Navigating ADOS Through Inevitable Urban Intersectionality and Appropriation

I’m from the West Side of Chicago sitting in a café in Tokyo when this very curvaceous Afro-Swedish woman with tight jeans walked in through the door, we saw each other. I wave at her to come sit and she sat at my table and we had a chat. This is actual common to me - in Japan. I meet so many fine Blasian exotic and thick sistas in Tokyo, it’s ridiculous and I live in Atlanta – that’s the comparison level. 

That previous day in Tokyo, I met a woman from Botswana who is currently living in China vacationing in Tokyo and she is currently in China training future Botswana surgeons for her country. When I went to the resale Supreme shop called Babylon in Harajuku the Japanese workers where dressed as Chicanos you see in Los Angeles. 

What I just describe in a 24 hour experience in Tokyo is a snapshot of what is going on in almost every major urban area around the world – a cultural transformation through intersectionality and appropriation.  In British-ruled colonies, intersectionality and appropriation have occurred between Indian and African/Caribbean populations – you will usually see an African dressed in Indian garments for formal events.  In ADOS communities this phenomenon been going on since the 1800s where Asians, native Americans, Hindu Indians and mixed-raced populations assimilated into black communities where Kamala Harris swears to God she is “black” when she was raised by an Indian family. 

ADOS society today, comprised of multi-generations of descendants of slavery and Great Migration descendants who fought segregation to create communities, empowered unions in America and help write into law the Civil Rights Act to ensure an equal society with blood and sacrifice. But despite what we done in the past to get to this point, American descendants of slaves living in traditional black communities have to face this growing urbanization trend of intersectionality and appropriation. 

Meaning in today society, someone from the Middle East may come in and called themselves DJ Khaled and make hip-hop music based on the black entertainment industry foundation. Meaning someone from Asia is going to watch and enjoy basketball and have commentary and buy the latest sneakers and track ballers in the game. Meaning an African-American from the West Side of Chicago may be in Tokyo focused on future-facing business models to serve urban societies worldwide. Meaning a famous black actor is going to admit he is attracted to pre-surgery male-to-female transgendered identifying themselves as women. This is the world of appropriation and intersectionality ADOS has to comes to grip with. 

This article will highlight how ADOS will need to come to terms and deal with the inevitable of their role in an urbanized world rift with intersectionality and appropriation. Please note and what is important to discuss – what we are seeing has nothing to do with so-called “Cultural Marxism” where people with an agenda tries to force a “raceless society” with imagery of black/Asian women dating white men on TV shows or try to show Killer Mike supporting Bernie Sanders as if black people take Bernie Sanders seriously as a candidate – we don’t. 

Urban intersectionality and appropriation are natural occurring events among human migration patterns and even in animal society.  Cultural Marxism is fake and orchestrated whereas urban appropriation and intersectionality has everything to do with developing an identity of self based on the current environment. A Somali migrant child that moves into a majority black neighborhood in America is going to adopt ADOS cultural practices and views and will contribute to the shaping of society – that’s the reality of this conversation. 

Let’s go into the elements ADOS has to deal with the inevitable result – future generations elevating themselves to a self-identity after navigating through a world of hyper-appropriation and intersectionality. 

Intersectionality Through Interracial Relationships and Sexual Identity


ADOS is facing a world of cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy. On one spectrum, you see black women attacking black men for dating outside his race but at the same time preaching “swirling” as a solution to finding a good man. On one spectrum, you see black women attacking Malik Yorba for having love for pre-op male-to-female transgendered but these same black women are the ones uplifting drag queen culture where men dress as female and black women talk about how “attractive” the drag queen is. Black women are alienating black fathers from “her children” but also effeminizing her young black sons at the same time. The ADOS community appears all over the place at the intersectionality of sexual identity. 

End of the day, ADOS has no say over anybody dating preference except having a bigoted opinion about it – how people choose to express their sexuality is their identity journey beyond reproach of ADOS perspectives on the matter. We do not know the backstory of how interracial couples met each other and shortsighted to create opinions on just the racial element of that relationship. In Europe and Latin America – interracial relationships are normalized and many of them move to America. In integrated environments like military, corporate and educational institutions, interracial relationships occur from being part of the same interest circles. 

