standards and activities like they just going to go over to Dubai and buy property in a Max Maxwell comment section.

Bonus: These are the same muppets who talk to a real one like yourself about they know someone doing what you doing but slyly put in that person doing better than you.

Most Black "professional" circles are fake muppets – the only Black circles I know that are real are folks who have to show they real like musicians and gearheads. Position yourself only around groups of people who have your drive and don’t focus on race or Black nationalist BS because those are where the muppets really like to hang out and talk up their nonsense. You hang out only in the winner circle and that is very important so you don’t waste your time dealing with a muppet instead of moving closer to your goals.