What Afghanistan Should Teach Folks About Tokenism and Chasing Numbers
Let me speak in plain language – I have never seen an exhibition of weak coward mess of a people than what I saw with Afghanistan infrastructure created by the Western government. They got rolled over so easy by the Taliban because one side was fake manufactured news while the other was real business about the war games and takeover games. This scenario that played out in Afghanistan is no different than what goes on here in our community and society in America, especially when it comes to Black folks.
We got Black folks out here chasing and affiliating themselves with characters who are not battle-tested and just talking a whole bunch to their followers. We got cats wanting to be leaders but their followers are weak as hell and ain’t willing to be the soldiers that is needed to fight and win the war. And both of them get caught up.
You see these weak leaders if heat comes down, run just as fast as that coward President of Afghanistan who most say was a corrupt scumbag. Then you see the so-called followers, they scatter like roaches when the lights come on instead of stand their ground. They run to the airport clinging on planes, falling off dying trying to get out of there but won’t die fighting for the cause, that’s some punk coward stuff if I ever seen it in my life.
Black folks be up here following obviously weak brothas like Dr. Boyce Watkins bi-focal floppy looking ass knowing damn well he can’t fight a real battle for our people if it had to go down like that, he’ll run just like that Afghanistan president. Look how Warren Ballentine had 300k followers left him after he got caught in fed charges, left him on his own – fake numbers like claiming Afghanistan had a 300k well-trained security force, look how fast they scattered and ran when the Taliban just showed up.
You better think long and hard about who you associate with. Cats talk about they have big numbers like tens of thousands of followers on social media and think they got influence and clout. Folks affiliate themselves with White Privilege as a token and get financial funding or access to their circles. Then we all find out later, they didn’t really get any money, they were fronting on a carrot and stick arrangement. Then we find out the whole followers were just weak-ass observers who ran away or unfollowed when the pressure got a little serious.
Taliban rolled right in taking land because they real fighters and finesse the locales who saw they were real folks, not fake trained sellout clowns with US equipment bragging they got $100 billion in US funding and have 300k fighting force, selling numbers. Think about Blavity AfroTech and how they market their lame asses – talking about getting millions in funding, they have millions in valuation and talk about numbers all the damn time when they run their mouth but no real output, nothing competitive, just trying to shout out talking points to whoever they talking to. Because Blavity AfroTech is not talking to real Black folks and trying to solve real Black folks problems, just some faker clowns propped up by White folks trying to control the Black tech narrative.
Lesson of what happened in Afghanistan is you better be real and authentic in this game because this is really not a game. You better stay true to your convictions and who you really are and what you stand for and your vision to greatness everyone can see for themselves. You need this to attract skilled talent and employees to work with you who can do real work. You need this to attract the customer willing to do business with you and enjoy the benefit of the value you produce from your heart and soul of your convictions.
We got a lot of fakers operating like Satan where they focus on trying to deceive people with trickery like faking numbers, faking narratives but ain’t got nothing but illusions and optics they trying to get the people to believe in. But you see how fast those demons run for cover when the real ones come into the room where the light exposes the darkness on these characters.
There is a song you hear a lot in New Orleans about when those Saints come marching in, that you better be in that number when those Saints come marching in. I hope you understand the meaning of those versus now. You better shape yourself to be true to yourself, true to your goals and convictions and a shared vision others can see. You only affiliate yourself with real folks out here, not number chasing folks and sellout folks because trust me – they will be selling you up the river if they get a chance, I mean they already sold themselves out, why not sell you out?
When you roll with the real ones out here, you roll right over those fakers flouting numbers and narratives over really quick and take over the whole game really quick. That’s the lesson everyone should learn from what happened in Afghanistan.