Embracing Your Zone to the Throne

It will take years. It will take experience. It will take observation. It will take reflection. It will take soul-searching. You have to look inside of yourself and realize who you are and optimize the unique individualism you possess to move around this world and get yours. 

For too long, people trying to conform, trying to make rules for you to follow to succeed in life. Look at these cornballs talking about money too much, an external artificial value of wealth and worth. These losers be in our circles talking millionaire this, millionaire that as if that is the agreed attainable goal that everybody has to play so we can compare our worth to the next person based on this artificial unit of value. When you in a group and you see some folks trying to use money/numbers to impress you who is “winning” then you know they are not in their zone and not winning anything. 

We had a lot of overpaid athletes in the sports world who could not compete against athletes who have heart and, in their zone, to play the game at their amplified level. So you should know at this juncture it is not money that determines the path to success and excellence. It is when a person trains hard and becomes in perfect tune with their mind, body, and soul and channels their spirit to put in the best of whatever they do. 

I discovered my zone and realize where my mind, body, and soul at. I realized I found space in London, Tokyo, Paris, Dubai, Cape Town, Singapore, and more. I realize my customer base is entrepreneurs around the world who actually got money and my platform is designed for them. I love military veterans because I’m one and I love ex-pats and running into them when I’m overseas. I have actual skills and people in my field respect and seek me out. I know what I like to do, who I like to be around, where I like to go and the journey I’m on towards my goals that matches my mind, body, and soul. 

But at the same time, I had a lot of nonsense that I was tolerating – clowns who talk that fake Black nationalism crap showing up around me talking in my comment section. Feminists who are mad because I can talk on a level with my sistas and I got a lot of high-caliber quality sistas in my close circle, better than these Black feminists. I had a lot of people close to me, like family members, fraternity members, negative sistas, and old friends that I “tolerated” their presence while they were around withholding praise, not supporting a brotha to antagonize me – I got rid of them quickly because they were messing with my vibe. 

I have sat down and mind-mapped what I’m really about. I’m about traveling, cooking, saving money, making money, writing, fighting poverty, educating good brothas and sistas, dating quality chicks around the world, dining out, electronic music festivals, beaches, Japan, and more. I don’t conform to someone else definition of what kind of person or Black man I should be. Once I found my zone and got rid of anything that got in the way of my zone, I reached a destination. 

That destination is freeing myself and protecting myself to stay in my zone and to reach the destination I’m working to reach. At this point, no one got an opinion I care about when it comes to how I handle mine. I have my blueprint and my plan and I did everything it take to get into my zone to the throne. 

It’s all about me and that's how it should have been all along.