How Our Comment API Deliver New Opportunity Streams of Value
Dream and Hustle features a new comment section for our members to provide their input on our articles. The comment system was engineered from the ground up and a paradigm shift in the traditional comment section platforms offered by others. The new comment system is part of the Toshikiso Social Credit platform and focus not only on web sites but other entities as well. This means the comment system does not only allow comments against content, but against people, places and things within the Toshikiso ecosystem.
The Toshikiso new comment system opens a new paradigm of how comments can be leveraged as conversational transactions in the digital age whereas Twitter and Facebook just have influencers and trolls running all over their system into irrelevancy. We will discuss how this new comment system works and the new paradigms of value streams that are new opportunities to explore.
Comment System Workflow
If you look at the bottom of a Dream and Hustle article, you will see a comment section has both a QR code and a push button to add a comment. What is missing is the traditional web form where you enter information. Instead you add your comment from Kossier. Here is the process to add a comment:
Scan the Comment QR code or Just Click on Button. You will be forwarded to your Kossier account where you may have to login. Once you are verified, you will be redirected to the add comment page.
Add Your Comment on Kossier. You will see a form within Kossier to add a comment. There is little restriction what you type because what will happen is artificial intelligence will look at what you typed and take moderation action if needed.
Check if Your Comment Is Available. Once you submit your comment, visit the content to see If your comments were updated.
That’s pretty much a straight forward process – you are using Kossier to add comments instead of typing directly on the web site.
Benefits of this New Approach
In this new paradigm, the comment system is integrated with the Kossier digital lifestyle app versus having a comment form hosted on the web site to offer comments. There are a lot of benefits to this approach:
Reads Not Writes. Because the comments are entered on Kossier, the web site do not have to deal with form inputs and people trying to enter malicious text to create hacks against their system. The web site only has to read the content from the API.
Improved Performance. If a site becomes busy or have a hot topics, people are trying to argue and add comments causing the web site to struggle in performance by writing comments to a database and reading comments from a database. However, the comments are added through Kossier and in a push format so the web site does not suffer from any writes locking their database causing their web site to slow down when people add a lot of comments.
Public Spaces and Shared Computers. A user looking at the web site at work or computer library can scan the QR code with and enter a comment on Kossier through their mobile phone. This allow people at work environments not have their keystrokes or conversation captured when they post a message.
Comment Trolls are Held Accountable. The comment system is part of a greater social credit system so when someone wants to add a stupid comment on your web site through Kossier, it will be analyzed by an artificial intelligence parser to determine several factors – are they a racist, a radical or disrupter by the words they use. This goes into our social credit system and that troll will not be able to hide like they are allowed to do on Twitter and Reddit.
Remember something important – Kossier accounts are owned by us, not the person. How a person use our Kossier account and the data they do with it while we lease it to them gives us the right to make decisions on how our account is treated – meaning if they go apply for a laundromat membership and the client see a social credit score flag stating they post racist trolling shit on comment sections, well people will start being held accountable.
New Monetization Opportunities
The Toshikiso ecosystem consist of various beings from people, applications, bots, assets and more. This means a comment thread can be associated with everything just mentioned in the ecosystem. This opens up new paradigms of engagement that are new opportunities and new value streams.
For example, if a person in a restaurant scan a QR on the table to provide a comment the table is dirty, that comment goes directly to the waitstaff who see it on a flat-panel display or their smartwatch to immediately come out and take care of it. Or someone can add a comment it is their spouse birthday or they about to propose and make a scene. Or they are ready for their check – an AI can parse this comment looking for keywords and notify the waitstaff of this event.
For you, these “engagements” can be monetized where you setup QR codes for businesses and setup the comment stream to display for them to respond to and you charge per comment sent.
New Value Streams
With this comment system, there are a few value streams we can classify.
Real-time feedback. An example is having a conference where instead of people interrupting asking questions, they scan a QR code and enter their question as the comment.
Ticker-tape feeds. These are the ones that you see where people added comments and it shows up in a scrolling message. This was hard to do with social media but now easier to implement.
Real-time requests. These are requests that an AI can parse that can be routed. For example, someone can go to a chillout lounge and enter comments about needing a menu, bring another drink or appetizer and charge it to their account.
There are various ways to implement the comment system – you can release a product that allow people to make comments that everybody can read about them and you have an AI respond to users. You can create smart city solutions that allow people make a comment about how issues they having in the Fourth Ward and the ward council can view the feed to take action. You can do so much and charge money per transaction and take this worldwide and build the empire up.
A New Paradigm
We have moved beyond the old model of comment systems that focused on blogs and social media where trolls and other bad actors take advantage of the forum. In the new system, any entity can provide a comment system through a centralized Kossier digital lifestyle app.
This new paradigm opens up a new channel that allow people to add comments more freely communicating with businesses. These are not chatbots – they route the message directly to a person or establishment to take action and acknowledgement.
The future roadmap is to allow more than text such as image uploads and allow machine learning microservices better access to analyze and moderate comments in real-time. We hope you enjoy this new comment system and be able to foresee the new opportunities and value streams ahead.