What’s going to happen is a lot of ADOS is going to find themselves on the wrong side of history or the wrong side of a discrimination lawsuit having hostile opinions of how people choose to identify themselves sexually. ADOS is going to have to face their own perspectives in a changing world where the reality is – an African-American man does not need an African-American woman to find their version of love and vice versa. So-called “racial loyalty” relationships are not going to prevail over what people in a world of appropriation and intersection have to navigate through to find their identity – ADOS better realize this fact real fast. 

Appropriation of Patterns and Practices for Self-Development 

In order to build up successful urban communities around the world, the new migrants are going to bring with them their patterns and practices to contribute to that urban society. As the urban children grow up, they are going to look for and search for urban patterns and practices they can adopt as well to shape their unique approach and direction to live an urban lifestyle. 

This means music traditionally belonging to ADOS will be appropriated and adopted for other cultures around the world. This means ADOS methods to peaceful protests and demonstrations (that Martin Luther King appropriated from Gandhi methods against colonial British) will also be appropriated as well. This means hair styles traditionally African will also be appropriated for local urban use around the other side of the world. 

These appropriations are accomplished through the Information age – someone on the other side of the world view Internet content or a music video or televised events and learn about other cultures and begin to appreciate how other cultures express themselves and adopt what they like and incorporate into their society to be “unique” and different. But most important, the appropriation brings value and why ADOS is going to be appropriating as well. 

ADOS appropriate so much from other nations like black hair styles that mostly originated in Black London, Caribbean and Africa. ADOS women sporting tattoos modeled after Japanese Geisha culture. Can give a lot more examples because ADOS did not have a music genre, we adopted others but it is hypocritical for ADOS to claim other people appropriating our culture when black folks been straightening their hair for almost 100 years make their hair appear European. 

ADOS will continue to openly embrace appropriation as other groups to develop urban solutions as well as shape our identity of who we are as a people. The discussion of who-copied-what is futile, worthless and hypocritical – we will all be appropriating in the future and that’s the reality of primal human adoption when migrating to different regions. 

Self-Identity Through Intersectionality and Appropriation


Romain Gavras, one of the most celebrated short film directions who interpreted music videos into powerful messages created one of the most powerful videos in modern history – Gosh, by Jamie XX. 

The video is too deep for the average person to understand – but those who navigate this world on other levels like myself will explain why this is the most powerful music video ever created that is deeper than anything the average person can comprehend and the purpose of this article. 

The video features Albino model Hassan Kone sitting in a VR café in China and begin pondering his placement and position in his environment. He is clearly a unique individual among the Chinese population and you see Hassan Kone is associating with other Chinese guys dressed in white assimilating and appropriating his physical identity – but are these his real friends or just who he has to associate with? 

We see the video take place at the infamous Chinese ghost town that was modeled after “Paris” showcasing the future vision of an urban society where appropriation and intersectionality takes place and the world Hassan Kone is living in. The video reaches the climax point of personal discovery and enlightenment for Hassan Kone under the replica Eiffel Tower – it is his moment he has to embrace who he is inside and his inner calling - no matter how the world around him was shaped.  The children in the video represented the nations of people who will respond to his calling when he attain his self-realization and purpose. 

This video represents the true purpose of man and woman – we are who we are inside and even through we are shaped by the world around us, our identity is a unique signature within our own soul – that is where we find the source of ourselves – our calling. And Hassan Kone reached that point of self-identity and awareness by growing away from the world of appropriation and intersectionality that shaped him and he is now in tune with himself. 

This is going to be the future outcome of urban identities as hyper-appropriation and hyper-intersectionality take place in urban communities around the world. The future urban population will consist of those who will continue a path of assimilation and we will also have those that reach the level of maturity to reject all labels and external identities imposed on them and rise to the level of individuality that makes them self-aware of who they really are inside – that’s why this is the most powerful music video ever created and is a future destiny awaiting it’s manifestation. 

