Why ADOS is Destined for a Gig Economy Future
Election 2020 is the make-or-break year for American Descendants of Slavery or ADOS. Either African-Americans are going to be able to fend off or succumb to the Democratic Party agenda to assimilate ADOS into an MPOC or minority person of color designation. We strongly believe the African-American community will fail in 2020 because the only option ADOS got is to ensure the other party, Republicans stay in power to buy time to reorganized and fight the far-left agenda against ADOS.
African-Americans are currently in la-la land making internet comments instead of handling their business while the world changes around into a more automated, , connected society. As the agenda to dissolve ADOS into an MPOC designation goes on and a major fight is going down in 2020, there are other factors that are likely going to force African-Americans into a “gig economy” designation which basically put most African-Americans back to a form of legal servitude through a perpetual poverty trap. The majority of the factors forcing a trajectory of gig-economy ADOS will be self-inflicted and let’s discuss them.
Intelligent Automation and Workflow
Intelligent automation at the maximum efficiency will take almost every job role and turn it into a fractional unit that can be processed by anybody. Distributed systems ran by automated workflow agents can create a scenario where a dozen bots from several firms can make business decisions using artificial intelligence against a single company ledger in a day. Meaning one bot can determine how to create a contract while another bot process account payables and account receivables and another calculates asset depreciation.
Fractional labor will have the same approach where people are going to compete for fractions of work instead of having a salaried job. Then it becomes basically a hedge between how high the robot request payment from the employer to how low an employee looking for work willing to accept to increase the robot profitability. African-Americans who still relying their success on “getting a good job” versus value creation are setting themselves up be the recipients of Fourth Industrial Revolution fractional labor.
Disinformation and Misinformation
A common trend in the African-American community and media is lying and spreading misinformation. Over and over when there are news story regarding the death of a famous African-American, outrageous conspiracy theories are created out of fantasy in comment sections by African-Americans. Media outlets such as Media Takeout partake in spreading lies and information under the guises of claiming to be satire and parody.
The problem is African-Americans spread these lies in comment sections on social media and mainstream media comment section causing the issue of misinformation being spread. The lies then spread to the barbershops, hair salons and in smaller circles and African-Americans begin to accept the lies as truth without any verifiable facts. We believe this behavior of African-Americans engaged in toxic lies and the carriers of comment sections in black spaces will be exploited as ground zero to spread misinformation to manipulate the black vote in the 2020 election.
Cannot Elect Policy Makers
African-Americans have a pattern of voting for novelty and boutique black politicians that are grossly ineffective and inadequate to do anything of substance for their black constituents in the black community. What African-Americans do not elect are legislators and policy makers who do not write laws but become a rubber stamp to the political leadership.
It is better for an African-American community to elect a politician that knows how to construct and submit bill proposals to be considered even if the politicians is not black. But African-Americans at large will continue to vote in a misguided for black identity not realizing the politicians they are voting for are undermining the black community and quality of life for black people while receiving corporate donations.
Cannot Build Infrastructures and Framework
African-Americans do not have a code of conduct and operate in a disrespectful and divisive manner towards each other. There is no institution in the African-American right now that can implement best practices and success patterns because of the “get the bag” and “selfie” culture where people want to be seen in media and social media as famous.
Instead of focusing on fundamentals of foundation building, African-Americans want to chase wild dreams through multi-level-marketing schemes or some social media influencer selling an investment opportunity. As a result, other groups continue to leapfrog African-Americans in power and influence which will turn into political influence to spend money on Election 2020 as a person of color while African-Americans have zero major political action committee with a competitive fundraising effort.
Ignorant about Money and STEM
African-Americans believe money is the solution as they like to say “cut the check” wanting to cash out from the blood and identity sacrifice of their enslaved ancestors. Other African-Americans talk about “get the bag” as if this is the end goal – get a lot of money not realizing they will still get disrespected trying to shop in Italy, Sweden or Beverly Hills. Not realizing no matter how much money they obtained, they will not be accepted at certain country clubs because they don’t have the status.
African-Americans are also ignorant of STEM not realizing STEM is value creation and the real source of wealth. So instead of focusing on value creation to have a strong stable source of value creation, African-Americans ignorantly chase a stored value instrument such as US Dollars to measure their worth and success and end up having nothing because no one respects of value them because they cannot create value organically.
Failure to Recognize We Fighting Collectives
America is no longer black and white – it is a complex system of collectives based on identities and issues and an intersection of both. White feminism, gay conservatives, Zionist libertarians, millennial socialists and we can keep going on and on. All of these groups have adopted the Civil Rights strategy of the 1960s and reverse engineered it for their own agenda strategy. Meanwhile, the overwhelming majority of African-Americans believe the political landscape is still black people versus white people.
African-Americans are going to be blindsided in 2020 with Pan-Asian interest political groups that will raise more money and deliver more political influence with media spend than nobody thought would happen. And the narrative will change where those who control mass media will control the message and African-Americans will be very lost in the sauce.
Take the Talented Tenth for Granted
African-American communities have one of the highest attrition rate of brain drain where talented and gifted black people abandoned and leave the black community and never look back. From childhood, African-American talent is bullied by peers for wanting to succeed or being too smart in the classroom, scared to raise their hand to answer a question. In higher education and even in communities, African-Americans are discouraged from celebrating their success or be ostracized for being “arrogant” causing the talented African-American to get the hell out of the black community and never come back.
This brain drain is devastating to the black community because the American economic system is based on value creation, not gold but value creation. And if there is no value creation in a given area, the value of the money and the economy deteriorates. It is not unusual to see in a black community a few people driving fancy cars but all of the commercial businesses are boarded up at the end of the block.
Another thing to consider is the emergence of “distributed blackness” where the black community and culture become virtual where there is no physical black community but “spaces” scattered throughout a given region where black people meetup. This emerging scenario of distributed blackness will be advanced as gentrification takes a stronger hold forcing poor African-Americans to no longer have a “space” where they can act a fool and be disrespectful and self-hating of their own people.
Looking Towards 2020
African-Americans do not appreciate the fact the only constant is change. Other groups are becoming more organized and acquiring more resources to create their narrative through policy and mainstream media. Technology is advancing where jobs that African-American rely on to pretend they doing better than the next black person and will become fractional work divvied out by robots and just gig contracts. African-Americans are slowly taking themselves out by keep electing worthless black politicians and spreading misinformation among themselves in comment sections. The worst of all, African-Americans are chasing away their best hope and talent leaving the insane to run the asylum.
Unless African-Americans realize the environment they are in and realize 2020 they may have to buy time keeping Republicans in power, they are going to fall victim to the Democrat liberal agenda to make ADOS fall under a “person of color” designation and work gig to gig as a permanent underclass – that is what 2020 is shaping up to define.