Protect Her, Build with the Young Sistas and Toss These Black Feminists over 40

Brothas. Gentleman. Let’s not hold our younger sistas and our daughters to the evil and sins these garbage Black feminists have done to our people, our society, our culture. The young sistas are blameless and don’t understand why she is taking the most heat while the old Black feminists are suffering heat from their hot flashes. 

Understand our role as men is the biggest thing a young woman loves and respect. Our love as fathers, brothers, uncles, cousins, is the biggest love to a woman more than any goofy Black feminist can ever give. A young daughter will lash out and scream she want her daddy more than anything and her life will be impacted if a prominent man is not there to provide, protect, and help her flourish. 

As men, let’s deal with who need to be dealt with and accept our role to help and grow those who we have a primal nature to protect and nurture. Remember that the brothas have a God-ordained symbiotic relationship with women for 6-12 million years while these goofy Black feminists showed up several decades ago with some made up bullsh*t.  

What I can do as an elder brotha, is say f*ck these sistas over 40 that created this toxic relationship dynamic in the Black community. Chasing punks and thugs while real brothas was working on growth and development to be providers for their family and community. Collaborating with White liberals, mostly gay sissy ones trying to exclude or emasculate the image of Black men. 

They “don’t need a man” rhetoric and dragged other sistas into their negative nonsense, shaming her with “pick me” nonsense. I watched these sistas try to run psyops to hurt Black men emotionally saying some bullsh*t or trying to play games with a brotha who actually cared about her goofy ass. I know this from my own growth and development and life experience. 

These Black feminists tried to destroyed our Black culture, Black families, and our Black children because her goofy ass chose a drug dealer or a punk and mad at all of us brothas because she got played with what she has chosen. That’s why they need to be dealt with harshly and cut off altogether. 

I never have and never will deal with any woman over 39 in my entire life and I’m in my 50s. And I don’t plan to – this old brotha can always find a hot, firm, chick in her 20s who still bleed fresh red every 28 days. I don’t need a old scroochy coochie feminist sista for a damn thing. 

We recommend all brothas to cut off, write off, and shut off all these Black feminists over 40 permanently until they die the f*ck off. We don’t need them, and they hated us and tried a bunch of stuff to try to take us brothas down. They used the police, the court system, liberal media, our kids against Black men and they need to pay for all of that nonsense, and sentenced to life of banishment for that. 

We can build up with our younger sistas and hold them blameless. I ask the younger brothas to give your sistas a chance and start over on a new clean slate. Both of you recognize exactly what these Black feminists been doing for a few decades and we will remember that stuff Oprah and Tyler Perry was promoting against us Black men – these facts will be historically recorded and published. 

When I’m overseas, or over here in America, I do speak to the young sistas and help guide them in any way I can. I will be the father figure, the role model, the love she need in our ecosystem from a brotha and a real man. 

I will hold our younger sistas blameless and put all of that blame on these garbage ass Black feminists over 40 who can go f*ck off forever with what they did to the Black community and their sabotage activities will never be forgiven by me. 

We have the strength and the responsibility as men to create, shape, and cultivate our culture. We must say never again and never allow this feminist sh*t happen in our community again, on God 100%. 

I can tell you the younger sistas want no parts of that nonsense and it’s up to us brothas, us men to embrace anybody who want to do better, be better for all of us to move positive and towards our purpose as a people.