No other group will experience this more than the advent and rise of the Afro-Asian population through China and the rest of Asia who are growing up in urban regions adopting global intersectionality and appropriation to find their own identity. And when they (they already are here) begin to rise above the intersectionality and appropriation to reach the level of self-enlightenment through self-discovery and self-realization, our Afro-Asian members of the Diaspora will be a future global force to reckon with. 

How ADOS Should Navigate Among Evolving Intersectionality


As this article stated, ADOS cannot fight what is unavoidable and primal nature – all living species on earth has the capability to adopt, appropriate and engage in intersectional identities – it is how we evolve and change.  Sure, a couple of attitude-having bigots and xenophobes within the ADOS community can run their mouth but it won’t change what is already in progress and how the world moves on to a new evolution we will not mortally live to see except feel the impact as we grow older. 

What ADOS has to do and there is no choice – we have to adopt and adapt to the changing world, even if the future does not meet the programmed perspectives we were taught. We have to be smart and separate the reality of the world from our personal beliefs and for some of us, we may have to comes to grips if we have done our own self-discovery journey to find our own true identities. 

Realize We Cannot Maintain Ethnicity Artificially. The only way you can maintain an ethnicity is through violence and force. You would have to create economic exclusion of other ethnic groups; you would have to engage in genocide of other groups and create a system of inequality where you consider your ethnicity superior and another group inferior. While the ADOS identity is a reflection of the past, it cannot sustain as an identity unless we continue to create value for the global society. What we have to do is make sure our culture and our contributions are preserved and that has to be done with education and institutions we established to allow others know who we are, what we done and the legacy ADOS left behind for society. 

Realize Other Groups Appropriating Will Take Advantage of You. The art of appropriation is taking something from someone else for their personal gain. They are not going to thank you – they going to create an HBO show call “Insecure” and pretend African-Americans like you are not the focus or important as they thrive off media platforms African-Americans help integrated. No one in Malaysia is going to build a statue for African-Americans and Latinos who created breakdancing and street art – the Malay youth is going to focus on appropriating the urban street culture for themselves. Our best option is to take the initiative and guide the appropriation – we teach and sell our patterns and practices. We make money by moving over there and teach or we sell instructions and take ownership of being the teachers with real background instead of having copycats provide a generic version of what we became experts in through our own cultural development of the practice. 

Move to Urban Centers Around the World. ADOS need to be immersed in communities around the urban world to share our contributions. We sit here and look at Chinese restaurants established all over the world and then act like we as ADOS cannot move around the world and provide our own value contributions in emerging cities. Don’t talk to me about American jobs - ADOS has talent and gifts that can be shared around the world I don’t care if it is a guy moving to Vietnam to start a basketball league over there – we have exportable talent and need to establish communities to expand our reach and influence to help make sure ADOS is included in the stories of those who had to appropriate and engage in intersectionality to develop their persona in emerging urban societies. 

Being Part of the Future Not Fighting It

When I was in the Tokyo café talking to this Afro-Swedish woman with the thickness and she was smiling back at me and we were talking about each other life experiences – I wasn’t black, I was OJ – meaning I was at a space and place in this world where I only had to be me and she only had to be her. 

In contrast, I go to Starbucks in Atlanta and always see stuck-up black women making assumptions we brothas hanging out at Starbucks are broke and she too good to interact with us.  In Tokyo, meeting and having coffee with this beautiful Afro-Swedish chick, I didn’t have to worry about someone opinion back in black America – for that moment I was with a woman I liked and I will never forget that moment ever in my life – and this is the not the first time this type of awesome encounter happened to me as a black man in Tokyo. 

I actually go around the world and immerse with people in major cities and see the diversity. I also see the ones who grew up as a migrant and had to appropriate and engage in intersectionality to form their identity. These people are very self-discovered and have risen above the identity politics we as ADOS intend to engage in.  These are the people around the world the young ADOS in America have to compete with on a global scale for resources and value creation - that’s the reality of the future. 

The world will continue to become more urbanized with the development of major cities reaching populations of 10 million and more – this is an epic future event for the 21st century. This means millions of people having to live among each other and develop who they are as they adopt everything they see around them or read about. We as ADOS adults have to train ourselves and our future ADOS generation to begin to adopt this future and also discover opportunities already created by ADOS as value they can profit from and keep our legacy going throughout this world.