How Strong Black Fathers Can Raise His Biracial Daughter in a Predatory World
One thing a strong brotha want to do after becoming successful is hookup with a non-sista and produce a biracial daughter to love and raise. But raising a biracial daughter has a lot of society risks that must be taken seriously by the Black father who want to see his daughter succeed and her dreams fulfilled.
This topic is not discussed because a biracial woman is targeted by both the elite and the trash in societies. You need to understand she has a lot of challenges and adversity against her growing up. She will have enemies foreign and domestic. Her biggest enemies are those that will position themselves closet to her.
In this article, we are going to discuss the type of predators, the method of reach, spaces, and how to protect and provide to your biracial daughter growth.
Type of Predators against Biracial Women
Learn who are the biggest adversary against your daughter. Overall, they view your daughter as vulnerable, lesser than, and easier to manipulate.
Jealous Women. Depending on the community you choose to live in, the majority racial makeup will designate your daughter as a minority. The girls in that country will either bully or shame or treat her as a token with conditional acceptance. Meaning, she must sleep with one of the girls goofy brother to remain accepted. You see this a lot with Korean girls hanging around White girls in education centers.
Mousy Dudes. These are the beta and weak dudes who see your biracial daughter as an “easy score” and try to hang around her as a so-called innocent friend. But he is fantasizing about a long-play of getting your biracial daughter at a spot where he sneaks a kiss and have his first sexual experience.
Media/Entertainment Industry. This is the industry a manipulative person is using the promise of fame and attention for your daughter with conditional acceptance of having sex with him or her before being allowed the opportunity.
Liberals. In their quest of promoting “person of color”, they will target your biracial daughter as a model minority where they can showcase an alternative to Blacks/Latino/Asian or other groups. They will use her until they find a new model minority to showcase and toss your biracial daughter off to the side.
Rappers and Chads. These are goofy cats who want to use your biracial daughter as an “exotic” in their rap video or chick magazine or bottle model or booth babe. Again, they will not pay her much and try to manipulate her with gaslighting that this is the break she needed.
Method of Approach
The first goal you need to understand as a Black father to biracial daughter is the grooming they will employ.
Insult then Befriend. This is gaslighting to try to make your biracial daughter feel less about herself, tear her down and build her up by accepting her later. This is a shock doctrine tactic. If your daughter tell you she is being bullied, take this serious as it is part of a grooming tactic.
Introduce Drugs. This is the high school and college and corporate environment. In order to be accepted, it will be that person who will try to bring her around drug culture and using this opportunity to manipulate to have sex with a goofy or a Chad.
Social Media Targeting. In current times, predators seek out biracial women and try to fill her head up to run away from home. These predators are very rampant and very practiced in their art of manipulation. If a biracial daughter is rebellious, she is more easily manipulated by these types of predators. We have news stories of news stories of mostly biracial daughters running into a van after school and is missing only to be found with an older predator man.
Spaces Where Your Biracial Daughter is Targeted
School and College Campus. This is the number one location your biracial daughter will be groomed and targeted for harm. It goes from all levels of education all the way into college. There is bullying, befriending and trying to give her conditional acceptance for sexual activity, especially by goofy cats and women who want to manipulate your daughter.
Corporate Workplace. When a biracial woman enters the workplace for the first time, she will meet all of her predators quickly before meeting any real friends. Conditional acceptance to be part of the club, mostly White Male Privilege or a model minority by the Executives who want to show diversity as their DEI initiative. She will be rarely respected for her talents and contributions.
Sports and Activities. Your daughter will reach the same level of conditional acceptance if she joins team-based sports. The coaches and staff will also be predatory coming around your biracial daughter. Grooming will happen of tearing down her performance and try to build her up to establish a relationship hoping it becomes sexual.
Travel Trips. I want you to watch the Volkswagen commercial that was filmed in 1999. Look at how the White dudes are looking around and the biracial Black girl in the front passenger seat – look at the faces and expressions in this video. This is how they will treat your biracial daughter on these travel trips.
Parties and Clubbing. Your biracial daughter may be targeted to be a bottle girl with coercion to offer extra services to the high-paying men in the club. Or she will be used as part of elite girl group at the club with mostly all White women or all Black women with their one biracial friend so they look diverse. Either way, your daughter is being exploited in these clubs because of her biracial identity.
How to Raise and Protect Your Daughter
Be the Best Man She Ever Known. This works more than anything – be 100% in her life as a good, fun, supportive dad. She needs to see the role of a real man in her life. Encourage her, support her, teach her and always be on her side.
Position Her in Safe Spaces. This is certain communities where she can meet other interracial girls and not have to fight alone. This goes for school, church, community and sporting activities.
Single Player Sports. Instead of team bullying, gear her towards tennis, golf, swimming, gymnastics were she can focus on her excellence and you help her and encourage her and no one else is involved.
Teach her Values. Your biracial daughter will first need high self-esteem and do the right thing. This is very important. Teach her about the dork and rappers that will try to approach her, especially if she is half-Asian. Make her understand all of these predators and fake friends so she can see them a mile away when they show up. Most Black fathers ignore this step and that is where things go badly and wrong.
She Need Money. You need to do what you got to do to give her money and the things to keep her independent. Teach her how to be financially independent and responsible so she doesn’t depend on someone else wealth or influence. That is where a lot of biracial girls from Black father go wrong – you need to spend everything on her and teach her the stuff you didn’t do to be financially independent.
Travel with Her. Take her around the world to experience new things and places. Even as a young woman, go travel and show her how to be independent and safe on her travel. Train her to experience things with her daddy so she does not settle for some goofy clown as she grows up.
Many of you are older Black fathers who seen life experiences where a proper daughter will take herself all the way to law school or as a doctor because she has an excellent father. You see these women become elite in her own talent and if you dated these kinds of women, you are hearing about her awesome dad and the travel and teachings daddy taught her in life.
While we are not discounting the mother, the truth is you as a father give your biracial daughter the moral compass and values to move strong and independent and fine the right kind of man for her. You have to fight to be in her life and prepare for her to always know her daddy will be there for her and she knows what to do and read people a mile away trying to come for her as she rise up.