China Revealed Their Biggest Secret Weapon during CCP 100th Anniversary
2021 marks the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party. If you know the history of the CCP from the very poor famine beginnings and mistakes to learn from mistakes and continuous improvements to where they are today, then you have nothing but respect and congratulations for the CCP journey.
During the celebrations, China revealed how advanced they are and how far they come and they are a manufacturing and supply chain giant, they help build continents around the world and they will no longer be bullied by any Western colonizing nations. China built more highways in the past 25 years than the United States built in the USA entire history. China has built up megacities with nearly 20 million population, which is unheard of before only New York and Tokyo but China doubled and tripled down.
China's real breakthrough is when they bypassed Hong Kong and built up the Guangzhou region ports south of Hong Kong and turned into a technological powerhouse. When this Dream and Hustle blog was created, Shenzhen was underdeveloped and just slums, so was Chengdu. Black folks during the same time Dream and Hustle started where busy jive-talking and following Sergeant Willie Pete. Today, Black folks still jive-talking and following Po Light – but let’s look at how far Chengdu advanced:
During this same period, the only thing Black folks developed was a little neon sign outside of a gas station/convenience store saying it accepts WIC – that’s all we got to show for in the same time period. No commentary needed, we are an embarrassment, a disgrace and we are declining fast as a people with illusions of grandeur inside of our heads pressing likes on a Black success clickbait article trying to act like we Black folks are killing it in 2021 – we ain’t nowhere near Chengdu, Shenzhen or Shanghai.
This is a little off-topic but you know the funnier part? The Korean community when Dream and Hustle started was still a merchant support class mainly whose supply chain came from China and passed onto Black communities or they ran storefronts as family merchants mostly. It wasn’t until Incheon airport in 2008 was fully built to accommodate true international flights, the Korean economy began to take flight and look at Korea today, meanwhile, African-Americans are still jive-talking and still thinking Dr. Claud Anderson is the man with the plan.
The only man with a plan is President Xi who once again, you know his history – all he gets is respect, congrats, and admiration. There is only one thing I need to say about Xi and it is what he does, not what he says. He created a wealthy class from entrepreneurs, a middle class from rural villagers, and uplifted the marginalized out of extreme poverty at the same time. No one in our modern history (or any history – closest runner up is Octavian Caesar Augustus) did anything close to what Xi did with billions of people in a nation, no one.
Now President Xi has outlined a real plan for China and the people under the theme of “Common Prosperity” which is to reduce the wealth gap and transform civics to promote quality of life among all citizens. Here in Black America, we are purposely designed to be a downtrodden class so the Democrats can keep saying vote for them for stimulus checks or the Democrats will fight racism for us. Let’s talk about what Xi has planned while yall still reading some outdated Powernomics / 21 Laws of Power nonsense:
Common Prosperity. Aim to remove artificial barriers of elitists versus common people. Address those flaunting excess of wealth towards other people. We have this in our Black community with people flossing and finessing others with showing off materialism as the measure of self-worth. The clout-chasing folks need a poorer, thirsty audience to flaunt to, China is shutting this all down.
Toxic Celebrity Fan Culture Banned. These are social influencers who built up a toxic army that fight and bully others online. Think of the Beyonce Beehive or Tariq Nasheed followers busy online trying to argue with others. If you say something bad about a celebrity, these toxic clowns show up online trying to come at you. China saw this and targeted those influencers and shut them down altogether.
Sissy Men Banned. Men who act effeminate or dress like women are banned from broadcasts in China. President Xi calls them “sissy men” and is not any value to the prosperity and growth of a nation and a people. In America we got White liberal media promoting Lil Nas X and the rest of these sissies to try to make the Black man appear effeminate, hiding their hands.
Poverty Elimination Program. This one is important – this is the system we are researching and hoping to adopt. China has eliminated extreme poverty in rural areas by identifying the extreme poor, understand their programs, and looked and implemented economic development. The biggest solution was access to better roadways to establish trade routes and training to build items or provide service of value to trade in the greater marketplace. This is good work implemented by President Xi.
Checked Big Tech Monopolies. China is dealing with unchecked capitalism such as Chinese firms running to the USA instead of investing in China. Think about Blavity running to Silicon Valley instead of investing in their own people/communities claiming to be Black-orientated. China has done some moves like DiDi IPO shutting it down to send a message to others.
Checked Big Egos. One of the stories you heard was about Jack Ma. Well, you know what Jack Ma did? He came out on his own promoting some working system called 996. This means people should work 9 am to 9 pm, 6 days a week to promote hard work. China is a socialist state – who are the common people doing 996 benefiting? 996 was exploiting common people and benefiting capitalists like Jack Ma and President Xi and the CCP wasn’t about that. Now you know why Jack Ma quietly disappeared and not talking much nowadays, I don’t know what they did to him. China tells it people what to do, not Jack Ma. China needs work/life balance for population growth, not overworked people like Japan and their declining population. 996 has been banned in China as a result and the max work hours is 44 hours a week, better than USA standards.
