My Recent Trip to Colombia and Calling Out the Passport Bros

I visited both Bogota and Medellin and saw what I saw. The reason I went to Colombia is we are looking for our Latin American hubs for my company. The countries on my short list are Panama, Colombia, and Mexico. These cities have our requirements of accessible international airport and urban culture required for our global talent team. However, since I’m in Colombia, I may as well see what the Passport Bros are up to.

I was planning to go to Cartagena but I seen enough in Medellin to know what the Passport Bros are up to. I have no business interest in Cartagena. This is also the case where I was planning to visit Sousa in Sousa in Dominican Republic but I have no interest or stake to go there as well. I've seen enough in Medellin to know what's going on.

Safety in Colombia

I want to make this understood first and foremost – Colombia is not a safe country for lightweights. A goofy going down to Colombia can be in a life-death situation even if they go in a group. They can snatch all you brothas up together and put you up in the jungle somewhere. I'm not gaslighting – they actually can and you don't have a safety net. I do not recommend one second anybody who is not street-smart or have real-world experience in situational awareness go to Colombia.

I do not recommend women liberally go to Colombia; it is not safe. The women are marginalized or trafficked down there and you sistas will not be treated as if you are better than them. If you a dude grew up in the hood knowing how to duck and dodge danger and keep your head on a swivel, you will have a great time knowing how to move around.

I'm a real one, not some goofy in a comment section circle you brothas be hanging in listening to other talk some BS like they about it. I recommend you brothas start in Japan as your first international destination for dating. There are levels to learn this game and Japan is a much better place and easier for you – both brothas and sistas. Choose Japan over Colombia in your travels. Colombia is for grown men 30-50 years old who know how to move around the world.

Cost for Americans

Colombia food was extremely inexpensive and eating out was hit/miss. In the upscale areas of Bogota and Medellin is where you want to eat. You get good quality fine dining options that would cost $70 in the USA for about $12-$20 a plate in Colombia.

Western establishments like Starbucks have American-level prices. You want to stick to the Colombian establishments for the best prices. For example, Frisby still taste like the 1970s and 1980s version of fried chicken that KFC no longer taste like and is lower cost.

However, there is a bigger cost – the begging. Because they see you as an American, they are coming for you with their hands out. They also know African-American brothas are generous and give out bigger amounts. I have seen it where beggars ran up to me and after that, bypass everybody else and go to another African-American man as if us two will meet their monthly quota in one day.

They Love American Black Men!

One of the most noticeable things you will recognize especially in Medellin is they worship American Black male culture and Black men. The women down there are literally awed by American Black men and some of you brothas back in America will notice most Colombia ladies show up in Black spots talking to Black men.

The taxi drivers, the street chicks, the bars and clubs know brothas coming in spending and showing respect for the local population. In addition, you will see the Colombia brothas embracing hip-hop with breakdancing, freestyle rapping, and pictures of Biggie Smalls and Tupac and more hip-hop culture adopted by Colombians.

If you are not a horrible looking brotha and look like you truly about it, you will see women 10x finer than those American women dissing you giving you attention. These Colombian chicks' body be banging in tight jeans or spandex looking at you and very friendly and happy if you speak to them and acknowledge them.   

There was this beautiful Colombian woman at Starbucks that walked in front of me who was my height and she was modestly thick and dressed in loosed modest clothing like an office worker. She saw me and kinda of blush. When I spoke to her, she basically melted – that's how much they love the brothas who got themselves together. Yes, I got her information and she is not a street walker as I get real chicks in this world.

Incident with Afro-Colombians

I was walking around on Saturday night and I came across a corner where there was two Afro-Colombian young men with a mouth on them. One of them saw me and spit on the ground, I looked right as his ass and he bucked down because he didn't want to go there. I kept walking and ignored him – don't engage the locals because it is a lose-lose situation. The local dude may get dealt with messing with the money of the tourists and the tourists have to explain everything to the police or authorities what happened.

The same dude said "Yankee go home" after I turned my back and kept walking. This didn't bother me and I was not scared, he would have been dealt with if he stepped off his perch. The next day, there was this old Santa-Claus looking motorcycle Afro-Colombian looking and starting at me like he mean-mugging, I didn't bother to walk by him and just turned left and did it in a way to message and signal to him that I'm not going to be bothered with his nonsense.  

If you been reading so far, this makes sense why these Afro-Colombians are acting like that. The majority of Colombians of European origin are treating African-American men like Kings – the Colombian dudes rapping and breakdancing and high-fiving and fist-bumping while the Colombian ladies are chasing African-American men and giving me hugs and cheek kisses and shaking their booty in front of me while these Afro-Colombians watch. The majority Colombians are acting like the Democrat party to Afro-Colombians where they treating outsiders like African-American brothas better than they treated the Afro-Colombians who live there and that's their country.

My thoughts are not hidden – Afro-Latinos are not on code like the rest of the African Diaspora. I can move around the world and run into a brotha or sista from the UK or Africa and we act like brothas and sistas towards each other. Afro-Latinos be saying they not Black and they are Latino and stuff like that so I don't bother with them and I also recommend you don't be bothered with any of us who are Black that is confused about being Black like Haitians and Black Dominicans and other Latin American countries who not on code like the rest of us – if they not us, then they not one of us and I don't care about their feelings or what they going through until they get on code.

Passport Bros Paying for It

The way the street working Colombia women were approaching me let me know the brothas are down here paying for sex from sex workers. I will not get into the raunchy details but they approach me the same way a domesticated cat that is lost will approach a human at the park, all friendly and trusting.

