Becoming Self-Made Through Adversity
The first two months of 2022 have been one of the most trying times of my life. I’m personally impacted by these major international events while at the same time, moving forward with my venture. In addition, I have to address personal past loose ends that need to be cut as I chart a new path, new direction in my life towards growth and prosperity.
Japan's blanket travel ban against non-Japanese foreigners was not impactful to me but was very stressful and offensive, bigoted in nature. We invested in building up in Japan but now I cannot trust Japan anymore and we have to make a decision if Japan will be in our future after that blanket travel ban bullshit they pulled. We are still evaluating this decision but have to wait and see if Japan going to realize the mistake they made and how they harmed their own people, their own economy and businesses, and students who have been burned and don’t trust or respect Japan.
Now we have Ukraine – if anybody knows our background, the 3rd Strategic Institute has history there and we got people and their families there – anybody worth anything in this tech game got folks in Ukraine. My priority is to take care of my people. Ukraine is just a country to some of you, but that’s my people and the way my own people acted funny – I got nothing but solid work, loyal bonds with my people from Ukraine. We took care of our assets almost 10 years ago when there was an overthrow of the Russian puppet president, I blogged about that whole thing here. But this invasion thing – we got family members and a whole country with tech talent thrown into an array and this has a global ripple effect – Ukraine literally has been wiped off the tech map through this invasion.
I also been blogging/revealing personal matters – I have to remove fake members from my life circle because as you begin to manifest your goals, you start seeing real colors show up. You start seeing people for who they are and see they were the piece of garbage you overlooked but now it’s all out in front and center. I got some associates, friends, and family members like that realizing they had been withholding praise and quietly jealous and I began permanently cutting folks off. Then I see the Black community I was trying to do for, they created their own fantasy metaverse with clickbait and Instagram personalities who are about the views and likes and not about results – my people subscribing to that bullshit while suffering as a people.
I come to realize all of this going on – the international angles, the personal relationship angles and more are manifesting because I am on the way to greatness and being prepared for tough decisive moves as the game is changed. I also realize something else that is very important.
What I haven’t mentioned above is I found some good people this year and they are from all over the world. Japan, Brazil, Ukraine, Netherlands, UK, Colombia, some old-school brothas and classy sistas here in America, and more customer interest and growth in the Southeast Asia market. The SDK is close to global release and we set up our payment gateways to accept invoices after billing the APIs. At this juncture the move forward is towards me preparing for our goals, building up customers, and pursuing the path of being acquired by a SPAC.
I didn’t get this far in the journey by being some punk – I made it this far by making big decisions, going big places and being decisive and strong, and owning whatever path, I choose to make. That is how you become self-made and realize this is all your journey and your story that you take with your life. You have to go through the trials of shit going wrong and you making a way forward regardless.
Handling adversity is part of your path, embrace it, welcome it. Decisions have to be made and some of them seem hard but the truth is, they are not hard. The only one hard is going to be you – you need to handle shit hard out here. I have to make global decisions, have to cut people off, and bring fresh faces into the fold. I also have to pivot operations and change up some directions. I also have to make some big-scale engineering moves and spend big money while the rest of these other folks act like they are special. Just learn to live with your decision and learn to quickly write off bad ideas and expand upon good decisions.
This is why I don’t worry about some of these lightweight brothas and sistas out here running their mouth and you shouldn’t either. Not worried about who I let go out of my life either. Because I know at the end of the day, I’m going to stand by any decision I make and my decisions make me the person I will stand there and be at the end of the day – doing this my way.