The Reason Why Rebels Amputated Limbs During Sierra Leone Civil War
When you start researching the civil unrest and wars in Africa throughout history, there is a pattern of politics and power we can all learn from. For example, people like to celebrate and laud Patrice Lumumba but Patrice made a strategic mistake of not aligning the military behind him and allowed the military leader Mobutu to depose him.
In the past 12 months we have seen several military revolts that deposed African leaders and the story is the same – the people rise up, the local police get brutal, the military leadership decide to seize control and claim to form a new government – which they don’t and hold on to power as a military junta.
But there is always a story – leaders be selling out their people, their country, their economic resources. Then the people get fed up. This happened in Bangladesh where that woman who was running the country was extremely corrupt and it took an uprising to run her out of the country. I did not realize until all the details were out how that Prime Minister of Bangladesh just basically screwed over her people and passed out favors for her elite circle.
But there is a pattern that I noticed is never brought up behind these revolutions and disruptions – the people at large are voting and ratifying the corruption. We look at all of the countries from Latin America to Asia to Africa where there is a brutal or soft dictatorship, we see people rallying for the cult of personality and enigma or just voting to keep the status quo in power.
When you hear about the civil war in Sierra Leone, the stories you hear most is the conflict diamond mines, the child soldiers, and the amputations. It was the amputations that was the most important aspect and the purpose of this article.
There was a reason why the RUF rebels in Sierra Leone started amputating people when they raided villages. The reason is why the RUF became rebels in the first place. Sierra Leone had real corrupt leaders exploiting the country resources such as the diamond mine for their own personal gain. Those leaders needed to stay in power and guess who kept them in power?
It was the Sierra Leone people who kept voting for these corrupt leaders to stay in power. It was a faction among the people who saw the corruption and decided to take up arms and form the rebels. But what is unique about the rebels is their approach. The RUF did not just look at the corrupt leadership, they saw the people who kept voting these corrupt leaders in power as culpable as well.
According to the RUF own words, these people kept voting with their hands and the RUF decided to stop them from keep voting for the same corrupt leaders, they should no longer have hands. But they went off the rails and started chopping extra limbs and children’s limbs as well.
When I heard about this, it drew introspective to me about Democracy and does it really work? We have to accept that in general people as a mass are sheep and emotionally-driven and low-frequency. People are followers and think too shallow on deep matters and focus on made-up nonsense like hope and change instead of policies and tangibles.
You begin to understand why there is an Electoral College in the United States because the founders did not trust the people at large to vote for the leadership and direction of our country as a check and balance. You look at countries with a Prime Minister that is elected by the Parliament, not the people. You look at corporations where the CEO is elected by the Board of Directors, not the shareholders. Then you see why there is a buffer between the people and the leadership because the people be on goofy stuff.
This is why the “Black Vote” is dangerous and a setup. Because you and I know the majority of Black voters are sheepish and ignorant and driven by emotions instead of understanding policies and tangibles – the bike shed effect. Now you should realize what is going on.
It marginalizes all Black people to the ignorance sheepish low-frequency mindset of the Black mass. You and I know Black people are going to march to the polls and vote Democrats despite all the messaging and machinations the Democrats has done against Black people, because our people are ignorant as mass voters just like the voters in Sierra Leone.
When the majority of ignorant Black people vote for the Democrats that flooded their community with illegal migrants as a replacement strategy, go vote for the party that send money overseas but ignore paying for reparations, then it gives the optics of the mandate that Black people supported these Democrat initiatives against our own people.
The Democrats are using our mass ignorance against us and our people is going to essentially cut off our legs below our knees as a result.
We have to fight this and the only way is to make sure the Democrats don’t get enough Black votes to stay in power. The Democrats have to be rebuked and we need to send a message. Our biggest enemy is us – the sheep Black voters who want to run and vote Democrat out of the fake Kamala Harris identity politics portraying herself as a history-making Black woman.
My position is clear – not one Black vote for Democrats, all the way down the ballot. Either don’t vote or vote for an alternative candidate. However, the voting doesn’t matter – what matters is your personal escape and prep plan for Wednesday, November 6th.