Scaling the Ecosystem with Our Banneker Global Mesh Event Sourcing Grid

It was necessary to establish an enterprise-grade solution for our direction and vision of what we were building. We have just implemented our event-sourcing mesh network to handle event processing from a decentralized event store hub that we can mesh together with endpoints and edge points all over the world in key cities and markets.

We already discuss this concept in a previous Dream and Hustle article a long time ago but I’m pretty sure people be glossing over the technical stuff we are putting out there. In this article, I want to cover our event sourcing mesh because it is critical to understand how a run a digital-first business operation in the 21st century and the future of data and command processing. So let’s get going and explain what we just implemented and the serious impact.

Please note that we moving in silence – there is no need for big press releases and talking on podcasts and trying to explain myself to a clown behind a mic who really wants Google or Amazon to do what I do because that clown podcaster is holding stock positions in those big firms and not telling me and you. Besides, they are not giving you solutions – they asking about how much valuations and net worth stuff that does nothing to put more food on your table and you and your people can eat good.

In the low-code ecosystem, you do not need to know how to code complex routines. Instead, what you need to know is events – what will happen in the course of your operation. For example, if a checked-in customer made a purchase in their cart for hair shampoo then you should log an event “CUSTOMER_PURCHASE” and provide a JSON dataset of the customer id and the product id that represent the customer, a man, and product that is a shampoo for men.

When you log CUSTOMER_PURCHASE, there will be an orchestrator that will route your event to the correct microservices to determine how to process the event. Some microservice you create will adjust the inventory count because of CUSTOMER_PURCHASE, another microservice will calculate the revenue minus cost and report the profit for you to see your profits and margins in real-time, and another microservice will do a product cross-match and send out a coupon to the customer for hair conditioner for the same brand and charge the brand for the micro-marketing.

In our ecosystem, especially on Stony|Ellis, this is how your business is operated as a digital-first entrepreneur in the digital age. You create event sagas and event tasks. An event saga is a command such as MEMBERSHIP_CHECKIN and the event task is a microservice that checks the member plan for the expiration date or the member account balance and if they are close to a re-up, sends an SMS text reminder. If you really think about what’s going on, your microservices are your “digital employees” who perform tasks for you based on events. That is how event sourcing works and I hope you understand this, especially for low-code solutions that we are moving towards.

So how does the Banneker mesh fits in the picture? Your events are stored on an event hub and we can replicate and clone 1000s (actually 10,000s) of these hubs around the world that receive the event message and are processed and routed to your nearest microservice. We can host your microservice in hubs near Lithuania or Abu Dhabi or Cape Town that can route events and process messages with scale where you have a truly global scale business operation. If one hub goes down, we have thousands of hubs that can pick up the processing of that event. I have to stop here because I do not want to give too much away on our technology, I hope you understand the game and how the game works, and don’t talk too much about what you cooking.

So if you look at the bigger picture, you launch a digital-first business on Stony|Ellis by creating an entity such as The Manufactured Solution then you create brands under your entity like The Merchant and the Flow. You get crypto keys and a unique crypto-mark as your logo (which you can replace with your own) and you get an asset ledger, general ledger, and memo ledger where you can record your physical and digital assets, your accounting ledger, and your bylaws as the ledgers are on a blockchain ledger. You create operating agreements with your partners to determine how the funds are distributed and then you create the event sagas and the tasks – you just built a low-code driven digital-first business that you can start building against on your cheap ass Chromebook running your business at Starbucks drinking Mint Majesty tea while these other folks struggling to get their business off the ground.

Dream and Hustle Early Adopters get this and that is already known and we already explained. The rest of the folks who were lurking, not supporting, celebrating someone else – this is not a cheap service, and yall going to pay full price tho. We got clients all lined up in the Middle East and Asia who give me more love and support than my own people and they got more money to spend on us. So now you heard about this event source global mesh, now that you heard about that global media hub to distribute media worldwide, now that you heard about our underlying blockchain distributed ledger and cryptographic technology, how we moving around from Dubai, Tokyo, London – think about all those characters over there acting like they thought they were the one and we running all this for real over here, just quietly putting in the real work to show real value, real results.