Moguls Build Empires, Gods Build Universes, Omniverses and Metaverses

In our community, too many folks think small-minded and we call them Ford and Buick folks. Because no one rolling in Mercedes, Range Rovers, Bentleys cares about a Ford or a Buick; that's lightweight dreams. If you want to go big, you have to acquire the mindset and vision to do what you do big, bold and beautiful.

You and I see the current landscape how the paradigm has shifted and how big and global the opportunities are. Then you see basic folks in our community be smug and smirking talking about their basic hustle calling it an empire and act like they on some better than stuff. I get it all the time and it’s funny – I show up somewhere and folks don’t understand my levels of the tech game but they start getting the swagger to talk about their lightweight operations and act like they hustling harder than everybody in the room.

I explained exactly what I was doing over and over – the only way you can even realize what I’m doing is you have to be at a certain level and certain mindset. Once again for the peanut gallery characters – I established API gateways and hubs around the world, and I established Payment gateways and hubs around the world. We have a global setup to serve APIs to startups and other operations to provide digital-first backend services. They use the APIs, they are billed and they pay us, from around the world. Meanwhile, I got to listen to a character who took out financing talk about his one or two boutique shops in Atlanta like he running the room.

I do not even have to engage with basic folks, my clientele is entrepreneurs and executives around the world whose stories I like to hear about and to who I want to provide value to. I jet from major city to major city and set up hub-and-spoke networks. I get global girlfriends and align with global alpha bros from all backgrounds and we roll out and build up big things and help each other. Then I come back to my community where folks think I’m basic while they are following some YouTube charlatan clown before that mouthy character has to show up at the Amazon warehouse to start their work shift, taking orders from robots. Or be at the grocery store shopping for someone else swiping on their mobile phone putting a box of Cheerios in the grocery cart.

You don’t have to deal with lightweight characters or involve yourself around lightweight folks like we had to put up with back in the day. After the pandemic hit in 2020, we got that Great Reset where we have to focus on who we are, where we are at, and where we want to go – folks didn’t stay in touch or care to reach out to see how you and I were doing when the lockdown occurred so we saw folks’ true colors. But during that time when you had to think about yourself and your direction, the only two things you should have figured out is you are going to get your come up and you are going to go big, no more lightweight stuff.

Today, you don’t go out and just build up a business, you build up a domain, a culture, the environment. You create worlds and you bring manifestation into that world.

You see how Grand Theft Auto builds out an entire ecosystem and world. You see how UFC built up a universe of events, brands, and lifestyles. You see how the Kardashians built up a brand, look, attitude and style. You don’t write one damn book, you create the JK Rowling, HP Lovecraft worlds to write thousands of stories and have discussions and commentary on. You build out the universe, the omniverse, and the metaverse and become limitless in how big you want to get and how far you want to go and build something that will be bigger than your life – empires only last the life of a mogul, but dynasties last thousands of years of the domain master who created it.

Let’s focus on the new mindset, how to build out these domains and ecosystems, and understand the difference.

Universe. This is a singular ecosystem that can involve multiple characters, locations, and attributes but all focus on one area. For example, our upcoming Dream and Hustle book is focused on a universe that has stories of hustlers and go-getters and their individual storylines but they all exist in the same universe and may interact with each other. The Marvel and DC brands of superheroes are universes as well but even further, some characters are from World War II while other characters exist in the modern universe. So you can create stories like Star Wars that talk about the beginning and backgrounds and also talk about the current generation and next-generation characters and how they interact. One good example of a universe – is the Polo Ralph Lauren collection for Morehouse/Spellman which did an anachronistic universe of Black college fashion and dress experience.

Omniverse. The omniverse is multiple universes that have the same kind of theme. For example, the best example is Cirque Du Soleil – they have multiple cirque themes of different events and themes but all center around the Cirque Du Soleil experience whether you see the Las Vegas show or the traveling show. Another example is a cooking omniverse where you are cooking dishes but you focus on different universes of cooking dishes that represent a certain culture or you fusion the dishes into a unique omniverse of different dishes from different eras, locations, and techniques. You are combining or collecting multiple universes under your brand.

Metaverse. This is an embedded universe upon an existing universe which is described as augmented reality. Facebook's presentation of a metaverse is embarrassing and laughable. Dream and Hustle have done metaverse projects such as the virtual SistaSphere trade show that was geofenced over the V-103 For Sistas Only physical trade show. This allowed people who visited that misogynistic Atlanta radio station event back in the day to pull out their smartphones and see women-owned virtual vendors to shop from as an alternative. We have also proposed this geofenced model in a Dream and Hustle article about setting up a geofenced airport portal that allows an entrepreneur to advertise for rental cars, transport, the advertisement for vendors, and products sold at the airport and set up at airports around the world. QR codes are metaverse gateways as well, scanning a code to enter a metaspace through a mobile phone.

