On God, I’ll Never Let Black Gatekeepers Stop Another Brotha/Sista from Gaining

We brothas and sistas live in a world surrounded by weak-ass Black people. We got our folks scared of losing blessings bestowed from a mortal instead of creating their own blessing gifted by God. We got our folks who are told what to do like go out and vote Democrat Party like a sheep and ask for nothing in return.

But worst, we got our folks wanting to pretend to hustle but won’t actually hustle and see everything around them declining – their quality of life, health, community, and their kids have given up on hope and determination.

Our folks are scared to dream big, hustle for the big things, and go big altogether. They talking lightweight stuff as if they have been programmed to stay in small spaces and be happy with that. What I discovered in poor Black communities is they won’t allow the Black community to get better because they realize they themselves have to be better to keep up the betterment of the community. They are not willing to do that – that’s uncomfortable and hard work for them.

Then we have historic gatekeepers in the Black community to keep up this status quo. These charlatans and race hustlers focus on selling low expectations and low frequency to the mass of Black people and call it “Black culture” or “the culture” to establish themselves as the standard-bearer of defining Black people and Black culture. And then we have a problem.

See the problem is where me and you enter the picture. When real brothas and sistas are out here doing our things chasing our big dreams and big goals that every other race is also chasing, we have these Black gatekeepers trying to work to hold us back and treat us as if we are on a fool's errands. They won’t mention what the real Black folks like me and you are doing out here and this is on purpose and by design.

We can name all of the Black gatekeepers out there like Black Enterprise, a joke of a magazine that tried to “set standards” on Black entrepreneurship. Then we got that lame garbage Blavity that is trying to sell content that is supposed to be motivational and aspirational with no substance. They write content about a Black person that “aims to” do something when we got Black folks in the real world already handling it for real.

These Black gatekeepers rely on validation from White-Privilege systems to maintain their status. Look at politicians they tell us to vote for only to see them do Nancy Pelosi and the corporate lobbyist establishment bidding. Look at the Black church with their preacher using their Black congregation tithes to buy themselves luxury items while selling hope and self-esteem – then look at the Catholic church throughout the world that built local fiscalism town squares for merchants and events, created Catholic education schools, St. Michael hospitals, establish monk, nun commune for those who commit their lives to God and the teaching of Christ.

Then look at Black media trying to promote their Blackness to me and you with a side-nod to corporate advertisers to sell their watered-down Black media content as the gateway to reach Black consumers.  If you are an ambitious Black entrepreneur that created a venture that competes seriously with these corporate advertisers, these same Black media will avoid you and try to shun you because they are trying to maintain a relationship with corporate advertisers, not promote what Black Excellence is really out there doing excellent stuff.

You should realize by now there is a whole framework in place to oppress Black Excellence and try to discourage Black people from going out and achieving big things. You should also acknowledge this framework is operated by compromised Black sellouts underwritten by corporations and liberals who want to control a narrative of our Blackness so we don’t grow from under the liberal sphere of influence.

In the 21st century, we are at a major paradigm shift in who we are as African-Americans and how big we can move in this world. We can move to China and start a global industry on our own accord. We can move to London or Paris or Tbilisi and start up our fashion design/information architect consulting firm. We can set up in Dubai or Mexico City as remote workers or digital entrepreneurs. We can hire Indians and Filipinos to help us achieve our vision while helping them learn and apply skills to help their own families and their people come up.

We don’t have to play this Black-identity narrative with these made-up artificial Black gatekeepers out here trying to establish themselves as the standard-bearer of Blackness. I’m going to let you know right now, I’m not playing with any of these punk-ass Black Boule characters running around telling me or you or any other brotha and sistas how far, how big we can become.

2023 to infinity, we brothas and sistas are driven by our own purpose and our own goals. We have no boundaries and no limits. We will work to create the value that serves our customers and fulfill our purpose in being. I can meet a brotha or sista in Tokyo at Mos Burger Café at Ginza Nine or meet at the Black Tap burger in the Dubai Mall. Nobody tells us how to move or has commentary on the moves we make.

This nonsense they try to come to Ed Dunn, telling me they know some Black person doing what I’m doing to generic, flatten my hustle to bring me down to some level they want me to be at – none of us is playing that crap no more. We don’t operate on anybody's permission or their comfort level anymore within the Black community – they are going to watch me and you get ours and they going to see we are doing it our way and we are living our life and they can praise us or quietly hate us but they better keep that negative nonsense out of our range.

Let me make sure we have a full understanding – these weak ass Black gatekeepers don’t got nothing for me but I got something for them if they want to go there. They can talk up some stuff but I can talk up some stuff with them, they won’t have a one-sided play. Let me explain something – these Black gatekeepers' best shot is to talk to broke and weak-minded Black folks while me and you are working worldwide with rich Europeans, Asians, and Arabs supporting the value we create. LOL on these weak-ass Black-identity gatekeepers struggling to define the “culture” when me and you are shaping the culture through our individual narratives.

We got this and I already got the framework to uplift Black Excellence and I got your back. I always had your back while the rest of these fake clowns bragged on their pockets trying to impress you. I never needed to show my pockets, I showed I had the talent, skills, fortitude, and determination to support those as my value proposition for you. I have nothing to lose and everything to gain and I promise we are going to epic war with these Black gatekeepers and we are going to run our own narrative, not these fake gatekeepers – not anymore and never again, on God.