Sh*tty Black Media Got You Worshiping Everybody Except Yourself
When you are a Black person that decided to go for your personal dreams, live out your truth and author your story, you will quickly realize Black media was designed to hold you in a square box or a crab barrel. You will realize Black media was a hindrance, not helpful in advancing our people over the years, and definitely not doing anything for you. Then you become emboldened realizing this journey of yours is between you and the higher power you serve that gives you the purpose to move forward ahead.
This garbage Essence magazine cover you looking at – only a weak-minded Black person in our community would be happy to see this kind of crap. This garbage is trying to sell you a third person to celebrate and worship and that’s how Black media does their thing. Black media never try to give you content to focus on the first-person which is yourself, and you are the one supposed to be paying to read this bullsh*t.
There is a racial inferiority reason why these crappy Black media focus on showcasing someone else to Black folks instead of directly helping folks – corporate sponsorship. There is a belief if the Black media promote themselves as too Black, too strong they will lose “white dollars” or corporate sponsorship. So instead, Black media focus on fluff stories profiling third-person narratives and talk about “inspirational” content to “inspire” Black people to admire the third-person they covering. So, with that said, anybody who supports this weak-ass Black media space is a weak-ass Black person, plain and simple.
Let’s not state the obvious – the Black people on these covers know they are attention-seekers and put themselves out there knowing this is the nature of Black media but do so to draw vanity attention to themselves. Let’s talk about the cover in the photo above – these two "pretty" food operators are not an “empire” or even essential nor critical to the Black economic ecosystem. If both of them fall off, it wouldn’t even be a blip or concern. All I saw from both of their models is the same past “Black kitchen” mistakes that don’t scale and get folks stuck and stagnant in the food game. They are just being over-celebrated at the moment, that’s all. It won’t take Korean food entrepreneurs 2 weeks to reproduce and sell cheaper and the Black community will run to those Korean food spots and you and I know this is how our people get down.
There is no reason in 2022 for any self-aware Black person to be supporting Black media crap like Essence. The magazine claim to know the “keep of our culture” – there is no keeper of our culture, there are people like me and you and that other Black person over there with our own individual and unique stories and journeys – we are the Black individuals that make up the collective and the culture of our people, not some punk-ass low-wage content writers at Essence magazine.
Then Essence has another write-up about the Black women in tech you should know about – the only ones in tech you should know about are those who work with you to integrate solutions to help you get to where you trying to go. There is zero value in you caring who are these Black women in tech – doesn’t mean anything to me, doesn’t mean anything to you at the end of the day when you sit at your own table and ready to eat what you earned. See, once again a bullcrap Black media magazine operation wanting you to worship everybody except yourself and want you to pay to read that nonsense they selling you.
Only weak folks in our Black community support crap like Essence and they be having a laughable weak attitude if you talk about a fish wrap like Essence. First, they will claim you a hater and try to pit the person they dickriding money versus your money when their broke-ass personally ain’t got money. I already explained my scale and business model in a previous post – they may want to sit their clueless ass down somewhere. Trust me, they run their weak ass off somewhere scowling once they learn, lol – that’s how they do!
In 2022 we have to be better than this Black media crap – we need to look at all content from all sources around the world to empower who we are. Knowledge is knowledge if it adds value and helps us get from A to B, I don’t care who writes it up. These Black media shitholes are designed to create a limited box narrative of me and you and are really disguised to get Black people to support the Democrats or other liberal agendas and avoid talking about actual Black empowerment. That’s the real playbook here, not to help Black people but to manipulate Black people.
I’m appealing to you directly my brothas and sistas – outright reject Black media crap like Essence that was sold off to corporatists a long time ago. Instead, bring it home and bring it all back to yourself and where you personally trying to go, where you personally trying to attain. You do not need “inspirational” stories – you need the actual how-to step-by-step process to move where you heading. Keep a promise to yourself that information and content focused on helping you get yours is the only type of content you will focus on from 2022 to infinity to serve your journey, your purpose.