Your first thought when you want to build up something is to start thinking about that world you envisioned, then center everything around that world. The best person who did this was Prince – Prince created worlds from Purple Rain to Paisley Park and invoked both fashion, music, style, video, art, lyrics all rolled up in one package – it was not just an artist and an album, that was a Prince omniverse he created from Prince in Paris to Prince in Minneapolis.

Let’s go through an example of creating such as domain. Let’s say you want to create a lifestyle brand for urban upscale jet setters. The first thing you do is laugh at the basic Blavity clickbait business model and corporate sponsorship seeking generic stuff they doing over there, just bragging about empty numbers. Now you crack your knuckles and now you focus on an omniverse.

Establish the Model Human. Leon Trotsky when defining the Communist universe had a model of the “New Soviet Man” and “New Soviet Woman” and their role in Communism. Religions also defined the model Christian man and model Muslim woman. Your model should not be physical attributes but the shared destination – a feeling of self-worth, always learning, always discovering, always standing up for what’s right. Most corporations have this propaganda where they call it core values – this is your model that you want to establish members of your domain. This is the model that you want to attract those and feed them the information to migrate to your universe. This is why I told you early on, that I never cared about followers – I would attract the correct people I need to do business with when I’m ready because I know the model customer ahead of time.

Establish the Culture. The culture is the fashion, music, and style. Electronic dance music which started out as house music in Chicago and techno in Detroit was an early subculture that was underground, Miami Bass and Los Angeles roll bounce culture as well. Noticed how many other folks hijack our music and created their own culture and following. House music involved in EDM out of European-driven PLUR culture (Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect). Let’s go back to the HBCU Ralph Polo collection – you can create a modest and intelligent culture of Black decency and make that your model citizen and folks who want to gravitate in that direction will come forth and abide by that model because the culture will be valued and validated. You can create a Prince-like culture, you can create a motorcycle or Jeep culture or you can create a chill-hop/gaming culture for computer-driven folks.

Create the Touchpoint Mediums. These are going to be where your culture meets up or experience the universe. It could be a John Steinbeck book reading culture to discuss economic poverty. It can be a chill-hop streaming station to attract folks who like lo-fi music. It can be a club, outside the gas station, or a meetup of Jeeps and Slingshots. But here is the one part I want you to understand – it does not have to involve social meetups. You see for example in the Harajuku area of Tokyo Japan, someone can dress as a Lolita and don’t have any interaction with anyone and go there and just be seen among the crowd. A dude can show up at events dressed like the Polo HBCU collection with a part in his hair like he is from the 1920s. Or people can self-post to a Facebook group or Instagram/TikTok as well and interact with each other.

Before I move forward, notice I never said anything about building up a VR world and letting folks join via VR goggles – that is not what domain-building is about.

This is about building an ecosystem and too many times, we see dorks like the folks as Facebook got people thinking they need VR goggles to have a metaverse. You do realize in the 18th century; the ghost stories were actually metaverses? This was a way to have people gather and talk about historical figures and spread rumors about their ghosts still haunting a historical place. They even went stupid and start doing Ouija boards acting like they talking to the dead or ghosts. It was all a like-minded gathering, it wasn’t really about the ghosts, it was a culture of preserving the names of people and events. They had Jack the Ripper society and stuff like that.

Now we going to discuss the technology stuff. This is where you build out the universe.

User-Generated Content. This is where the people who want to be part of your ecosystem can contribute chill-hop tracks, contribute short stories, and essays, create podcasts, create fashion and looks, and create artwork. Let everybody contribute to the domain.

Establish NFT and DeFi Marketplace. Now, this is where you own the brand using blockchain technology. You create the marketplace where people can sell their chill-hop tracks as NFT. Someone can rent a piece of clothing or display art using a DeFi transaction or smart contract. Your NFT and DeFi are the transaction unit of your universe and it is the “official” space just like NFL and NBA have their official stamp on their merchandise. The culture knows that your blockchain is the official, your NFT marketplace is the place to be, and to use your DeFi for transactions – this is your ownership of the culture that you created.

Do you get it now? Moguls are basic folks, they just build basic business models, Gods build domains, universes, omniverses, and metaverses. Gods create the model of man and woman. Gods establish the culture of the people and the attributes of the ecosystem. Gods give free will to the people to contribute and tithe a commission to the creator of the domain. Gods use the blockchain to run NFT and DeFi.

See, the folks in our community – they still talking lightweight nonsense and crowdfunding a charlatan documentary project, they are not even at the mindset or level to understand what was written here and will figure it out when everybody else already got it popping. You are looking at a new paradigm of creating blockchain-driven domains and universes and leveraging digital assets that can be art, music, publications, lifestyle, fashion, rules, events to drive a world you created that has people validating your empire and build out a dynasty and legacy that will outlive you for generations to come.

That is where we are at and you better level up your mind to this stage of how the game and landscape is going to be in the 21st century.