In this episode Chia discuss the role of animal bonding as the true measure of a man character.
How the brothas should establish food security through preparation and meal making.
We talk about the changing landscape in 2025 with AI
Young brothas and sistas cannot goof off facing early end stage Black America in 2025
Chia.Wassup podcast covers the upcoming FB movement for men in response to the 4B movement
The kingmakers and rainmakers build the empires and kingdoms.
Good Black men saved the Black community, and saved themselves in 2024.
CLS means comment, like, subscribe.
Protecting your daughter from adversaries both foreign and domestic.
It only takes one good man sistas, stop letting other gaslight you.
Black men are becoming high-value and rejecting liberal paternalism
Yeah, the women overseas took her man!
He only focused on the leading horse to the water part..
Keep yourself vibrant and fresh being around groovy people.
Everybody is watching how Black Chicago will vote.
Dating distracts you from your destiny as a man
Make sure you stay in front of the curve, not behind it.
Black people have to finally reject the disrespect from the Democrats
The term “Black vote” is a pigeon-holed term we need to shut down in 2024
Just landed in Tokyo and setting up the gear and unpacking and wanted to give a quick update and what's ahead in Tokyo
If sistas don’t check each other, she all falling down.
The chaos in the White House has made the world more unstable, start prepping.
No matter what they throw at us, the brothas going to work it out
Do the sistas even realize how bad she is looking in 2024?
Just Another Case of Boule vs Bootstrappers within the Black Community
Look global to claim your identity and never let dogma define it.
No one feeling sorry for Black Chicago - vote for clown stuff, get a clown show.
The hardest is always the one you truly loved
This article covers what they don’t teach us about financial literacy.
The story you write for yourself is the most beautiful.
Because there is no finish line
Don’t ever let anyone tell you how to move in this day and time.
The flock-herd mindset will never understand the nature of a lone wolf.
The problem could be you are not alone enough.
You are behind the wheel. Take the road ahead.
The path of achieving apex attainment
One lesson in life, you get the fate you ask for
Black America is simply reaping what they sow
Brothas feel it so strong they eventually going to go full-on SYSBM
A brotha need to go to find out it’s already there waiting for him
The only thing that matters is you stay in control of your journey
Brothas supported misogynistic rap music, sistas dated Pookie and Ray-Ray
You have to hone your mind, body, and soul to align with your destiny.
The Black community's desperation to control Black narratives in the 21st century is failing.
The passport bros will inevitably mature and the Black community will pay the price
Don’t focus on leaving, focus on arriving
Dude, build real global power instead of gaslighting Black American women
Brotha-hating sistas messed around and found out how much global women love and support Black men.
Focus on your goals instead of woke nonsense like Black-identity and social justice
We will define our Black narrative, not corporate Black media
If your peeps not celebrating you, find new chooms who will
Stay on your journey and enjoy the exciting path ahead of you
Got rid of these weak-minded followers so the rest of us can rise up unlimited
100% cause of failure is people failing themselves
The optimum version of yourself versus the world
Fighting and fussing over a non-profit revealing Kimberly Bryant clout-chasing true colors
The first generation of Black men in history Black women want to divest from
Who and what you choose to associate with reveals 100% who you really are.
Always change your surrounding to reflect your positive progress.
Time to break this pattern of chasing numbers instead of chasing dreams
Charlatans are always powered by the people and their mass psychosis of ignorance and low self-worth
Never support anything not seeing to your personal progress/advancement
Because people make the world go around
Corporate War Coverage is Designed to Distract, Shock and Rattle You for Profits
Caught up in the middle of war and chaos screaming racism seeking favors/entitlement
But I don’t throw these facts in my people faces, do I?
No one can make you; you got one shot in life to make yourself.
COVID prison releases, cheap guns, encrypted comms – protect yourself
Stop screaming “first Black” and just operate your damn business.
Black silence is Black violence; recognize it and address it.
The “first Black” thirst chase is self-serving and adds no value to the Black community.
LOL, the Black community thought they can vote, pick and choose Black Excellence
Our people chose to celebrate posers over substance; we will pay for that decision in 2022
The year 2021 was no holiday but we gave no quit and here we are
Everybody in your circle is not happy you made it; learn to read their expressions
Don’t sell yourself out – do this your way with your life
Don’t apologize for being Black, future-facing and progressive
Let’s approach economic downturns with resiliency and a plan
Emerging Black celebrities must avoid the fatal mistake of getting famous before getting rich.
As a people, we are in a self-destruction battle where Black Ignorance battles Black Excellence and both end up losing the entire Black Community.
How really tight is your crew when it time to get real? You still believe numbers mean something to real folks in the game? Afghanistan gave you the real answers to those questions.
Surprising Important Mini-Doc Every African-American College Student Should Watch and Learn
It’s time to share information with young brothas and young sistas to learn from our mistakes
We are living in the moment of one of the most prosperous periods of our lifetime. It’s time to think smart and move smart.
When you hear “everybody doing that nowadays” – cut that person off and continue on pursuing your vision.
The ongoing attempt to emasculate the Black man of the Black community, don’t worry about it, keep your cool, we got you.
The Black community do not support the growth and development of Black Excellence; don’t expect a return on the little investment.
No one need to know your financial gains in 2020 and 2021 - move in silence towards your next level and spaces.
When you are ready to let the world know you are here, the world will be ready for you as well. This article discusses how to prepare for the worldwide premiere of your venture.
It will always be a distraction or event whether an upcoming planned holiday or unforeseen. You have to focus on your own schedule and timing for your goals and ventures.
2020 was a gloomy year for the Black community, with many suffering in silence. 2021 will not be a holiday either. This article will show to be decisive and in control in 2021.
The 2021 year is too severe for silly Vision Board Zoom parties. You need to keep your head above water in an economic/pandemic environment you have no control over. This article covers the real planning you need to survive and sustain.
It is easy to get blindsided by so many angles coming at us in the Digital Age. The primary factor that will determine how to navigate through the disruption is our mindset. We will talk about mindset traps and how to make moves with the right attitude.
I decided to take a digital break and declutter my house that was full of stuff. I realize most of the items taking up space were aspirational clutter, the hardest type of clutter to let go of.
People will permanently lose jobs and their lifestyle during this pandemic/economic crisis. The biggest victims will be those who chased status and participated in groupthink. To make it, you have to be part of the self-selected. This article talks about how to become self-selected.
As you pursue your goals or happiness, you will encounter people who will use the word “no” towards you – learn to quickly move until you get that “yes” you deserve.
You and your generation has been following others on social media, joining tribes to crowd mob your opinions with others and it changes nothing. The rich still getting richer and your future outlook is not as bright as you thought. If you want to be the person that can overcome challenges, you need to look outside of other people and try a new way.
In the near future, an African-American Lyft driver will pick up and drive an African-American Amazon warehouse worker to the gig and they both looking at each other knowing we African-Americans screwed it all up for our people. We will explain why in this article.
The American Descendants of Slavery (ADOS) are going to be challenged by Minority People of Color (MPOC) for political influence during the 2020 election year. This article will cover the strategies of both ADOS and MPOC and predict who will rise to the occasion in 2020.
The 21st century is changing the urban landscape rapidly yet African-American men is engaging in petty and ego-based activities instead of staying global competitive. The Afro-Tech cannot accommodate or protect these brothas and we have to move forward with or without them.