Implement Social Credit System. There are people in China just like here in the USA who talk too much and say dumb stuff trying to harm society vibes with harmful verbalization. There are people who do shady stuff to other people, like scamming and getting over on others. What happens is these people play one person and move on to the next victim. China began a true social credit system to deal with these kinds of people or anybody doing silly stuff. This carrot and stick approach actually was a success – society has better behaved because shutting someone off the national transportation system and do-not-fly is not fun. Think about here in America where we got ignorant folks fighting on airplanes and supermarkets, punks weaving in and out of traffic and causing accidents, relationship scams – we need to check that as well over here.
Banned For-Profit Education. These are known as cram schools where parents are going broke sending their kids to these schools for promises of getting excellent grades and admission to prestigious schools. China banned these schools as they saw it as nothing more than a speculative boondoggle and discriminated against poor students as wealth inequality. The CCP belief is everybody should have the same access to education and equal shot for prosperity and growth by their own hard work, not if someone can afford to put their kids into a cram school.
Restricted Online Gaming for Kids. China banned the hours a child can play video games because they saw exactly what the industry has been hiding – these games are addictive and take away a child's attention span that should be focused on learning and development. MMO games or massive multiplayer online games like Call of Duty or Fortnite are very addictive and allow kids to bring other kids into the system for profits. China reined in on private gaming corporations creating these addictive activities to profit off the children, meanwhile, American kids are addicted and distracted to MMO and no one is saying anything about it.
So, as you see, the CCP has not only a long 100-year journey of continuous improvement but they are also focused on shaping a culture of a strong people in the 21st century by taking on modern issues we have not even begun to address in America. The liberals promoting toxic celebrity and sissy culture, online game addiction, wealth inequality – we think in America these are “rights” when in reality we are dealing with social saboteurs trying to destroy a quality way of life for me and you. They want us divisive and fighting each other and they make profits from the clicks and views of arguing to sell the traffic as value to online advertisers.
During the 100-year celebrations, China has demonstrated a lot of advancements and new weapons but they did announce everything. They just displayed it and wanted to see if we can catch it. It was not a military weapon or innovation in artificial intelligence or artificial islands. It was revealed during the 100th anniversary celebration of the CCP and is in this video.
Actually, this is an awesome production, especially if you appreciate the theatrical production of Rogers and Hammerstein, especially the Sound of Music. It is something nice to watch away from American propaganda and see stuff around the world and like I said, very good performance and show production.
There is one scene I noticed that lasted a few seconds near the end of the CCP celebration video China quietly put on display as their biggest secret weapon in the 21st century and here she is:
At this point, you should now realize as an African-American that you messed up and your children's future is messed up because you got caught lacking and distracted chasing dumb stuff. This young sista in the video can only be described with two words to the African-American people – game over.
I warned you about her almost 10 years ago on Dream and Hustle – she is the emerging Afro-Chinese member of our Diaspora and whatever you brothas and sistas thought you were, you ain’t. She got access to the CCP, she got access to global trade lines, mega-cities with 20 million population or more – LOL, who are you celebrating in Black Enterprise magazine again? She not going to be playing online video games, not going to be watching sissy Black men dancing on TikTok or be part of Beyonce Beehive – she going to build empires none of us can even dream of having access or opportunity to do so.
But most importantly, she got a CCP party to support her, not the Democrat party we got here in the USA. Let me explain something, I dated a woman who was 100% CCP, she was the best choom I ever had. In fact, it was her who help drive everything I’m doing now and she believed in me while sistas were judging me and trying every way to discount her own brotha – my CCP choom had my back and was in the arena with me back-to-back, us versus the world. Her CCP parents were awesome and excited about what I was doing and what I was trying to do for my people – it was my own people who let everything down chasing dumb stuff. It was also the first time I heard the analogy about not caring if the cat is black or white. Me and her still cool to this day and she contributed a lot of input to my platform development and I got 100% deep love respect for this woman because she was the first woman, I met that truly stood for something bigger than herself - the CCP.
With that said, I know exactly how that Afro-Chinese is being built and the rest of the Afro-Chinese like her got going on, got access to and the governance that better support their chase to prosperity. So, all you African-Americans, go on and keep watching sissy dancing videos on TikTok, keep arguing with people online about the Beehive, keep following Dr. Boyce Watkins and Umar Johnson, and yall can’t even get a school together, keep playing online video games for hours and hours on end and keep pretending some Black-orientated clickbait article is the narrative of us coming up when you know they just did PPP fraud to floss like they are right now.
Because you know exactly what the secret weapon is that is going to shut us down and our foolish acting ways – a smart Black woman, made in China.