The Day Has Arrived for the Demonrats to Fall
The days are over for the Democrat Party approaching the Black community with race-based voting out of obligation or scare tactics. Regardless who will win, the Democrats are done forever.
The Black community that vote for Democrats out of this racial identity politics are done as well. As many pointed out, Black people get more amped up for supporting Democrats than getting amped up on supporting their own local Black community issues and matters. The Black community is going to get a revolution regardless of tonight because they have to learn the hard way and we will see this manifest as soon as November 6th, after the election.
Cabala Harris has already shown she stood by and did nothing as Biden sent money overseas instead of help Americans, did nothing as Palestinian civilians are targeted for genocide by Israel as US supply the bombs, did not one thing to advance Black issues except symbolic nonsense. The migrant open borders was definitely a plot by the Democrats to dilute Black voting power, Black influence on politics and again, these goofy folks in our Black community go out and vote for Democrats blindly.
So essentially - the Democrats openly wrote off the Black vote and our people still ran out like sheep to vote for Democrats.
Who is going to fall? Illinois will be the first to deal with the blowback of Black communities voting like sheep - they have to pay and be made an example. That is already defined and in the works.
The so-called Black celebrity and Black pundit nonsense - the Black technocracy will let you know the pecking order, we will make sure of that.
Jobs - simply voting for capital gain tax increase is enough for companies to trigger layoffs and we know who will be targeted first. But this time, no one is feeling sorry for any Black goofy person voting against their interest.
The biggest blowback will be from Black men - they are going to take action that will reshape our Black community forever and that will be watched before our eyes. Overall, the Democrats will never get an easy vote from Black people again, there will be civil war, revolution, and uprisings within our community and we will be economically punished and gentrified because of supporting a demon rat. So be prepared because the Black community will never be the same again.