• 10/6/2024 10:38:43 AM GMT
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Live Grown and Sexy Around Groovy People Like Grover

Keep yourself vibrant and fresh being around groovy people.

The Dubai Protocol: Building a Digital Ecosystem for the Movers and Makers

A space for those about their business and got something of value to contribute

The World is Yours as a Satellite-As-A-Service Entrepreneur

Create a business moving data through space as your side hustle.

Our Upcoming Announcements Will Be Season Finale for Goofy DEI Black-in-Tech

Cannot be a DEI sellout imposter when we over here got real work to show and tell.

Will Black Chicago Vote for Change or Stay Chicoons?

Everybody is watching how Black Chicago will vote.

Older Black Americans and Leftover Sistas are Voting for 1980s Reagan Democrats

We know they remember how bad it was in the 1980s under Reagan.

How DEI Fearless Fund Messed Up with Goofy Black Boule Nonsense

This cornball Black Boule DEI stunt is apex goofy within a global economy