I'm not going to lie though – almost all of those sex workers were fine and I see the temptation. One of them approach me all aggressively and talking about what she want us to do for the equivalent of $4 and I'm looking at her like if this was America, I would be the one chasing her down by how naturally pretty she looked.

I saw how the brothas were moving down there and they were in groups like a bunch of US Sailors off port and I stayed away from that weak nonsense formation. Brothas, learn to move on your own and stop standing in crowds like that – that's how we see on the news where 6-7 brothas get shot at a gas station at 2am by an unknown shooter still at large.

Here is the problem I saw with the passport bros and the same in Japan, especially the YouTubers. There was enough fine, working-class, single Colombia women there a brotha could have talked to like the one I met in Starbucks and a few others that a brotha can build up a solid dating and relationship with. I think the brothas got weak game and just there for transactional or sex tourism in Colombia and just like Japan, it is way easier, cheaper, more substance to just find a decent woman to date and have a relationship with than paying sex workers every other brothas ran through.

So what the Passport Bros are doing is renting AirBnB and a rental car because you cannot bring the street chicks to a hotel and she gets his WhatsApp and he picks her up and drop her back off when he done with her – that's what the Passport Bros are basically doing. The Colombia cops are cracking down on the brothas snapping photos of them talking to the street walkers and cataloging so I hope the Passport Bros know they getting papers on you brothas and probably creating a dossier.

Manhandling a Future Wife

The place I always meet women when I go overseas – almost 80% of the quality women I encounter and establish a relationship with is the flight to the destination. At the Miami airport, I sat in the waiting lounge next to this Colombia woman in her books and she was slender but shapely and I can tell even as she was sitting down. If you watched Narcos on Netflix, she look like the Colombian lady that sat in the back of the taxi cab while Pablo was hiding in the trunk – she look exactly like her.

I get on the plane and who is in my seat row? Just me at the window, she was on the aisle seat and the middle seat was empty. She was a bit standoffish and during the flight I did something that is naturally masculine of me. When they served the food and we have our tray tables down, I put down the tray of the middle empty seat and put my food there so I can reclaim my space. I waved at her who still had the empty food tray at her seat and told her to put it on the middle tray.

At first, she balked but I told her (she spoke English, coming from Miami) in a masculine way, as if I was her husband to put it there so she can free up her space, as a husband speak to his wife as part of a relationship. Do you know what happened next? She complied and smiled. After that, she was asking me if I want a drink as the stewardess was passing out, taking my cups and snacks and giving it to me, telling me what she does and I had some AI books I was reading and she asked about the books, talkative. We hit it off.

Then she got up to use the lavatory and she purposely showed me her whole package from the back. She is wearing a wooly sweater and semi-tight jeans but her modest curves and shape was very defining and yeah, that's the 5 seconds I keep telling you women about when a man knows a marriage-minded woman he just met and will be ready to settle down with. A man knows that in 5 seconds of meeting a woman. We literally acted like a couple on the rest of the flight. I have her contact information, have a background story of how we met and I honestly can see myself having a long-term relationship with her but hiding my Japanese boo thang from her and vice versa.  

This example is for you brothas to know and understand that you have to bring your primal masculinity backed up by real substance to be in your true form. These chicks in America be on some bullsh*t but I want you to be honest how you would feel if you had encountered this woman and did what I did and got that kind of reaction? This is what the Japanese woman did as well with me although she is very supportive of me as a man pursuing his global empire dream.

I grew up in the 1980s where you could be a man in a true Black love relationship. But now, if I want be a man to a woman, it has to be done overseas meaning I know my future wife will be from outside of America.

Overall, My Thoughts on Colombia

Colombia is a modernized country but is still dangerous and shaky due to poor governorship that is common in Latin American countries. Poor law and legal enforcement mean it is kind of the Wild West and you have to look out for yourself. I had a very hard old-knock Colombian dude tell me on the way to the airport I have to learn full Spanish in Colombia to appreciate the country and work on that.

I do not think Colombian is a place I would relocate to because it is high risk of safety and security, even if married to a Colombian woman. This is not just Colombia; I would not consider Latin America as a whole in this fashion. I would just go to Medellin or Cartegena may once every other year but even if I did. Idealistically, the weather in Colombia is beautiful all year-round, you can grow and farm in the countryside and live off-grid and have a Star Link setup to have access to high-speed Internet but realistically, Colombia has a lot of chaos going on.

What I see as the perfect opportunity is what makes Colombian women special in the context of a Passport Bro. I would take that Colombian woman I met on the flight and we both setting up in Dubai, in Colombia, in America, in Tokyo and build up an empire for our kids. I'll be the Black Max Maxwell with that Colombian chick, lol.

Overall, let the Latino culture in America have Colombia because I don't see a pathway for brothas and sistas in general. Colombian women are awesome and the people are awesome but our culture is not compatible and should not engage in fantasy talk. I agree with Auston Holleman position that in this case, Africa would be a better choice than Latin America if you trying to establish yourself in a Global South region.

If you are an entrepreneur, I am liking Bogota as a city to launch a venture, but I have to consider other places before making a decision. Mexico City has a lot to offer but there is another cartel war flare-up at the moment. Right now, Bogota is what capturing my interest as a city to handle business at the level I'm doing. Emirates fly from Bogota and that's a plus in my book. But I have other places to visit including Vietnam and in Africa Rwanda and South Africa are on the top of the list I have to look at as well.

The only way I'm going back to Medellin is with a solid Colombia woman and enjoy the actual culture and fine dining together. That is the only true way a brotha can enjoy that city.